Saturday, April 24, 2004

Reading Horoscope Like a Novel 

I am practicing astrology over a decade now. But still it looks that I don't know much about astrology. Astrology is an infinite ocean of wisdom and we play with few drops only. I have experimented a lot with KP system. KP is a wonderful system but it has it's own limitations. The biggest limitation is the lack of research on this branch. Shri K.S. Krishnamurti, the originator of this system, developed few formulae in natal and horary astrology. I have found them around 90% correct, probably more than any branch of astrology. But those are limited. You can time events with amazing accuracy and you can answer certain queries with tremendous precision, but the research is not there on other part. It lots depend on vedic astrology for predicting events.

I firmly believe a good astrologer can read a horoscope like a novel. I am far from that and :-( and I have not seen such an astrologer in my life. But take the example of Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi. You will find nearly everything in the life of native is traced from going through horoscope. Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi are based on nothing but vedic astrology principles. I found that reverse engineering of horoscopes given in Bhrigu Samhita & Nadi is possible with normal level of vedic astrology knowledge. But forward engineering is not as easy. It is the problem with astrology itself. You can justify the past events very well seeing the horoscope but it is not easy to foretell the future events.

I firmly believe that those principles are lying with us here only. Those are nothing special, just we have to understand them. If one can master the principles given in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra (BPHS in short), we can predict at least few events if not all very accurately. Oh, I am telling nothing great... uhum???? yes, but I think, we have to study BPHS from new angle this time. We can get a lot of things out of this. Hoping to get comments from all learned reader of this website.

Ho Ho Ho, you were expecting some tips from me, and what you got is a suggestion to read BPHS that you were already knowing? But don't worry and stay tuned with this website, it is my introductory post. You will definately see some interesting and informative articles in future.

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