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Lunar eclipse on 26 June 2010 : Effects on various sign

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Mon 31 May 2010 10:03:44 PM

VGR Pavan

The interception of light from Sun by Earth and Moon cause Eclipse , If Moon intervenes between Sun and Earth it will cause Solar eclipse and if earth comes between Moon and Sun it is called as Lunar eclipse. This wonderful scene in the theatre of heavens can be seen by people who came under the shadow caused by these luminaries. When an eclipse occurs, some areas on earth can see it fully, some partially and some can’t see at all.

Astrologically this is a very interesting phenomenon to study. When Sun and Moon conjoins Rahu or Kethu on a full moon or new moon day eclipse takes place. As both the luminaries are dire enemies for Rahu and kethu they will cause much anxiety and pressure on the areas in which Sun and Moon have sway by karakathwa (signification) and Adhipathya(Ownership).

Vedic astrology says that eclipse in upachaya sthanas will give auspicious results and malefic results in all other houses. But people born on the star and sign where the eclipse take place will have to be very careful and propitiate well by performing japa to that star and Dana of shapes of Moon made of silver and also abhisheka to lord Siva. In some areas they will perform japas to Rahu/Kethu with whom the Moon conjoins on the day of eclipse.
In this year the first lunar eclipse (partial) will take place on 26 June 2010. It will be visible after sunset from Australia, and eastern Asia. The partial eclipse will happen at moon rise in India, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia and other places in eastern parts of Asia. It will be seen before sunrise over Western, North and South America. In India, this lunar eclipse will be visible in north-east part of India in Arunachala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Assam and eastern Bihar at Moon rise. Eclipse will not be visible in other parts of India. Exact details of the places where lunar eclipse will be visible can be found from following Nasa map -
lunar eclipse on 26 june 2010 map
Moon is going to join Rahu in Dhanus Rasi (Sagittarius sign) over Moola constellation. During the lunar eclipse, Moon the karaka for mind, will be afflicted by the magnetic impulses of Rahu /Kethu, this causes pressure and uncertainty in those areas ruled by Moon and the significations of the sign/bhava in which the eclipse is taking place. Western astrology is also of similar view. It will be meaningful if we add the significations of the starlord on which the eclipse is taking place (my personal opinion).

We can include both lagna and Moon sign to delineate the effect. The effects of the lunar eclipse in the moth of June, 2010 over the 12 signs or lagans as follows:
1. Aries/ Mesha Rasi/Lagna (Eclipse in 9th sign): Misunderstandings with the father, ill health to him, delay in foreign journeys or problems during long journeys, loss while in pilgrimage, pressure from foreigners, marital problems to younger brother, health complaints to mother, speculation loss to children, transfer to spouse, change of boss. Money gains to brother from doubtful sources.
2. Taurus/ Vrishabha Rasi/Lagna (Eclipse in 8th sign): Anxiety, troubles from, unforeseen causes, hearing of unpleasant news, possibility of accidents while in journeys, health problem to mother, failures in education to childern, loss of money and unfruitful investment by spouse, problem in vision (Eyes) to spouse, delay in writing of will, monetary losses to the father, delay in getting passports and Visas, problems in professional career of elder brother.

3. Gemini/ Mithuna Rasi/Lagna(Eclipse in 7th sign): Loss in speculation, legal proceedings to related to money issues, love failures to younger brother, loss in sale of property to mother, pressure in job to children, blood related problems (excessive bleeding to wife), headache to spouse, difference of opinion with spouse, retirement to father, transfer/change of boss, problems related to property by elder brother/sister.

4. Cancer/ Karkataka Rasi/Lagna (Eclipse in 6th sign): Problems related to pancreas, sciatica, over strain, sale of property for loss by younger brother/sister, pressure in office for mother, separation from children, misunderstanding from the side of  spouse, tough professional life for father, change of  boss, accidents to elder brother or sister, loss to secret enemies, loss while making long journey or trips.

5. Leo/ Simha Rasi/Lagna(Eclipse in 5th sign): confused mind , delay in decision making, heavy loss in speculation, problems related to transfer or posting to rural/tribal areas, lack of recognition for the efforts of younger brother/sister,  throat, dental problems to mother, accident proneness for children, poor performance in examination/job by spouse, loss in property to father, possibility for accidents to boss, separation from spouse to elder brother/sister.
6. Virgo/ Kanya Rasi/Lagna(Eclipse in 4th sign):  loss in sale or purchase of fixed assets/conveyance, separation from brother because of distant journeys to him, ill health to mother because of anxiety, diabetics, and rheumatism, loss in business  to the children, separation from spouse to children, speculative losses to the  spouse, sudden gains to father, accidents while in journeys to father , pleasant trips to boss (causing work burden to the native), exhaustion because of over strain to elder brother/sister.

7. Libra/ Tula Rasi/lagna(Eclipse in 3rd sign): transfer to nearby places, mental worries to younger brother/sister, loss to mother or her hospitalisation, less increment in salary to children (causing tension for them) , sudden journeys to spouse,  (resulting anxiety for wife) ,monetary loss to father in business , loss of children to elder brother/sister, huge losses to them in speculation.

8. Scorpio/ Vrishika Rasi/Lagna(Eclipse in 2nd house): problems in family, worry about future financial prospects,  demise of an elderly person in the family, business loss to younger brother/sister, slow recovery of health for mother, bad rumors against children at their work place, bad news for spouse, accidents for spouse, health complaints for father, and pressure in his work place, gains to elder brother/sister.

9. Sagittarius/ Dhanus Rasi/lagna(Eclipse in 1st sign) : people born in these rasis or lagans are to be very careful. Anxiety, problems related to blood circulation, lunacy, wild thoughts, gynic problems to ladies, gains to younger brother, change of job to mother, problems for long journeys to children, delay in getting visa and passports for children, misunderstandings from the side of spouse, failure in business issues for spouse, speculation losses to father, shifting to a distant place for elder brother/sister.  

10. Capricorn/ Makara Rasi/lagna (Eclipse in 12th sign): monetary loss because of cheating by others(especially business partners or spouse),insomnia, bad dreams, ill omens, sudden gains to younger brother/sister, problems from tenants of land for mother, danger to children, pressure in work place for spouse, loss in land deals to father, problems in elder brother/sister family.
11. Aquarius/ Kumbha Rasi/Lagna (Eclipse in 11th house): there will be gains but not much  satisfaction, gains through doubtful sources, residence change to younger brother, mental agony for  mother, danger through four wheelers for her, problems with  spouse to children , speculation loss to spouse or loss in investment in business , transfer to father, danger to elder brother/sister.

12. Pisces/ Meena Rasi/lagna (Eclipse in 10th sign): ill reputation at work place, tough time with boss, pressure from younger brother for money, mother will have unstable  mind, health issues to children, property to spouse, father will be uncomfortable with family and earnings, boss will behave like a ring master, loss in business to elder brother/sister.

Note: The effect of the eclipse will last for 15 days after eclipse.

Remedies or Shanthi (Pariharas) :

People born in Makha star and Dhanus rasi(even in other stars, Purvashadha and Utharashadha 1st pada) has to perform  shanthis and propitiate as follows :

1) Japa to Rahu and Chandra
2) Dana of Blackgram and Rice.
3) Dana of silver shapes of Snake and Moon.

People who could not afford to the above shanthis can do the following simple remedies :

1) Dana white cloth and rice.
2) Abhisheka to lord siva on Monday.
3) Dana of Black cloth and blackgram.
4) Pour milk on Idols of Nagdevtha.

Please note that the remedies are required only at the places where the eclipse is visible.
Peace and Prosperity to All.

To consult astrologer VGR Pavan, Please click here 

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