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Mangal Dosha in Lal Kitab

Author: Rajeev K. Khattar | Last Updated: Tue 24 Sep 2013 4:08:56 PM

Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha, Manglik Dosha, Mangal Dosha

Can Mangal Dosha destroy married life? Is there any remedy to ward off its negative effects? What Lal Kitab says about Mangal Dosha? Know the insightful answers of these astrological questions from famous astrologer Rajeev K Khattar in this article.

Every planet has its characteristic properties like every element in chemistry. Saturn is considered to posses cold nature as opposed to Mars, which is supposed to have hot temperament. Mars symbolises army, surgery, weapons and heat etc. If malefic Mars is affecting the head in the horoscope then the native has bad temperament; whereas if benefic Mars affects the head, it makes the native brave and courageous. Similarly, negative Mars affecting finances and family will create unhappiness and unpleasantness on this account.

In Vedic system of astrology, Mars placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of horoscope makes the native Manglik and is considered to affect native's thinking, family, finance and comforts etc. As Mars has three types of aspects, namely 4th, 7th and 8th houses, therefore, if placed in the first house, it affects the 4th house, 7th house and the 8th house by aspect. Mars aspecting 7th house destroys harmonious relations with the partner - whether it is the life partner or business partner. Whereas, its aspect on 4th house makes the native restless and results in a sour relationship with his/her mother.

To know if you have Kuja Dosha / Manglik Dosha in your Kundli, please visit - Mangal Dosha Report.

In South India, Mars in 2nd house also makes the native Manglik as from 2nd house (house of family and finance), it aspects 5th house ( house of progeny and love ), 8th house and 9th house ( luck and father). In the Stellar System of astrology, Mars should signify these houses through star-lord and sub-lord and then only it can affect native’s family and financial happiness. However, this is not the only Dosha that can destroy a person’s married life. There can be other combinations like negative Rahu in 7th house or 8th house, which also spoils native’s married life.

To get your chart analysed comprehensively for Mangal Dosha and to know the precise remedies that can be performed in your case to ward it off, you may also like to visit our paid service - Mangal Dosha.

Mars has two forms in Lal Kitab system of astrology, Nek (Good) and Budd (Bad). Mars, even if placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of horoscope can be positive depending upon it’s symptoms and moreover, if not placed in above mentioned houses can behave negative too due to Sun and Saturn conjunction or Venus in 9th house etc combinations.

At the time of match making between the prospective bride and the groom, Manglik Dosha is seen. It is believed that for the two horoscopes to match, either both the parties should have this Dosha (assuming two negatives makes positive) or both should be free from this Dosha. Cases of death of spouse after few hours, days or months of getting married can be read in the newspapers. If you check matrimonial sites, they too ask if the applicant has manglik Dosha.

The negative results of Manglik Dosh are possible to reduce with the available astrological remedies such as the special worshipping to mitigate the Kuja Dosha (Mangal Dosha), Mantra chanting, wearing Gemstones and making donations. These remedies for Mangal Dosha vary from individual to individual, depending on their horoscopes.

Traditionally, if only one party has this Dosha then he or she is made to marry either a tree or earthen pot before marrying the actual person. This is called "ghat vivaha” or “kumbh vivaha" which literally means getting married to an earthen pot. This ritual is believed to cast the negative spell on the pot rather than on the spouse. After the marriage, the pot is broken as a symbol of spouse’s death and the native gets married to the real person as second marriage. One famous bollywood actress supposedly married a tree before tying the knot with her spouse.

Lal Kitab suggests the native to wear pure silver, water a Neem tree regularly and donate sweet Prasad in Hanuman temple after reading Hanuman Chalisa. Vedic astrology has the opinion of wearing red coral to control negative effects of Mars.

It will be erroneous to blame only this Dosha to affect the relationship as more than 40% of the population is supposed to have this Dosha. Compatibility between the two partners should be seen in a broader perspective of overall astrological compliance. The horoscopes should be matched from an experienced astrologer only to know the correct analysis and the remedies to counter the negative & malefic effects.

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