Know about Neechbhang Rajyoga

Author: Srejal Agrawal | Last Updated: Tue 13 Apr 2010 11:16:40 PM

Srejal Agrawal

This yoga exists when a planet is in the sign of debilitation but the lord of that sign in which it is placed is exalted. For example, if Sun is debilitated in libra, but Venus (lord of Libra) is in its exaltation sign pisces then the Sun placement becomes strong even if debilitated.

This means that the lost strength of the “debilitated “ planet  is gained back owing to the lord of its sign being strong. However it is not that simple. Apart from this one condition that the lord of the sign of debilitation should be exalted, there are other few conditions which must be satisfied in order to convert the “neechbhang” to a “raj-yoga”.

These conditions are: (1) the lord of the sign of debilitation must be placed in a quadrant from lagna or moon; or (2) the planet itself that is the one which is debilitated should also be placed in the similar position. (3) or the lord of the natural exaltation sign of the debilitated planet should also be in the similar position (in the above example, this would be mars being the lord of sign of exaltation of sun, that is, aries or (4)the debilitated planet must be exalted in the D-9.

In this yoga, thus the strength of the debilitated planet is gained back. This rajyoga gives the results of the planet involved accordingly only if the planet involved is otherwise benefic for the native because functional strength of the planets is different from its nature-whether malefic or benefic.


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