Brad Pitt might split up with Angelina Jolie : Astrological Analysis

Author: Aalok Varkhandkar | Last Updated: Tue 22 Jun 2010 8:24:42 PM

Aalok Varkhandkar

Brad Pitt was born on December 18, 1963 at 6:31 a.m. Brad Pitt’s ascendant is Scorpio with lagna lord Mars in the second house.

The first house represents personality and general appearance while the second house rules the face. No one would deny that the most striking feature about Brad Pitt’s personality is his face. He has been named Sexiest Man Alive twice by People, the American celebrity magazine.

This striking feature is what I would attempt to describe first using Vedic astrology. Brad Pitt’s second house is occupied by five planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Ketu. It is aspected by Rahu. Six planets thus are influencing the house which represents face. Among these planets are the ninth and tenth lord Moon and Sun. The ascendant being Scorpio, these two planets in Brad Pitt’s chart constitute the most powerful yoga called Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga, which gives happiness, fame, name, success.

Brad Pitt is not considered a great actor by critics and his movies though successful haven't fetched him any academy awards yet. His fame thus can be attributed to nothing but his strong second house or his looks, especially because the first lord Mars is also involved in the combination. Rahu and Ketu, both exalted, but under the benefic influence of other planets have only made a positive contribution here. Besides, from the second house all planets are aspecting the eighth house, which governs sex appeal. A strong eighth house always makes a person sexually attractive.

Brad Pitt, being popular for his looks and sex appeal, is more in news for his social life and love affairs than for his successes as an actor. Hence it would be worthwhile making an astrological study of those factors.

The seventh house in Vedic Astrology deals with love affairs, marriage, and sex. In Brad Pitt’s chart Venus is the lord of the seventh house which is posited in the third house accompanied by his friend Saturn. This combination of Venus and Saturn in the third house of desires means Brad Pitt will have a great number of love affairs, premarital as well as extramarital affairs. Saturn is also the third lord in third hence his relationships would break up just so that he could begin them anew.

Among the innumerable love affairs Brad Pitt had with women of different ages, his relationships with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie attracted a lot of publicity. His affair with Gwyneth Paltrow began at the end of 1994. At that time he was running the dasha of Rahu/Mercury/Venus. Rahu and Mercury are related to the eight house while Venus is related to the seventh house. But since Venus is conjunct Saturn in the third house, the affair did not last long. It ended in 1997 during which time he was running the dasha of Rahu/Ketu/Saturn.

Brad Pitt began his second major relationship with Jennifer Aniston in May 1998 when he was running the dasha of Rahu/Venus/Moon. This affair too began under the influence of a planet situated in the third house and hence was on shaky grounds from the beginning. This relationship however lasted for seven years which comprised the rest of Rahu Mahadasha. But no sooner than Jupiter Mahadasha began, cracks became noticeable in this rare, successful Hollywood relationship.

Jupiter is the fifth lord in Brad Pitt’s chart and is positioned in the fifth house. The fifth house rules love affairs, courtship, licentiousness, etc. Thus, in Jupiter/Jupiter/Venus period Brad Pitt had another love affair with Angelina Jolie and was being accused of cheating on Jennifer Aniston by the media. The third house once again had its say here through Venus.

Now Brad Pitt is under the influence of Mercury Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha, and starting with October 2011 he would be running the Venus Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha. Venus being the seventh house lord in the third house with Saturn, as well as very much responsible for his past breakups, this period may end his relationship with Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt would be running the Venus Antardasha from October 2011 to June 2014. This period would prove critical for his relationship with Jolie.

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