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Vedic Nadi Astrology for Career & Profession

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Tue 12 Oct 2010 3:00:15 PM

By Suchitra Das

The Nadi system of predictions is a little shift from the traditional Parasari principles albeit the fact remains that the outcome of predictions through both the principles becomes the same. I am, therefore, of the view that either Nadi or Parasari principles can be used to corroborate or supplement the predictive results for the other one. However, the Nadi System has its own uniqueness of predictive methodology. An astrologer should thus have a wide knowledge in every branches of Astrology for accurate predictions.

Today, I am going to discuss the basic principles of Nadi system in regard to professional matter with illustration and case study. The principles of Nadi system of predictions could mainly be traced in Saptharishi Nadi, Nandi Nadi and Bhrigu Nadi. In Tamil, Nadi means ‘to search’ and it is ascribed by some that they are called Nadi Jyotisha because people go in search of astrologers having palm leaves. In a simple form of interpretation of the system, prima facie, in Nadi system, the significator planets and direction of the signs and planets located therein bear significance for predictions along with other important astrological considerations. The main significator planet for professional matter in Nadi System is SATURN and the planetary positions revolve around him in a Natal Chart form the basis of predictions for professional matters. In Parasari system, too, the Saturn is the natural significator for labour and services. In Astrology, the Saturn signifies ‘KARMA’, which have within its ambit vast meaning in astrological parlance. However, the near English equivalent of Karma could generally be career/service if interpreted from the angle of profession. The table below shows the characteristics of signs according to Nadi Astrology, which are mainly used as tools in Nadi system of predictions.

Signs Direction Character Nature
Aries East Moveable Fiery
Taurus South Fixed Earthy
Gemini West Common Airy
Cancer North Moveable Watery
Leo East Fixed Fiery
Virgo South Common Earthy
Libra West Moveable Airy
Scorpio North Fixed Watery
Sagittarius East Common Fiery
Capricorn South Moveable Earthy
Aquarius West Fixed Airy
Pisces North Common Watery

Synopsis Emerged from the above Table

  • The East Directional signs are Aries (Mars), Leo (Sun) and Sagittarius (Jupiter) and their rulers are great friends amongst themselves. These signs are fiery signs representing activities requiring employing of heat and force. While Aries is Moveable sign (transferable nature of job), Leo is a Fixed sign (non transferable nature of job) and Sagittarius is a Common sign (both transferable and non-transferable nature of job).
  • The South Directional signs are Taurus (Venus), Virgo (Mercury) and Capricorn (Saturn) and their lords are great friends amongst themselves. These signs are Earthy signs representing all business and worldly activities. While Taurus is a Fixed sign (business in a fixed place), Virgo is a Common sign (business in export and import) and Capricorn a Moveable sign (business through across the border).
  • The West Directional signs are Gemini (Mercury), Libra (Venus) and Aquarius (Saturn) and their lords are great friends amongst themselves. These signs are airy signs representing avocations involving application of mind and intelligence. While Gemini is a Common sign (both transferable and non-transferable jobs), Libra is a Moveable sign (transferable avocations) and Aquarius is a Fixed sign (job mainly at one given place).
  • The North Directional signs are Cancer (Moon), Scorpio (Mars) and Pisces (Jupiter) and their rulers are great friends amongst themselves. These signs are watery signs and broadly signify activities related to export and import. While Cancer is a Moveable sign (frequent business/job related tours), Scorpio is a Fixed sign (business/job from a fixed place) and Pisces is a Common sign (avocation involving a lesser amount of movement).
  • According to the Nadi system, planets located in the same direction form a group.

The jobs signified by the individual planets are same both in Nadi and Parasari systems. The table below shows the planetary friendship and Enmity as per Nadi system.

Planet Planetary Friendship Planetary Enmity
Sun Mars, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu
Moon Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Ketu, Venus Saturn, Mercury, Rahu
Mercury Sun, Rahu, Saturn, Venus Jupiter, Moon, Ketu, Mars
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu Venus, Mercury
Venus Saturn, Mercury, Rahu, Mars Jupiter, Sun, Moon, Ketu
Saturn Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu

Venus - Mars, Mercury - Moon and Jupiter – Rahu – Ketu have been shown as friends because these three planetary sets of combinations work very nicely as far as name and fame in professional matter is concerned through one’s dint of labour and intelligence per excellence.

Following is the categorization of sings as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha according to the Vedic Nadi Astrology (VNA).

a) Aries and its trines, Leo and Sagittarius stand for Dharma (Spirituality) Trikones.
b) Taurus and its trines, Virgo and Capricorn stand for Artha (Wealth) Trikones.
c) Gemini and its trines, Libra and Aquarius stand for Kama (Desire) Trikones.
d) Cancer and its trines, Scorpio and Pisces stand for Moksha (Emancipation) Trikones.

The list below shows the general job significations by the individual planets.

  • Sun - All Government related jobs, doctor
  • Moon - Public relations, job in subordinate capacity
  • Mars - Surgeon, Engineer, Defence, Police
  • Mercury - CA, Mathematician, IT, Lawyer
  • Jupiter - Judge, teacher, advisor, etc.
  • Venus - Actors, architects, planners, etc.
  • Saturn - Mining, agriculturist, explorer
  • Rahu - Acting, aviation, modeling, IT etc
  • Ketu - Spirituality, lawyers, doctor, IT

The above are the only general significations for professional matter which differ with placement of the planets in different signs, planetary correlation, aspects, strength, position in concerned divisional charts, yoga formed, etc. etc. As per Vedic Nadi Astrology, friendly planets like Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu in trine to Saturn in the same direction or atleast in second and twelfth houses to Saturn without enemy planetary interventions to Saturn give rise to professional affluence of very high in order. Here is a case study towards delineating professional affluence through Nadi approach. Given below is a chart in respect of a successful businessman engaged in export business of various commodities born on 29.1.1954 with 2 years and 6 months Saturn Dasa at birth.

Delineating Career through Nadi approach
a) Saturn is exalted in Libra (West directional sign) and thus very powerful. There is no planet in the same direction as that of Saturn because other two West Directional signs viz. Gemini and Aquarius are vacant.
b) Saturn is receiving the friendly aspect of Jupiter from Aries since Jupiter is retrograde.
c) Saturn in Libra gives a luxurious profession and aspected by Jupiter gives good respect and earnings. This is capable of giving independent profession.
d) According to Vedic Nadi Astrology (VNA) the 2nd house to Saturn decides the type of profession including smoothness or otherwise in the professional field while planets located in the 12th house to Saturn give necessary push or pull in professional success as per the relationship of the respective planets with Saturn.
e) In the instant case, Moon and Mars are occupying Scorpio (North Directional Watery Sign), which is 2nd house to Saturn. In the same direction to Moon and Mars is Ketu in Cancer (another North Directional Watery and Moveable Sign). This combination is a pointer to doing trading in agricultural related commodities. Since Scorpio is a watery sign, trading across seas is signified. But hurdles in profession are seen, as both Moon and Mars are inimical to Saturn.
f) Ascendant is Virgo, a natural trading-cum-business sign. Moreover, there is exchange of house between Saturn (4th lord) and Venus (2nd lord), which is a very good Dhan Yoga.
g) The Lagna and 10th lord Mercury is located in an earthy and friendly sign Capricorn along with other three friendly planets. The placement of Mercury in an earthy and moveable sign indicates an active trading life.
h) All earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are Artha signs as well and there are five planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Venus and Rahu) are located in Artha signs and amongst the five Jupiter and Venus is the two strong wealth giving planets. Saturn is located in Libra, which is a house for Kama meaning desire. Therefore, the main thrust of the nativity is to earn money through sustained business activities. The location of Moon (the significator for mind) and Ketu (spiritual) in trine to each other in the same direction (North – Spiritual) given religious tendencies to the native amidst burning desire for money.
i) Moon, being in debilitated sign, along with 8th lord Mars and Ketu located in the same direction shows a business relation, which would cheat the native, and that was exactly happened with him. However, due to retrograde Jupiter’s aspect on Saturn, the business was put in place again.

To consult astrologer Suchitra Das, please click here.

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