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Finding lost articles through horary astrology

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Sun 5 Dec 2010 11:43:00 AM

S N Rao
Finding lost articles is one of the most exciting areas of horary astrology in which this technique truly shines its brightest. When casting a horoscope for a client you must use the time that they contacted you and you understand their query. Doing a horary chart for yourself can be tricky because of the timing factor. If you notice that your keys are missing and you draw a chart on the computer chances are that the chart will not give correct answers. Why? Horary makes you work for your answers! And it requires an emotion behind a query. So I suggest that you first search in every possible place where you think you could have lost the keys. Only when you have exhausted all possibilities use that time to calculate the horary chart. Remember horary works best when there is that emotional charge behind each question. Moon is the most important planet which much relate to the question for getting an accurate answer.

Determine the house for which the article is related. All personal possessions are ruled by the second house. All articles related to communications like papers, books etc are related to the third house. Stolen vehicles will relate to the 4th house etc.  The placement of the planet in the sign will determine the significator. This will determine the direction and the place where the article is located.


This place might be a bakery, barbershop, foundry, sports arena, sports club, hardware store, butcher shop, and the dentist's office. If the article is indoors it can be in or near a chimney, stoves, furnace room, room where
machinery and tools are kept, room with locked doors or closets, places where iron or junk is stored, area where guns and ammunition are kept, under ashtrays, hat boxes, near ceilings, roofs or doorways, in rooms predominantly red in color, tool closets and a room with fireplaces. If the article is outdoors it can be near or on sandy grounds, newly opened tracts of land or land recently plowed, virgin land, burned land or barren hills, tool sheds, near a pine tree, storage place for a lawnmower. Aries indicates direction East and color red or red/orange.

This place might be a bank, jewelry store, gift store, carpet store, music hall, stable, opera house, loan office or company, dancing hall, clothing store. If the article is indoors it can be in a basement, room with tile floors, a lower or middle level room, storage room, a quiet room that is dimly lit with low ceilings, a dark closet, trunks, a cash box or safe place where cash is kept, storage place for furniture, music room, near a piano, safe deposit box, chest of drawers, wallet, handbag, suit of clothes. Look for the item close to the ground or the floor. Also, be sure to look in the bag or box in which the item was purchased. If the article is outdoors it can be on or near a recently cultivated meadow or field, a cattle pasture, the garden, a tree near the house, a shady area, a well-groomed lawn, and an attractive landscape. Taurus indicates direction South East and color shades of blue.


This place might be a bookstore, bus station, service station, library, railroad station, subway, school, and other place of learning, post office, storehouse, and office building. If the article is indoors it can be in an upstairs bedroom, hallway, stairway, study, trunk, chest, desk, briefcase, luggage, a room where books are kept, bookshelves, a place where reading or studying is done, a drawer where a person keeps pens and pencils and office supplies, filing cabinet, in a magazine rack, in the vestibule or entrance to a home, place where important
papers or records are kept (i.e. birth certificates, contracts, cancelled checks, legal documents, etc.), an area near the telephone or radio. If the article is outdoors it can be on or near a hill or other high place, the side of the driveway, barren ground, a place where one might take a daily walk, an area where the mailbox is, a brother or sister's home, a neighbor's home, a car, bus, telephone booth, side of the road, or in or near a garage. Gemini indicates the direction South West and color yellow.


This place might be a grocery store, bakery, saloon, tavern, cafeteria, dairy barn, lodges, public buildings, restaurant, nursery school, laundry facility, and reservoir. If the article is indoors look in a dining room, kitchen, laundry room, linen closet, nursery, cellar, pantry, kitchen, room with ordinary and inexpensive furnishings, room where the family gathers to discuss family matters, a room where articles of sentimental value are kept, room with the most windows, areas where fishing equipment is kept, area where china, silverware or kitchenware is stored, near a sink, pump or plumbing. If the article is outdoors it might be near or in a brook, lake, canal, ditch, river, ocean, pool of water, well, outside fountain, vegetable garden, swimming pool area, around a fire hydrant, picnic tables, active stream, a relaxing spot where one might nap for a short time. Cancer indicates direction North and colors green, pearl, silver, or cream.


This place might be a gambling house, betting parlor, bar, sports arena, theatre, dance hall, circus, poolroom, places of amusement, tavern, government building, golf course, race track. If the article is indoors the item can be in a sun porch, a room in a house where you have more windows, play room, den, living room, room where children spend time playing, room or place lacking orderliness, place where gold plated articles are kept, room or places belonging to your children, room with expensive furnishings, a toy chest, pool and game room, children's
bedroom. If the article is outdoors look for the item in a park, playground, forest, desert, high steep hills, front yard, public beach, resorts, area close to a sandbox, gym, corner of a year where games are setup, terrain with rocky area, jungle-like areas, outdoor fire places or barbecue pit. Leo denotes the direction North West and colors yellow, gold, or orange, shades of bright gold.


This place might be a doctor's office, health spa, veterinarian's office, nursing home, dry cleaners, grocery store, accountant's office, pharmacy, zoo, police station, nursery, tenant place. If the article is indoors it can be in a clothes and food closet, pantry, bookcase, desk, study, exercise room, filing cabinet, servant's quarters, room where pets are kept, room used as an office in the home, rented room in the home, sick person's room, storeroom study room. If the article is indoors it can be on or near a meadow, land that is level and fertile, gardens,
and grazing land for domestic animals, garage that is rented, part of the yard where pets are kept, a dog house, grain field, orchard, and store house. Virgo indicates the direction South West and colors yellow-green or violet, earthy tones and autumn colors.


This place might be a ballroom, places of entertainment, hotels, motels, theatres, beauty salons, banks, dressmakers, art galleries, or furniture stores, boutique. If the article is indoors look in a bedroom, music room, studio, dressing room, upper level room, cabinets, dressing table, wardrobe, luxurious furniture (especially cushioned), jewelry box or case, top drawers of a chest, top piece of furniture, a broom closet, room where you may find objects of fine art, linen closet, on a shelf, among your partner’s belongings, under a bed, or with hobby supplies or in an attic, guest room. If the article is outdoors search on mountaintops, sides, or top of a hill, hunting ground, flower garden, gravel field, close to lawn furniture. Libra points the direction west corner and colors deep blue, light blue or pastels shades, green.


This place might be a butcher shop, collection agency, dentist office, public restroom, abandoned house, cesspool, funeral parlor, graveyards, rest room, rubbish dump, massage parlor, insurance building, surgeon’s office, pharmacy. If the article is indoors it to can be in a bathroom, toilet, next to water pipes, in a dirty part of the house where rubbish or junk is kept, trashcan, a part of the house where it gets rotted or mildewed, room or desk where unpaid bills are kept, in an empty room, wash room, medicine cabinet, secret drawer or
chest, in a hiding place. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near a swamp, stagnant pool, locations subject to flooding, in or near a garbage can, near cesspools, a vermin infested area, next to an evergreen tree, in an orchard near muddy ground, or near or in a river. Scorpio indicates direction North East and colors dark red, burgundies, shades of wine and purple.


This place might be a banquet hall, temple, courthouse, gambling hall, doctor's house, stable, racing track, college, and university, places of public function, lawyer's office, bookstore, and lecture hall. If the article is indoors it can be in an upper room, near or in the fireplace, the largest room of the house, places where entertainment of guests is held, rooms where insurance policies are kept, a room where pets are allowed in the house, place where prayer books and college books are stored, among college memorabilia, place where woolen products are stored, room where very expensive furniture or imported things are. If the article is outdoors It can be on hills and highlands, near or on land which is best seen by raising your eyes to view it, near a maple or an oak tree, places where
horses are allowed to graze, where horseback riding is done, on sloping grounds. Sagittarius indicates the direction South East and colors blue violet, magenta, wine.


This place might be a church yard, cemetery, cave, city dump, business place, brick building, city hall, police station, funeral parlor, court house, the parent's home, brick building, corner building, abandoned building If the article is indoors it can be in a basement, disorderly room, rooms with leather or plastic accessories or furnishings, room with old worn furniture or sparsely furnished, a room where an old person stays, in or near garage, near a refrigerator or freezer, dark places that are hard to reach, a shelf where there are ceramics, next to an air conditioner, places where wood is stored, a corner. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near a thorny, open country area, rocky and uncultivated barren ground, places where lumber is stored, fallow ground, neglected
land, gravel pits, next to anold tree that is struggling for survival, near a tar or cement driveway, near the foundation of the house, near a gate, fenced or roped in area, a shaded area, a thorny or bushy area, next to a large rock, abandoned places or fields, a place with a bad smell, a vacant house or lot, near Pine trees.
Capricorn indicates the direction South and colors black, browns, and dark colors.


This place might be an airport, club house, factory, garage, gas station, highway, railroad station, public places a friends house, If the article is indoors it can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room or a room with barely comfortable furniture. If the article is outdoors it can be in or near places recently dug up, uneven ground, in or next to a garage, places where you park your car, in or around an automobile, on land that has been changed from farming to residential, in a wooded area with trails. Aquarius indicates the direction North West and colors turquoise and aquamarine.


This place might be a hospital, convalescent home, jail, convent, Tavern, a dock, secret place, drugstore, liquor store, shoe store, gasoline station, photo store, retirement community, asylum. If the article is indoors a closet, by a fish tank, wine cellar, the bar, a bedroom, bathroom, washroom, cold or damp floor, medicine cabinet, near photographic equipment, secret hiding place, part of the house where the well or street water comes in.If the article is outdoors near a fountain, a fishpond, a brook, or river, on the beach, a low place that is prone to flooding, remote places. Pisces indicates direction North West and colors blue violet, magenta, wine.
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