Sunday, April 25, 2004
Astrology Books and Authors for beginners
find yourself in ocean of books where you have to find perfect match to your aptitude and requirements. There are translation of treatise from various sages, there are commentaries, there are books on various systems of vedic astrology and various other books. Confusion, confusion and more confusion !!!
There are books and authors which can destroy your learning altogether. For
example read Naryan Dutt Shrimali, infamous Indian astrologer, and I can assure you, you will forget whatever you have learnt in the past :-) So choosing right books and authors is very important for your astrology learning. Here I am presenting a list of authors who can help you in learning astrology. I am not presenting a list of books as it will be a big list in itself, there are many good books which suits different aptitude and taste. Here is the list and I tried to rank them according to the utility for the beginner -
- J.N. Bhasin, Books published mostly form Ranjan Publications, Good books are: Janampatri Swayam Banaiye, Art of Prediction, Sapta Rishi Nadi, Uttar Kalamrita
- K.S. Krishnamurti, Books published mostly from Krishnamurti Publications, Good book is Fundamental Principles of Astrology
- Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Books published mostly from Motilal-Banarasidas
& UPSBD, Good books are: Horary Astrology, How to Judge the
Horoscope - part II. - Major Khot, Books published mostly from Motilal-Banarasidas, Good books are: Laghu-Parashari Siddhanta
- K.N. Rao, Books published mostly by Vani Graphics, Gook book is:
Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. - K.H.N. Katve, Books published by Nagpur Prakashan, Good books are: books in 25 books series.
I have chosen these authors due to their methodological approach and
clear-cut presentation.
There are few authors that one should not (or never) read. Here is the list -
- Narayan Dutt Shrimali
- Rajesh Dixit
- Bhojraj Dwivedi