Monday, May 24, 2004
Free Astrology Books Download
For ease of download I am also giving the direct link of the books here -
Brihat Jataka (zip.74KB)
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (zip.195KB)
Kalyana Varma's Saravali (zip.164KB)
Garga Hora by Sage Gargacarya (zip.56KB)
Horasara of Prithuyasas (zip.95KB)
First three books are called Brihattrayi (three biggies) of Vedic astrology. It means that these are the three most important Vedic astrology reads. Without these one can not complete his/her jyotish learning. I hope you will find it useful.
Here is the actual link of the page.
Keep enjoying the blog and don't forget to put your comments.
Monthly Predictions in Hindi
Monthly predictions of the month of July 2004.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Book Review: Chandrakala Nadi
Author: Jagannath Bhasin
Publisher: Ranjan Publications, 16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi - 110 002.
Today I purchased "Chandrakala Nadi", an astrology book based on Nadi branch of Vedic astrology. The book is written by my favorite author Late Sri J. N. Bhasin. Like his other books, it is quite useful reading. The most important feature of this book is, it tries to explain the rationale behind Nadi predictions using classical astrology principles.
As the author mentions in the introduction of the book, there are various Nadi texts like Nandi Nadi, Sukra Nadi, Bhujandar Nadi etc. in south India similar to Bhrigu Samhita, Ravan Samhita and Arun Samhita in north India where native can get full details of his life. Normally you have to give your thumb impression to the Nadi reader and the Nadi reader 'the astrologer' will come-up with your natal chart and other life details like your name and other family members name, profession etc.
Other then that he tries to get answers of some old confusion in our classical texts e.g. which house should be taken for father - 9th or 10th, and which planet should be taken for husband Venus or Jupiter etc.
Anyway an interesting read. The people who like this book will also like "Sapta Rishi Nadi", a similar text by the same author.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Rectification of Birth Time
There are various birth time rectification methods in Vaidic Astrology suggested by our sages. Here is a list of some popular one -
* Parshara's method of rectification
* Varahamihira's method of rectification
* Event based rectification
* KP System method of rectification
* Nadi and Bhrigu's method of rectification
Yes, you are right, it is not a complete list of all available methods. Expert astrologers use various techniques to find correct birth time. In all these techniques, I found my own technique, which is quite reliable. First and most important, you have to determine the lagna (ascendant) rising at the birth time. For that I found the feedback method of Lal Kitab is the best method. For every planet is particular house, there are particular indications. You can find those indications (feedback questions) from Lal Kitab.
I once read a book "Grahon Dwara Lagna Evam Akriti Ki Pahchan (in Hindi)" published by "Bihari Pustak Akadami". From this book too you can get some idea of impact of various planet and rising sign on the body of the native. This book is a great asset for an astrology student. This method can also be used for finding the correct lagna.
Once you get the lagna fixed, you can use KP's ruling planets method of rectification to fix the minutes and second of birth.
I don't say that it is the best method. But I can say, atleast, that it worked very well for me.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Astrologer's Quick Thought of the Day
Ketu in 7th house shows some happening (mostly negative) related to marriage. If the 12th house is also involved, it shows non-conformist marriage.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Astrologer's Quick Thought
An average astrologer needs at least one full day to analyze one full horoscope and come up with 10-20 verification points.
What I mean by average astrologer is an astrologer with around 10-20 years of experience and average mental level like me. I wanted to make this point just because people think that astrologers are "trikaal-darshi (can see past, present and future at any time)" that is not true. Don't pay any astrologer hefty of fees for 30 minutes or an hour appointments especially for analyzing and verifying full horoscope. Remedies suggestion as per Lal Kitab and timing event as per KP is possible in that time period.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Astrology Books and Authors for beginners
find yourself in ocean of books where you have to find perfect match to your aptitude and requirements. There are translation of treatise from various sages, there are commentaries, there are books on various systems of vedic astrology and various other books. Confusion, confusion and more confusion !!!
There are books and authors which can destroy your learning altogether. For
example read Naryan Dutt Shrimali, infamous Indian astrologer, and I can assure you, you will forget whatever you have learnt in the past :-) So choosing right books and authors is very important for your astrology learning. Here I am presenting a list of authors who can help you in learning astrology. I am not presenting a list of books as it will be a big list in itself, there are many good books which suits different aptitude and taste. Here is the list and I tried to rank them according to the utility for the beginner -
- J.N. Bhasin, Books published mostly form Ranjan Publications, Good books are: Janampatri Swayam Banaiye, Art of Prediction, Sapta Rishi Nadi, Uttar Kalamrita
- K.S. Krishnamurti, Books published mostly from Krishnamurti Publications, Good book is Fundamental Principles of Astrology
- Gayatri Devi Vasudev, Books published mostly from Motilal-Banarasidas
& UPSBD, Good books are: Horary Astrology, How to Judge the
Horoscope - part II. - Major Khot, Books published mostly from Motilal-Banarasidas, Good books are: Laghu-Parashari Siddhanta
- K.N. Rao, Books published mostly by Vani Graphics, Gook book is:
Astrology, Destiny and the Wheel of Time. - K.H.N. Katve, Books published by Nagpur Prakashan, Good books are: books in 25 books series.
I have chosen these authors due to their methodological approach and
clear-cut presentation.
There are few authors that one should not (or never) read. Here is the list -
- Narayan Dutt Shrimali
- Rajesh Dixit
- Bhojraj Dwivedi
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Reading Horoscope Like a Novel
I firmly believe a good astrologer can read a horoscope like a novel. I am far from that and :-( and I have not seen such an astrologer in my life. But take the example of Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi. You will find nearly everything in the life of native is traced from going through horoscope. Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi are based on nothing but vedic astrology principles. I found that reverse engineering of horoscopes given in Bhrigu Samhita & Nadi is possible with normal level of vedic astrology knowledge. But forward engineering is not as easy. It is the problem with astrology itself. You can justify the past events very well seeing the horoscope but it is not easy to foretell the future events.
I firmly believe that those principles are lying with us here only. Those are nothing special, just we have to understand them. If one can master the principles given in Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra (BPHS in short), we can predict at least few events if not all very accurately. Oh, I am telling nothing great... uhum???? yes, but I think, we have to study BPHS from new angle this time. We can get a lot of things out of this. Hoping to get comments from all learned reader of this website.
Ho Ho Ho, you were expecting some tips from me, and what you got is a suggestion to read BPHS that you were already knowing? But don't worry and stay tuned with this website, it is my introductory post. You will definately see some interesting and informative articles in future.