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Virgo Horoscope 2017 Forecast

Author: - | Last Updated: Wed 7 Dec 2016 5:23:42 PM

western, Virgo, horoscope, 2017, astrology, zodiac, predictions, star, signs

August 22nd to September 21st

Earthy, Feminine, and Mutable Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac, represented symbolically by a Virgin maiden, according to Western Zodiac. Under the guidance of meticulous Mercury, Virgos focus on the minutest detail with a view to achieve perfection. With planning and logistics, clocks and schedules, measurements and alignments forming their foundation, Virgos emerge as the thinking adults of the Zodiac. Viewing situations and people in a critical manner and bringing order out of chaos, Virgos structure the world around them with a comment I ANALYZE.

The Mutable nature of Virgos inspires them to communicate their method through dutiful discharge of responsibilities and service-oriented approach. Carping, critical and caustic by turns, Virgos can also disturb and put off others by their exacting behaviour. The year 2017 will find the Virgos engage in 2-12 relationship with Jupiter in Libra, 4-10 Square with Saturn in Sagittarius, 5-9 Trine with Pluto in Capricorn, and 1-7 Opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Uranus in Aries is forming 6-8 vibrational pattern with Virgo. Towards the end of 2017, Jupiter's ingress in Scorpio will allow Virgo to form 3-11 Sextile and Saturn's movement into Capricorn will result in 5-9 Trinal relationship patterns.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for January

Virgos start the year with special focus on relationships. The ones involved in romantic relations will have a roller-coaster ride with unexpected turns and hairpin bends. The married ones will be involved in emotional turmoil, with no expression or outlet resulting in anger turning towards oneself. Relationships may be in trouble, but Virgos will be able to maintain order and peace in the home and family. Finances will be good this month,and Career front will be stable. Virgos will totally immerse themselves in routine and mundane activities in office and at home to keep the incessant worries at bay. Mid month onwards, marital and intimate relations may experience harmony with occasional bickering. Virgos in creative fields may exhibit unorthodox traits in their expression, while those involved in routine and mechanical work will break free and add a touch of unexpected and unpredictable, for a change.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for February

Relationship issues and financial concerns occupy Virgo thought most of this month. Romance will be trouble-free, but time is not favourable for ones in marital relationship. The eclipse occurring in the latter half of the month involving Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces brings the various undercurrents in Virgoan relationship to the fore. The events surrounding the eclipse reflect the change, transformation and mutation happening in the intimate personal lives of Virgo borns. Some of the changes could be due to situations out of Virgoan purview, and some may be a by product of Virgos careful analysis and unsentimental approach. Many of them will also be involved with other peoples money in the form of joint ownerships, inheritances, and legacies. Jupiter in Libra is able to bring positivity and balance to Virgoan perspective. Virgos will be low on the Health index this month.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for March

Virgo professionals in the Banking and Insurance sector will perform well in their career and experience enhanced growth prospects. This is also a good month for Virgos involved Criminal Investigation and Forensic Medicine. A sextile between Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces opens new avenues of friendships and relationships. A few Virgoans may also have changes within their home, as per Virgo Horoscope for the year 2017. This could be formation of new relationships or renovation activities. Virgos might also spend a major part of their savings in buying additional property. The month is good for couples in romance and people looking forward to cementing their ties permanently in wedlock may also find it a beneficial period. Health may not figure in the checklist of Virgos in the first half of the month, but in the second half Virgos may take extra care to stick to their health and fitness regimen.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for April

Virgos having their own business will have unexpected gain. People in the service sector can hope for the long-awaited promotion. Some Virgos may also opt for a job change. Students wishing to pursue higher education will find the time favourable. Children of Virgos will get into academic institutions of their choice. Home life will be peaceful and stable, with affectionate and congenial relationships. Virgos might engage with their partners or spouses in some meaningful recreational activity, and have an enjoyable experience. This is a month of hectic activity, and Virgos will have a busy social, personal, and professional life. It would be advisable for Virgos to bring restraint in their critical appraisal of others, especially with regard to their colleagues and superiors at the workplace, as this might give rise to unexpected tension and unwarranted attention on Virgos.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for May

This month will bring out the best in Virgos, on aspects connected to their profession. Their communication patterns, work styles, and management skills will be impressive and get accolades from the superiors, though it might also fan the envy of their colleagues and create hidden enemies at their workplace. Virgos need to be aware of this and handle unexpected explosive situations with tact and maturity. The opposition of Saturn in Sagittarius and Mars in Gemini will continue to create friction, though the trine between Mars and Jupiter will balance and manage potential problems from becoming big escalations. In the second half of the month, some Virgos may have changes in their jobs and this will be as per their expectations. Financially, a satisfying period, though income and expenditure will be more or less the same. Virgoans will be in high spirits this month and experience excellent health.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for June

For professionals and those having their own businesses, this is a happy month with glad tidings, new contacts, expansions and promotions, and all round growth. Virgos will give their superlative performance and receive admiration and appreciation from their team members. Virgos socio-economic status is on an upward swing, and time is good for investment purposes with chances of excellent returns. Money will flow into the Virgo kitty from more than one source. Virgos might show deep interest in spirituality and some of them may offer their services to organisations and agencies connected with religion and charity. A few Virgos, with their crisis management skills and analytical business acumen, may be connected with more than one organisations and also holding prestigious profiles. Home and the family life will be neglected with Virgoans focusing on the professional and public life, but the trinal relationship between Sun and Mercury combination in Gemini with Jupiter in Libra ensures peace in the family.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for July

New associations, friendships, romance, socialising, partying, get-togethers, picnics, philanthropic events - Virgos monthly calendar overflows with enjoyment and entertainment. This is one of those rare months when the duty-conscious and workaholic Virgos relax and amuse themselves along with their family and friends. The fun-time of Virgos will not be in carefree style, but will be tempered with Virgoan love for scrutiny and detail, intricate planning without any loopholes, and following clockwork precision. Middle of the month will witness emotional tensions and frictions in the Virgoan relationships due to Plutos opposition with the Sun and Mars combination in Cancer. Venus in Gemini forming a trine with Jupiter in Libra will restore the amiability, affection and trust back to the relationships. The sextile between Saturn and Jupiter and the trine between Jupiter and Venus enables Virgos to focus on the usual professional work. Finance and health will be stable.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for August

Mercury in Virgo enables facile communication, dexterity, presence of mind for Virgos. Working professionals in creative field and businesses associated with print and publishing will thrive and enjoy good reputation. Some Virgos will employ creative thinking in advancing further in romantic and intimate relationships, while for others unresolved issues in their love life can be a cause for great worry. The eclipse occurring in their 12th house Leo will bring the subconscious fear and worry about their personal relationships to the fore. Mid month will not augur well for some in terms of personal health, while a few Virgos may be mentally drained. Virgos will feel the urge to revisit the priorities, issues and concerns in their personal lives. Singles may go on a long retreat for some introspection and reflection, while married Virgos may withdraw into their innermost selves to rewind and unwind.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for September

Virgos continue to be in the reflective mode at the beginning of this month, and as the month progresses become more communicative and determined to identify the triggers and precipitating factors in their relationships. With logic, clarity, and positive thinking influencing their behaviour and action, Virgos manage to restore order and peace in their personal lives. Pluto in Capricorn forming a trine with Mercury, Sun and Mars combination in Virgo will hasten this internal transformation process. Professionally, this is month of great strides as Virgos disciplined approach, commitment and dedication widen the horizons for them. The first half of the month may not find Virgos deeply involved with their financial situation, but once they have sorted out issues internally, they are back to their budgets and allocations, tally sheets of income and expenditure, current savings and future projections.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for October

The initial days of the month will find the workaholic Virgos immersing themselves in fun and frolic activities along with their family members, and they will enjoy this welcome break to the hilt. They will also engage in friendly banter and exchange cordial notes with colleagues and associates in their workplace. They will also be more communicative and talkative, less critical and complaining. They will adopt a serious demeanour with Jupiter and Mercury moving into Scorpio mid month and forming a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. The trine with Neptune in Pisces and sextile with Pluto will turn the cool and unemotional Virgos into sentimentalists. Financially the situation is satisfactory, while in the work-front the outlook is stable. Virgo owning private enterprises will find their businesses expanding and will explore avenues for forming new partnerships and associations. Virgos will maintain good health throughout.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for November

The first half of this month will see Virgos making luxurious purchases and engaging in self-indulgence. Around mid of the month, wealth conservation and preservation will be the main preoccupation. While outwardly, Virgos will be busy attending to daily chores and routine jobs, inwardly they are becoming highly emotional and intense. This month brings the sentimental, romantic and sensual side of the Virgos to the fore, like never before. They may also exhibit extremes of behaviour, uncharacteristic of them, and this may even take them by surprise. Even Virgos who are confirmed bachelors will be hearing soft music and writing poetry, agreeing with the sentimentalists about the heart's capacity to function in beautiful ways, besides pumping oxygenated blood. Professional work will also be attended to with the same passion and commitment. Virgos will be as fit as a fiddle this month.

Virgo Horoscope 2017 for December

Home will be the centripetal force around which the Virgoan life will revolve this month. Making life cosy for family members, planning renovations, spending quality time with elders and children at home, and immersing themselves totally in the family entertainment and fun will make the Virgoan cup of joy run full. The basic Virgo train of nit-picking will rear its head occasionally causing minor irritations, only to be replaced swiftly by Virgoan sense and sensibility, that will quickly restore order, peace and quiet. Single Virgos will be mentally ready for matrimony, and married Virgos will be busy playing spouse-cum-financial advisor. Virgos in private service may do well, especially ones involved with media, public relations, marketing, and customer relations. Saturn's ingress in Capricorn, Conjunct Pluto, Sextile Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces is setting the stage for the Virgoan business luncheon meetings, personal organizer and scheduler, and bachelor pad to be replaced gradually by candle light dinners, flowers and gift boxes, and happy pandemonium of family life.

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