Author: Pt. Hanumaan Mishra | Last Updated: Wed 30 May 2012 5:46:32 PM
By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
In the midst of a constant increase in the numbers of news channels how popular Star News now known as ABP News, will be among people only time can tell. However what does astrology and numerology say about it let’s find out from Astrologer and Numerologist Pt. Hanumaan Mishra.
According to Numerology, the sum total of the name “star news” comes to 2. The ruling planet of Number 2 is Moon. It shows that there will be plenty creative potential in the people working within “star news”. It also ensures that the channel will be the able to touch people's emotions. 4, 6 and 9 are Numerical friends of Number 2. Rahu is the lord of Number 4 and according to astrology Rahu is the planet of expansion and extension. Venus is the lord of Number 6. It’s help in the matter of popularity and attraction of public or viewers. 9 is the Number of Mars. It’s the planet of energy and gives the morale support to hold the established position. The name ‘Star News” had all above mentioned indications .So how about the implications of the new name –ABP News?
The sum total of the name “ABP news” is 3. It’s the Number of Jupiter. It indicates the support of experienced people. This number is known to organize things. Channel may work for very significant and important issues. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are the Numerical friends of Number 3 whereas 2 and 4 are Numerical enemy. Number 1 is indicating the support of government and that of any political leader. 5 indicate good journalism, 6 indicate popularity, 9 indicate energy and maintaince of the established hold whereas 7 and 8 are indicative about difficulties, un-satisfaction, preposterous interference and fragmentation in the team. This means after some difficulties, the channel with a new name ‘ABP News”, may create a different identity.
Number 2 is enemy of Number 3 as mentioned already, and since the NAMANK of “star news” is 2 and NAMANK of “ABP news” is 3 this indicates animosity between the two. Hence, some changes are also necessary in the working style along with the name and logo change from ‘Star News’ to “ABP news”. So a different working style will prove beneficial for “ABP news”.
If we see the MUHURTA’s point of view; according to information received, channel is going to change his name and logo during the midnight of 31st May and 1 June. According to VASTU and AAKRITI SHASTRA logo is suitable and good for success but the time is not that good. On 1st June 2012, 00:00:01 o’clock, Aquarius Lagna is rising. Lagna lord Saturn is posited in 8th house, it’s not good. Moon is in 8th house with Saturn also. It’s indicates directionless and misguidance in overall functioning and management. 10th house indicates work, status, rank and higher authority, its lord Mars is posited in 7th house. 7th house is like anti-party. Show this placement shows that some important and high ranked persons of this channel may join the competitors. There are four planets posited in 4th house and aspecting at 10th house. Mars and Saturn are aspecting at 10th house also. Rahu is already posited in 10th house. In this way eight planets are affecting at 10th house. This condition will either bring the channel to the best position or might lead to it being merged with another name in the same field. It’s also shows signification of big difficulties or problem.
At the time of change constellation (NAKSHATRA) is CHITRA. Its lord is Mars, which is the 10th lord also. It’s a good signification in the favor of ‘ABP News’. Dashas are also saying that three to six months may be full of turmoil for the channel. Not only the front face of the channel but technical and other departments can also change. So one could say that name change may or may have not changed things for some but it will definitely bring changes for STAR News/ ABP News.