Kundalini Yoga: What Chakra to Meditate Upon?
Meditation is the most useful tool to elevate Kundalini. But many people are not able to decide - on what Chakra they should meditate or they keep changing the Chakras without awakening any of these Chakras. Actually, this is not a problem at all if you practice the yoga in an organized manner. You won't face this problem if you will practice the previous step of meditation i.e. Pranayam thoroughly.
Proper practice of Pranayam will lead you to know your actual position – on what Chakra your consciousness is lying. Your Prana (Vital force) can be at Muladhar or at Vishuddhi or at Ajna Chakra – it is depended on your past spiritual practice – if you did a lot of Sadhna (spiritual practice) in your previous birth, your consciousness will be situated at higher Chakras and vise versa.
After some practice of Pranayam, you will start to feel the sensation of Prana at some particular point in your body. This is the right point or Chakra where you should concentrate your mind on. It's the point where your Prana is lying at. In reality, Pranayam and meditation are not completely distinct spiritual exercises. Meditation is the advanced stage of Pranayam. Even after a little practice of Pranayam, you'll be able to see the light of a particular color at a Chakra. These colors have different meanings which will be discussed later.
It is not necessary to try to fix your mind on a Chakra forcefully. You won't be able to concentrate if you'll try to do so; because you don't know the right Chakra for you. It'll be a wasteful effort. You will enter in meditative state automatically while doing Pranayam. Pranayam is as important as meditation, so don't neglect Pranayam if you want to progress in Kundalini Yoga.
Proper practice of Pranayam will lead you to know your actual position – on what Chakra your consciousness is lying. Your Prana (Vital force) can be at Muladhar or at Vishuddhi or at Ajna Chakra – it is depended on your past spiritual practice – if you did a lot of Sadhna (spiritual practice) in your previous birth, your consciousness will be situated at higher Chakras and vise versa.
After some practice of Pranayam, you will start to feel the sensation of Prana at some particular point in your body. This is the right point or Chakra where you should concentrate your mind on. It's the point where your Prana is lying at. In reality, Pranayam and meditation are not completely distinct spiritual exercises. Meditation is the advanced stage of Pranayam. Even after a little practice of Pranayam, you'll be able to see the light of a particular color at a Chakra. These colors have different meanings which will be discussed later.
It is not necessary to try to fix your mind on a Chakra forcefully. You won't be able to concentrate if you'll try to do so; because you don't know the right Chakra for you. It'll be a wasteful effort. You will enter in meditative state automatically while doing Pranayam. Pranayam is as important as meditation, so don't neglect Pranayam if you want to progress in Kundalini Yoga.
At October 27, 2006 6:28 PM,
Raj said…
I find the post useful.
I see that your words come from experience...
I dont practise kundalini yoga , raja yoga or hatha yoga.
only I used to be inspired by reading vivekananda and advaita vedanta...and i used to and still get a sensation in the middle of my spine....and this increased in frequency. happened more and more...
I practise pranayama though for sinusitis...
I keep reading all yogas , so I thought I should meditate on the heart chakra..but it was difficult...
I just wanted to have a steady posture to meditate on nirguna brahman, and started siddhasana and frontal gaze...as it was recommended with siddhasana in hathya yoga pradipika...and in the second sitting in siddhasana ,i started getting a powerful sensation in between the eyebrows...
this sensation is more powerful than the sensation I get in the middle of the spine....so after reading your post I feel more comfortable about which chakra I should meditate on if I want to..
and I agree with your view "meditation is higher stage of pranayama"..coz when i read and reflect on advaita vedanta i observed that my breating becomes steady and shallow...asana and concentration seem to come naturally.
So, do u think that there is a relation between a person's personality and the chakra he feels?
for example, a person who has consciouness in the ajna chakra...what characteristis does that person have? i.e. if there is a correlation,Plz let me know.
At May 23, 2008 5:54 PM,
ravi said…
i was really confused about the meditation in kundalini awakening; i read your views and found them worthy; i will try and hope that it comes good. although i practise pranayam before meditation but it confuses me that what chakra to concentrate upon; and what to concentrate upon? please suggest me something on it. and according to shri krisna in geeta; concentrating with will is the real meditation; let not your inner self wander here and there; focus it to one; into me.
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