Good Time for Chatting and Making Friends
* Pushya, Anuradha, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
* 8th and 12th tithi according to Hindu calendar
* Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
* Taitil Karan according to Hindu Calendar
* Venus in Ascedant or aspecting Ascendant
Please note that it is very difficult to get everything mentioned above in a single time. So you need to look for a time which has most of the above mentioned qualities. If you choose the time the way mentioned above, you will not only be successful in making friends but the friends will also be beneficial for you - this is the power of Muhurta.
You can get Hindu calendar calculation from any panchang or from our free astrology software
So when you think of chatting next time, don't forget to check the right muhurta ;-) Who knows that this muhurta has the key of your love and friendship.
Labels: electional astrology, muhurta, tips
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