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Pisces Horoscope 2017 Forecast

Author: - | Last Updated: Wed 7 Dec 2016 6:10:13 PM

western, Pisces, horoscope, 2017, astrology, zodiac, predictions, star, signs

February 20th to March 20th

Guided by Neptune, the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac vibrates to the tune of Mutable, Feminine, Water nature. Pisces is represented symbolically by a pair of fish. Pisceans carry the seeds and knowledge of all the previous signs. Identifying themselves with the suffering of others, people born under this Sun sign are natural counselors and healers. Pisceans glide their way in and out of the real and supernatural, experiencing endless possibilities and miracles, merging their individual egos with the universal identity, having faith in the wisdom of a higher destiny, accepting evolution and dissolution with I BELIEVE.

Pisces simultaneously experience psychic perception and emotional confusion, according to Western Astrology. They are humane and humble, compassionate and gentle, and show mystic and mysterious characteristics. In 2017, Neptune in Pisces is having 1-1 relationship pattern. Pisces is forming 2-12 relationship with Uranus in Aries and Jupiter is forming a 6-8 vibrational pattern with Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Sagittarius is in a 4-10 Square and Pluto in Capricorn is in a 3-11 Sextile with Pisces. Towards the end of the year, Jupiter in Scorpio is forming 5-9 Trine and Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto is in a 3-11 Sextile vibrational pattern with Pisces.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for January

January: Pisces Sun Signs start the year 2017 with unresolved monetary issues of the past year, that will intermittently rear their head unexpectedly. These issues may be connected with shared resources with family members or in joint ownerships connecting Piscean professional space. Uranus as 12th lord of Aquarius in 2nd Aries in opposition to 10th lord Jupiter in 8th house Libra is indicates the above-mentioned scenario. Saturn as 11th lord in 10th Sagittarius predicts growing social and personal connections through professional association. Pluto as 9th lord in 11th Capricorn helps in concretisation of learning, thought processes and higher aspirations in structured groups and associations. Neptune in own waters Pisces deepens the identification process and lends strength to purpose. This month predicts increase in monetary gains, comfortable home life, active work life, enjoyable relationships and new bonds of friendships. Travel and enjoyment with plenty of fun-filled activities are also indicated. These entertainment activities may be in the company of near and dear ones, loving family members or with best friends. In the initial days, Pisceans may need to be alert in their verbal communications, so that misunderstandings are not created.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for February

In the first half of the month, Pisceans will be their creative best. They are also likely to enjoy or take an active part in performance arts. Profits will register superb growth, but this may also amplify the issues and concerns in the joint resources within the family. Some Pisceans may be concerned with health issues of their family members. They may need to be alert about the fitness of the father figures or elderly male members in their family, and this aspect also extends to the family of their spouses. Piscean may need to be show a little restraint while dealing with family members. It is a good month for people who made careful investments in the market in the past. They stand to gain in a big way. Social life will be hectic but fulfilling. Career front will be stable with minor irritants. Some Pisceans may have increase in their job responsibilities. A few may have issues with their seniors and higher authority, and these need to be sorted out in an amicable manner. The eclipse occurring in the latter half of the month creates serious relationship issues in the personal life of Pisces, and which will result in tremendous internal churning and personality changes in Pisceans, as per Pisces Predictions for 2017.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for March

Pisceans will be in an introspective and contemplative mood. They are also likely to question themselves more during this time. Family life will be affected by monetary concerns or issues related to property. Romantic relationships may also be affected due to Piscean preoccupation with their personal problems. Or it may be that some Pisceans may have problematic situations in their family due to their romantic partners. Pluto sextile Neptune will guide the Pisceans to overcome issues in their personal lives. Mid month onwards, communicating their mental tensions related to monetary resources will bring relief. Mars in a trine with Pluto will gain great insight into bringing order and discipline in their personal and financial worlds, while Pluto will gain from the Martian direct approach and high energy levels towards solving social and relationship issues. Saturn trine Uranus will offer resilience and restraint in management of personal lives. Some Pisceans may, after plenty of re-thinking, initiate re-planning and renewal of financial partnerships forged in the past. A few may also decide to end one phase of their romantic past. Business partnerships and relationships might undergo tensions first followed by changes.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for April

Professions connected to Banking, Financial Planning, Insurances and Investments will be the prime gainers. Students in courses dealing with financial analysis, management and planning will perform excellently. The planetary combination of Uranus, Mercury, Venus and Sun in Aries in a trinal relationship with Saturn in 10th Sagittarius indicates fast paced progress made in one's Career life. Jupiter in Libra in opposition to the planetary combination that is mentioned above indicates the need for judicial use of one's financial power and balancing of power structures at the workplace. Piscean health and fitness will be in top form. In the latter half of the month, some Pisces borns may cultivate strenuous fitness regimen for themselves. They may also be slightly aggressive in their communication styles and thinking. Saturn and Mars opposition will be good for those in technical field. Engineering and Technology students may give their academic best performance. Matters related to buying and selling of land, residential and commercial property pick up and gather momentum. Some Pisceans may have a change of residence or initiate some modifications in the existing ones.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for May

Congenial atmosphere at home, friendly relations with people at the workplace, active social life, fulfilling personal relations are predicted for Pisces most of this month. For singles, romance may bloom later in the month. Pisces may have to be aware about the health issues of children in the family. This can be a cause for some worry. Freelancers looking forward to new projects may get them after some hurdles. Physical trainers and fitness experts may be in demand. Auditors and Accountants will have hectic time, though work front will be challenging with rewards. Some Pisceans may revive family traditions and ceremonies discontinued in the past due to some reason. A few Pisceans will be creative and romantic, and turn to poetic expression as an outlet. A lot of activity is happening in the Piscean home life. Irritations and minor hickerings can be tackled and managed easily. But discontentment and disharmony may need careful handling by Pisceans. Stern approach may only cause more differences, while gentleness and patience shown do not yield necessary results. It is a trying situation, no doubt. But not beyond the Pisceans, who will find a creating way to lessen these issues and remove them from their lives, over a period of time.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for June

Pisceans may be constantly engaged in balancing the personal home front and the official front this month. Neptune in square with Mercury, Mars, Sun in Gemini and in a square with Saturn in Sagittarius will create a tension in the lives of many Pisceans. Pluto sextile Neptune gives practical wisdom, strength, great courage and will in tackling any problematic situation, whether at home or in office. Some Pisceans may invest in Commercial Property, while a few with extra space in their residential property will utilise it for getting additional income. Most of Piscean earnings seems to flow towards the maintenance of home and family. Some Pisceans involved in research areas in the role of religion and spirituality in the enhancement of personal life and relationships will advance fast in their work and be looking forward to thesis submission. Venus in a trinal relationship with Pluto indicates sensual relationships being forged. Venus in a sextile with Neptune also indicates preoccupation of the Piscean mind with romantic ideas and notions. Great time to bond with friends, old and new. Time is also favourable, towards the end of the month, for some solo travel.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for July

An excellent month for those in creative fields. Music composers, lyricists, choreographers, script writers, theatre artists and playback singers will be very productive. A cultural revival may result in traditional and folk art catching the imagination of the people. Great news is on the cards for healing professions too. Nursing, counseling, psychotherapy and alternative systems of medicine advance rapidly in popularity charts. Pisceans will be in their creative and romantic best this month. Romantic life will be smooth and fulfilling. Those in long term romantic relationship will be planning to cement their ties. Mars, Sun, Mercury combination in Cancer in a beneficial opposition with Pluto will turn the mind towards meditational and spiritual practices too, while a favourable trine with Neptune in Pisces will take Pisceans to higher realms of creativity. Piscean homes will also receive their creative vibrations. Artistic wall decorations, paintings, modern art and exquisite sculptures adorn their interiors. It is an expenditure heavy month too. Pisceans will splurge on luxury purchases for their family members. Business ventures in Advertising, Creative Communication, Brand Promotion, Image and Public Relation Management will shine and prosper.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for August

Pisceans will be focused on the routine and innumerable mundane tasks that need attention on a priority basis in the official sphere. The month is favourable for those engaged in administration and human resource planning. Saturn in 10th Sagittarius in a square with Neptune in Pisces is creating tense situation in the professional front but Pluto in most favourable sextile in 11th Capricorn, and also carrying the additional advantage of the trinal vibration as lord of 9th Scorpio, will orient the dreamy Neptune towards the harsh realities of life. The eclipse of this month, occurring in 6th Leo, will also reiterate the practical and the pragmatic, routine and the mundane, mechanical and staid part of personal and professional aspects of life, that require our attention and cannot be wished away. Hard working students will perform better than their expectations, and conscientious professions will earn their promotions. Personal and intimate relationships take Pisceans on an emotional high, positively. Time is favourable for great bonding with loved ones. Travel with near and dear ones are predicted.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for September

Professionals in Micro Level Planning, Business Administration, Materials Management and Resource Development will benefit. Students pursuing courses in management studies, business administration, financial management and institutional administration will make deep inroads into their respective fields of study. Marital relations, romantic relations, youngsters, elders and extended family will be loving and supportive. Pisceans may have to be alert to minor irritants that crop up occasionally to disturb peaceful relations. Neptune from Pisces in a beneficial opposition with Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus combination in Virgo infuses a gentle and transformation in personal affairs. Pluto in a trine with the above-mentioned combination in Virgo will bring a depth of feelings to the personal relationships and attribute a higher meaning in order to cherish them. Pisceans will be surrounded with abundant money this month and will think of multiple creative ways of managing them efficiently.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for October

The first half of the month, Pisces borns will be busy trying to balance their personal and professional worlds. Jupiter, Sun and Mercury combination in Libra in opposition to 12th lord Uranus in Aries and in a sextile with 11th lord Saturn in Sagittarius, turn the Piscean mind away from the emotional world of relationships and towards a broader horizon of expansive social goals and humanitarian vision. A highly favourable time for shared resources, joint property, investments and shared resources. Financial growth will register an all time high and professional advancement is indicated. The ingress of Jupiter in 9th Scorpio initiates a process of internal churning and transformation that result in a major upheaval of Piscean personality. Venus and Mars in Libra in opposition to Uranus in Aries create pull the Piscean world in two different directions. While experiencing contradictory forces influencing their internal world, Jupiters movement into 9th house Scorpio, in trine with Neptune and in a sextile with Pluto, will result in attuning to different wavelength and hearing a different and unheard drumbeat.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for November

The presence of Jupiter, 10th lord of Sagittarius in 9th house Scorpio along with Sun and Mercury connects the professional and the social spheres, with clear vision. Career is on an upswing and business enterprises plan ambitious expansions. New partnerships are initiated even while old ones are retained and given an altogether different meaning. The combination of Jupiter, Sun and Venus inspire communication connected to a higher plane. Influenced very beneficially by Neptune from Pisces, the above-mentioned planetary placement emanates a highly spiritual vibration, taking the Piscean vision to a different realm. Piscean professional world will widen to include people with different and unique perspectives. The social world will expand both horizontally and vertically with high quality of knowledge sharing and exchange of spiritual ideas. The personal world will be integrated into the vast expanse of the external world, and the impersonal outside world will experience a personal touch.

Pisces Horoscope 2017 for December

The combination of Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Venus in 10th house Sagittarius draws the Pisceans into a wide social platform. This will impart a greater capacity for leadership, communication with a vision, personal ambition in harmony with humanitarian goals, and execution of work responsibilities with a higher sense of purpose. The Jupiter-Mars conjunction in 9th Scorpio, in a trine with Neptune in Pisces, transmits a focus aligned with dedication. The ingress of Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and sextile Jupiter and Neptune prepares a platform for greater social participation and enhanced professional network. Pisceans will come into limelight and receive public acclaim for their personal learning and professional activities connected to spirituality, religion and hidden mysteries of life. As they get ready to face year 2018 after assimilating varied personal and professional experiences in 2017, Pisceans evolve a broader personal vision for the benefit of greater social good.

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