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Planetary combination for Engineering Avocation

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Wed 14 Apr 2010 9:32:07 PM

Suchitra Das

The following planets are the driving force for a nativity to embark on the field of engineering and other related work.


Amongst the above planets, Mars and Saturn are the primary significator. The core engineering sectors like civil, electrical and mechanical require application of force and fire to give shape to a given project in the above areas of engineering. Mars is a fiery planet, which represents energy and force, while Saturn signifies application of labour and toil.  Mathematics and mental abilities are the integral parts of engineering studies and Mercury provides those abilities.  Venus is the planet of beauty and designing as well as planning. A person involved in the filed of engineering, especially an architectural engineer require the skill of planning and designing to give shape to his project. Rahu is the planet, which gives maneouvering and manipulative abilities coupled with innovative ideas. The positive and constructive maneouvering, manipulative and innovative ideas are the main attributes for successful engineers to plan their new projects and infrastructure for the well-being and convenience of the mankind as a whole. 

Apart from above, Physics and Chemistry also form the part of engineering studies and avocations. The Sun is the planet for Physics and Rahu is the planet for Chemistry.

The fructification of result to produce a famous and successful engineer depends on numerous astrological factors, which can only be read by an expert astrologer having accumulated knowledge and wisdom at his credit. The advents and rapid addition of branches in the field of engineering has made the study further complicated.

Well, I have mapped some important planetary configuration for engineering profession.  Since engineering as subject has assumed a larger proportion now a day with addition of numerous branches, I would hasten up my discussion to cover some more important and interesting points.

The Saturn is the natural significator of employment in a nativity. The strength and good placement of Saturn is, therefore, one of most important factors for success and smoothness in professional matters. The correlation between Mars and any fiery signs in D1 provide necessary impetus for engineering studies and avocations. We assess planetary positions and minute astrological details in D-1 (Natal Chart), D-24 (sub divisional chart for educational prosperity), D-10 (divisional chart for professional matter), D-11 (for deciding efforts required to earn livelihood/wealth), D-9 (Navamsa chart – to assess the planetary strength as an additional tool), and Asthakavarga chart, etc. etc. coupled with planetary transit as well as periods and sub periods. The mutual interactions amongst the planets are also of paramount importance in deciding the branches of engineering. I list below a few examples in this regard.

-Mercury takes one to Information Technology (IT) trade, aeronautical engineering, etc. whereas Rahu groom one as Software Engineer. Reasons, Mercury is a planet of ballooning and aeronautic is associated with balloon. Mercury is a planet of mental ability and Information Technology requires constant application of mind. Rahu is a planet of maneouvering and innovative ideas and, as such, the ideal planet for Software Engineering.

-Saturn takes one to the field of Mining Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, drilling and crude oil exploration, etc. Reason, the Saturn represents labour and application of toils and these sectors in engineering are all labour oriented requiring application of toil.

-Mars makes one Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer as well as Civil Engineer. Reason, Mars is a fiery planet and these sectors are related to fire in one or the other form.  Mars also represents land and no civil engineering related work could be done without support from the land.

-Venus fine tune one as Architectural Engineer and in the field of Architectural designing. Reason, Venus is a planet of beauty, designing and planning.

The level of affluence depends on many astrological factors including strength and position of the significator planets, running of favourable period and sub period coupled with favourable transit result etc., which can only be read by an expert astrologer on individual basis.


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