Surya Grahan 2016

Author: -- | Last Updated: Mon 1 Oct 2012 6:38:24 PM

Once again the evil effects of the Surya Grahan are all set to strike you and your life intensely. But, one shouldn’t have to worry if he is aware of each and everything about Surya Grahan. In just one go, get to know the ill effects of the Surya Grahan and with what you can keep yourself protected.

Surya Grahan is not considered as auspicious since ages in India. Surya Grahan 2016 will be falling twice in this year. First Surya Grahan 2016 is on 9th March and other is on 1st September. Surya Grahan is the time when you witness various changes in your life. Most of the changes are negative in direct or indirect way. Precautions are always better than cure. Therefore, Hindu people keep their eyes and ears open when it comes to Surya Grahan. Both these Surya Grahan are going to hit one zodiac each. Zodiac sign Aquarius/Pisces will be affected by the first solar eclipse (Total) and the solar eclipse (Annular) will be affecting Leo. There are number of reasons related to Surya Grahan due to which people from all corners prefer to remain attentive. It doesn’t matter that from which part of the world, Surya Grahan will be visible. It has its effects all over the world.

If we talk about Surya Grahan of 2016 then the eclipse is expected to be seen in India. Places like Australia, palau, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, taiwan, Japan, China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean & North Pacific Ocean, South Korea, Guinea. Hindu people have their own rituals to follow during Surya Grahan. Initiating any kind of new work is not at all advised and some people don’t even believe in eating while Surya Grahan is in process. It’s when the phase of Surya Grahan is over; the food is cooked in homes.

What is Surya Grahan?

You might be wondering what exactly a Surya Grahan is. Surya Grahan in simple terms is a phenomenon in which the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth obstructing the light of the Sun. Surya Grahan is categorized into different parts as sometimes the Sun is blocked completely by Moon and sometimes it is blocked partially. Annular Surya Grahan is the one in which the Sun is covered partially by Moon. The Sun in this eclipse is blocked in such a way that the circumference of the Sun appears to be a beautiful ring whereas Sun is completely blocked in the total Surya Grahan.

Surya Grahan has intense effects on almost all Signs but the Surya Grahan 2016 will have their effects mostly on Aquarius/Pisces and Leo. People born under these signs will have to be very careful if they don’t want to pay due to their mistakes committed during Surya Grahan. All the spheres of one’s life such as Health, Love, money, career and many more are affected deeply by Surya Grahan. As mentioned already, India is not expected to see any of the Surya Grahan 2016 but even then people are smart enough to protect themselves from the ill effects of Grahan.

Rituals to be followed in Surya Grahan 2016

Surya Grahan is not taken as a fortunate time period by the people of Hindu religion. They try their best to avoid all consequences of the Surya Grahan. The do’s and don’ts of Surya Grahan are being followed by the people from many generations. The undesirable effects on people of Surya Grahan have practically been observed many times. There are some rituals to be performed to decrease or completely avoid the effects of Surya Grahan. Pregnant ladies are said to be extremely sensitive toward solar eclipse and they catch the effects of Grahan easily even after taking precautions. Therefore, you must be sure of genuine precautions for Surya Grahan. Only by practicing exact do’s and don’ts you can stay safe and enjoy being unaffected by the Grahan.

Start your Journey of Surya Grahan by chanting the Surya mantra i.e. “Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah” and also the Gayatri Mantra. Donating clothes and food to the people in need will prove to be highly effective. But, if a person can’t afford this much then that person can simply feed some animals to get rid of the effects caused due to Surya Grahan. In any case, don’t forget to take bath after Surya Grahan. The things that should be completely avoided while a Surya Grahan is eating and cooking. Always go for a freshly cooked food after Grahan, as the food cooked during the time of Grahan will also have adverse effects of Surya Grahan.

Take care of yourself and the ones you love with the factors mentioned above. Avoiding these precautions can even cost you a life. And then, what is wrong in staying alert rather than facing problems on extreme level? Be prepared, be safe.

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