The Case of Pregnancy & Divisional Charts
Date of Birth: 15-05-1982
Time of Birth: 4:00 PM IST
Place of Birth: Hydrabad (India)
The purpose of this post it to communicate one very vital point of chart analysis named divisions. In my opinion, divisions are very important in Vedic astrology and without using divisions, it is very difficult to do an accurate analysis. Divisional charts are one of the divisions, other popular divisions are KP 249 sub divisions and Nadi divisions (Nadiamsa) which is used in Nadi astrology.
For the benefit of astrology students, I want to analyze this chart and using various methods and want to showcase how
- Each system is correct in its own way
- Divisions are very important
In Vedic astrology, for pregnancy we generally judge 5th house, 5th house lord and Putrakarak Jupiter. If these are badly placed in a chart, we can predict problem in pregnancy.
Let us analyze the Lagna chart, Moon's placement in Makara rasi is not good for 5th house, Moon being in enemy's camp. So 5th occupant Moon is definitely not very powerful. Now let us take a look at Saturn, the 5th lord. Saturn is in lagna in Kanya rasi with Mars. There is not direct affliction to Saturn other than that Saturn is with Mars an inimical planet to Saturn. Though this affliction is not much powerful due to following two reasons -
1. Mars has moved to house 12th house in Chalit chart, weakening the conjunction. Generally conjunctions are powerful if it is in the same house.
2. Though the conjunction is in the same sign but in different Nakshatra again weakening the conjunction.
Also Jupiter is not very badly placed. Jupiter is in 2nd house in the sign of Venus, though not friendly planet. But there no other detrimental aspects or yoga is constitued related to Jupiter.
So, there is not much affliction in Lagna chart related to pregnancy other than Moon and Jupiter in enemy sign. As we can see, though lagna chart alone it is very difficult to predict this problem.
Now let us study the divisional chart associated with the progeny and children i.e. Saptamsa. I generally follow divisional charts analysis rules suggested by Sheshari Iyer, with my own modifications. Please read some of my recent posts on divisional charts and division for more information. Here is one very important point to keep in mind while analyzing divisional charts -
“ We should not associate signification to divisional chart. We need to carry signification forward from lagna chart only. For example a planet in 5th in divisional chart but 12th in lagna chart will signify loss and not anything to do with 5th (the placement in divisional chart). With divisional chart, we just try to figure out whether a planet is malefic or benefic. Please see my old posts on divisional charts for more information“
Now let us analyze Saptamsa in the light of above principle and general Vedic astrology principles -
1. Saturn is in Lagna in enemy’s Simha rasi making it weak. As we know, Saturn is 5th lord in lagna chart.
2. Moon is neecha by being in vrishchik and also by association of Sun and Rahu. So moon is highly afflicted. As you remember, Moon signifies children by being in 5th house of Lagna chart.
As mentioned above, the signification should always be taken from lagna chart. Moon being a watery planet gives clear indication of hormonal imbalance.
You can see from the above analysis that Saptamsa chart gives us very clear picture of the problem. Saptamsa not only tells us clearly that there is problem related to pregnancy but also it tells that the problem is related to hormonal imbalance. Without using Saptamsa, we might have missed many vital points. As the Moon is worst affected in birth chart, she should be suggested remedy for the Moon first followed by Saturn. As Jupiter is OK, there is slight hope.
Above is my analysis based on Parashari system. In the next post, we will analyze the same chart using another divisional method called KP System (Krishnamurti Paddhati).
Labels: child birth, divisional charts, shodashvarga, tips
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