Spiritual Secret of Winning Friends & Influencing People

Black hole is also dark and have the great gravity i.e. attraction power. Nothing can go away from it if comes close to it once. Darkness or black color signifies attraction. It shows the void or the space too. The one who has vacuum in himself/herself i.e. the one without ego becomes immensely attractive like Krishna. According to science, when there's void somewhere, everything feels a strong pull towards that place. And this is the true secret of attracting or influencing people.
Now the question arises how one can be egoless. All the methods strengthen the ego, not eradicate it. To be free from ego, one must observe his/her all mental and physical activities all the time without interfering in the process. It means one should always be aware of one's intentions, feeling and thoughts without trying to change or suppress them. This is a continuous meditation. Kabir mentioned its ripe state as "Sahaj Samadhi". It is the secret spiritual key of influencing people and winning friends.
Labels: secret, spirituality, vedic