Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 4 May 2012 1:36:55 PM
By VGR Pavan
Horary number in favor of DC was taken as 205 and map of the heavens is as follows:
For this Horoscope DC will be in Ascendant whereas CSK in 7th house.
Here 6th sub lord is Mercury; he is lord of the 6th house in 3rd house but deposited in own star and Saturn sub. Saturn is in Mars star lord of the 11th house in 7th house. Therefore Mercury is connected with 2-6-7-11.
Further, 11th sub lord Saturn is in the star of Mars and sub of Mercury. As discussed Mercury is connected with 3-6 houses hence Saturn is beneficial to DC.
Further star lord during the match is Mars and the sub lord is Saturn till 10.10 PM later the sub of Mercury till the end of the match. Here an important point is that Mercury is connected with 7-11 houses through sub hence there may be tough fight. But Mars is in the sub of Mercury again hence during the sub of Mercury Mars may give positive results. Further Moon is going to transit over Saturn the 11th sub lord! There is a hidden opposition aspect between Saturn and Mercury, therefore after a tough battle DC may win at the last moment.
Hence stars may favor DC.
Here I wish to disclose that all my predictions are only out of academic interest. I think readers can understand my intention.