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2013 Feng Shui Horoscope

Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui has always remained a topic of interest for people. It has changed the life of many and therefore, it has established a strong faith among people. Chinese invented the art of Feng Shui and now it is prevalent in almost all parts of the world.

Since its inception, Feng Shui is being used to eradicate evils and the root cause of all the problems. AstroCAMP is offering you the strong Feng Shui ways to remove all the evils as predicted by the Vedic astrology.

Chinese astrology is yet to mark its presence in the world, but Feng Shui has gained a lot of popularity in a very short span of time. People place the items of Feng Shui at home for the purpose of decoration, as many of them are not aware of the powers of those items. However, if correctly placed, these items can give the believers a happy and successful life without any adversity. Therefore, AstroCAMP has decided to impart all the knowledge about Feng Shui in a very comprehensive manner so that you can make the best out of it.

This is a remedy based article that will assist you in finding out ways for solving your problems. With the help of Feng Shui, you can easily find remedies to your problems just by decorating your house.

Let us explore the world of Feng Shui and find out ways to eradicate the negative effects and obstacles in your life in 2013.

Aries Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Aries

The coming year 2013 is bringing a lot of luxury and high financial status for you. You will feel strong emotionally as well as mentally. However, still you will feel dissatisfied with your achievements.

To achieve the state of contentment, you should place Fuk Luk Sau at your home. They are the three deities that represent health, wealth and happiness.

First deity is Sau who represents longevity and carries a bottle of nectar. Second deity is Fuk who enhances income and gives wealth. The third deity Luk represents power and class.

Fuk Luk Sau should be placed at a high side table in the dining room to spread their divine power in the house. At workplace, place them behind you to impart good look and support. Just place them like a decorating item and do not worship them.

Rahu and Ketu seem to be interfering in your life this year; therefore it is advisable to place Fuk Luk Sau at your workplace.

In spite of putting a lot of efforts in your family, your family might oppose you. You might get negative responses from your family’s side. In order to bring harmony in your family life, you should place triple tortoise at your home. These symbolize love and harmony in the family.

3 Eyes Dzi Beads Bracelet strengthens your confidence and fights against depression, stress, release of grievances and acceptance of past. From the money point of view, this year will stay good. Keep a control over your expenses.

The year is also good for the students.
Have a wonderful; year ahead.

Taurus Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Taurus

Venus is making your personality attractive this year and with the effect of Mercury you will be a perfect orator. You owe a feeling of responsibility toward your family. Harmony and happiness will flow into your family. With happiness prevailing all around, you might still feel stressed. In order to get rid of the stress, try Feng Shui Silver Wind Chimes. Place them in the South-East direction of your house. Along with this, place Medicine Buddha Script Amulet in the North direction of your house.

You might have to face some problems from the health’s side in the mid 2013.

Your love life will stay good this year. Many love proposals might come to you this year.

Your professional life will also stay good and you will get assistance from your seniors. Financially, as well, you will stay strong. Just keep yourself safe from the bad company.

Gemini Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Gemini

Mercury is your ruler and this makes you mentally strong. From the family’s side, the year does not seem favorable. Family members might sound rude. Keep control over your anger to avoid troubles. Place triple tortoise in your home to harmonize personal life.

In order to protect your health from all the possible ailments, hang Golden Medicine Buddha Script Amulet with a Feng Shui Calabash Gourd in North. Your health might not stay good this year. To safeguard your health, you may hang 6 Rod Silver Wind Chime in South-East and two Calabash Gourds in North to calm down the ill stars and give protection from ailments.

Handle your love matters carefully to avoid stress and misunderstandings. In order to enhance your love life, place Rose Quartz Tree in your bedroom. Those who are single can place a Double Happiness Amulet with Mystic Knot to enhance their love life stars.

Cancer Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Cancer

Things are looking positive for Cancerians this year. The year is favorable for the people who are planning to go abroad. An increase in your income is seen this year, but savings will be less. Expenses will stay high during the year. Business relations will get stronger and time is fruitful in terms of finance. Avoid getting into arguments in order to avoid bad situations.

The year is looking positive in the love matters too. You might get attracted to someone from another country. You will feel more satisfied in new relations than the previous ones.

Jupiter’s transit will bring happiness in the life of your siblings. Atmosphere in the family will stay good, apart from few arguments. You might also get troubled due to the ill-health of your family members. Hang Medicine Buddha Script Amulet in North to keep the health of your family members safe.

Stay alert while driving in order to avoid accidents. Blue Rhino Metal Amulet will help you staying safe from accidents.

Leo Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Leo

The coming year 2013 looks very good from the family’s aspect. All the issues related to family will be solved this year. From health’s point of view, the year is good except a few minor problems. Use wood or wooden color as much as possible in your house for decoration. It will enhance your health and vitality. Wood element colors are brown and green.

The year is fruitful for love relations. You are advised not to push things and let them move smoothly. If you are single then hang Rose Quartz Mandarin Duck Charm in East direction to strengthen your love luck and find your potential partner.

Professionally as well, the year is good. Everything will stay in your favor at your workplace.

Income will flow consistently, which will help in savings. Make the best use of this time.

From education side too, you will succeed in everywhere.

Virgo Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Virgo

Virgos are known for their intelligence and knowledge. Ups and downs are seen in your family this year. You might feel stressed due to the transit of Saturn and Rahu. Feeling of insecurity will make you feel more stressed.

Feng Shui suggests you to use water in your house decorations and increase the use of blue and black color. It will bring peace, freshness and abundance in your home. Keep triple tortoise to bring harmony at home.

The year is good for health. Use this time to meditate, concentrate and yoga. Place Medicine Buddha Pendant in North-West of your bedroom to keep tensions away. You might also suffer from eye related problems this year. A Medicine Buddha Script Amulet will do great to keep you off from sickness.

The year is bringing lots of happiness in your love life. Those who are single will find their potential partner. Those who are married will experience harmony and love with their partner. A newborn might come in your family.

Libra Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Libra

The year 2013 is a mixed bag. You might experience few disturbances at your place of work. Take advice from experienced people before trying hand on something new. Avoid getting into partnerships with women, as things might worsen. Stay alert from frauds. Fast money making ways might turn your side. Avoid making useless travels. Green Gem Wednesday Talisman will do wonders for you in the matters related to work and business.

Love relations will stay inconsistent. You are required to execute all your plans with proper care and planning.

For students, the year is not much favorable. You might have to face unexpected results. Librans are strongly advised to bring a Crystal Globe for you because this year is bringing troubles in business as well as studies. This globe has the power to balance both. Keep it in the North-East direction of your working table. Revolve it every day in clockwise direction for 2-3 times in a day, as this will improve the business intelligence and acumen.

Stay alert for the whole year to avoid any kind of trouble.

Scorpio Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Scorpio

You are going to stay active, attractive and empowered in the year 2013. Love matters will give you mixed results. The first half of the year is good, but the later half looks difficult. Married people will suffer in relations and fake vows from lover will hurt you a lot. To avoid all these personal and love issues, place Double Happiness Symbol 2. It is considered as the most powerful symbol for love and marital happiness. The red color of the symbol represents love and romance.

Place this symbol in the South-West corner of the bedroom to enhance love, faith and romance.

If you get affected by bad health, do not worry. You will easily overcome it. Health of your family members might cause worry. You need to place Thousands Hand Guan Yin in North and 6 Rod Silver Wind Chime in South-East of your living room to safeguard your family from illness.

Environment at workplace will stay favorable. 2013 will give you mixed results in terms of money as well. For students, the year 2013 is favorable.

Sagittarius Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Sagittarius

You have the sign of the lord of dual behavior possessing planet, Jupiter.

The first half of the year 2013 is not very favorable for love. Your stubborn behavior might disturb the relationships you are in. Give priority to you and your lover’s reputation. You should place Yin Yang symbol. According to Feng Shui, Yin is considered female and Yang is considered the male. As they are opposite to each other, in order to bring balance in a relationship, you should place this symbol at home.

If you are unmarried, place the Bejeweled Mystic Knot Keychain in South direction to experience the ultimate romance. Place Magic Fire Wheel in South-West direction of your bedroom; it will keep you away from tensions in love relations.

The transit of Jupiter during the initial days will give you a hard time at your workplace. You might face difficulty in earning profits. To gain money, you should hang Big Money Talisman in the center of your house.

Take all the actions smartly for other issues. The first half of the year 2013 is not much favorable for the students. However, the second half will bring good surprises.

Capricorn Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Capricorn

Capricorns are open-hearted, quite reserved and compassionate. You can easily adapt yourself according to the situations.

The year 2013 is not much favorable from family’s perspective. Misunderstandings in the family and ill health of family members might make you feel stressed. Hang Silver Wind Chime for good health of your family members.

The favorable transit of Jupiter indicates good health for you in the first half of this year. You will stay away from serious health issues. Take care of your spouse. Your health will stay good in the year 2013.

Jupiter will make your love life good. You might get into a new relationship. Apart from health and love, the year 2013 is good for business and job as well. The sources of income will increase that will increase your savings. This is a good year for students and they will get better results. Overall, the year is fruitful for Capricorns.

Apply the color red, orange, purple, pink and strong yellow at home for energy. The year has everything in your favor. Make the most out of this time.

Aquarius Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Aquarius

Aquarians are very sympathetic, attractive and philosophical. You have anger and frustration inbuilt in your behavior, but this year you will successfully keep a control over them.

In the first half, environment at family stay good and in the latter half, situations might change, but not much.

Health in the year 2013 will stay good. You might have to face few minor health related issues. Utilize this time for practicing yoga and meditation. This will enhance your peace of mind.

2013 will bring mixed results in love relations. Display Mandarin Ducks Picture in North-East to bring harmony and happiness in your love life.

Rest your life will go good. You might have to travel abroad or at spiritual places this year.

The year will give positive results at work. Everything seems to be in your favor. You might get promoted at workplace. Income will flow without any hindrance. You will make good amount of savings this year. You might get sudden profits and you will also find new sources of income.

The year will give mixed results to the students. You are advised not to show leniency, as things might go wrong then. You might have to face certain problems in the first half of this year. Rest of the year will stay good.

Pisces Feng Shui 2013

Feng Shui 2013 for Pisces

Pisces are religious and faithful.

The year 2013 will stay slightly troublesome from family’s perspective. Stay alert while handling your family issues. Difference in opinions between family members might give you mental strain. You should place Triple Tortoise in your home to get relief from tensions and harmonize family relations.

The year is not very good for your health as well. You might experience extreme body heat that will lead to ulcers and tumors. However, these health issues will be short lived and will not bother you for long.

Love matters will also stay stressed. Do not try to step on two boats simultaneously. Try to make the right decision. Past relations might intervene in your current love life. However, this is a good time for those who are married.

You might have to face problems at workplace. Your business might suffer and loss of money is also seen. Place Arowana Fish in the North, East or South-East direction of your office or home to improve your economic condition.

Only the first half of 2013 will bring losses. The latter half will give some positive results. You are advised not to spend much on gambling or lotteries as the chances of losing are strong than winning.

The first half of the year is not good for students as well. You might find it hard to concentrate on studies. The year is good for those planning to go abroad for studies.

Overall, the year seems difficult. Take every decision after deep analysis and understanding of the situation.

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