Rahu Kaal is considered most inauspicious period of the day. As the name suggests, everyday there is one small period of approx. one and a half hour that is said to be ruled by Rahu and hence considered bad for any important work or new initiative. According to some belief, work started in Rahu Kaal period doesn't give good results and indicates only failure. Usage of Rahu Kaal is more popular in Southern part of India.
Generally people use rough calculation for Rahu Kaal taking 6:00 AM as Sunrise, though the correct way is to calculate Rahu Kaal from Sunrise and hence it changes slightly each day. Rahu Kaal also changes for each city as the Sunrise differs from city to city. Our Rahu Kaal below is accurate Rahu Kaal calculated for your City.
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Rahu Kaal for coming days, March 2025 for Delhi City |
Date | Week Day | Start Time | End Time |
24 March 2025 | Monday | 07:51:56 AM | 09:23:45 AM |
25 March 2025 | Tuesday | 3:31:08 PM | 5:03:10 PM |
26 March 2025 | Wednesday | 12:26:46 PM | 1:59:01 PM |
27 March 2025 | Thursday | 1:58:56 PM | 3:31:24 PM |
28 March 2025 | Friday | 10:53:30 AM | 12:26:10 PM |
29 March 2025 | Saturday | 09:20:05 AM | 10:52:59 AM |
30 March 2025 | Sunday | 5:04:53 PM | 6:37:59 PM |
31 March 2025 | Monday | 07:45:19 AM | 09:18:38 AM |
Rahu Kaal, also known as Rahu Kalam in South India, is a specified period which lasts every day for one & a half hour. According to Vedic Astrology, the planet "Rahu" is considered to be an inauspicious planet. In Hinduism, there is a tradition of seeing the Muhurat before starting any auspicious task.This certain time period is considered inauspicious to commence any new venture.
According to Vedic Astrology, the time period under the influence of Rahu should be avoided to commence any new or auspicious activity. We should avoid Puja, Hawan, Yagya etc. to please Gods as the malefic nature of Planet Rahu totally interferes on such occasions. If one does these auspicious works during Rahu Kalam, he may not be able to achieve the full or desired result by performing the activity.
People in South India give top most priority to Rahu Kaal. It is a period of one & a half hour or 90 minutes in every day of the week which is not considered good for any auspicious work like Marriage, Griha Pravesh, Inauguration of new business, Journeys, trades, Interviews, sale and purchase of assets and many more important works etc. It comes at different times on different days of the week. Before proceeding towards, let's understand:
According to Legends, It is believed that Lord Vishnu fooled demons at the time of "Samudra Manthan" while distributing nectar of immortality or Amrit. Lord served the nectar to all the Gods and poison to all Demons. One Demon named Swarbhanu noticed this, sat in the row of Gods and managed to get few drops of nectar. However, Sun and Moon saw this and signaled to Lord Vishnu who beheaded the demon but unfortunately by then he was immortalized.
From that incident, the head of the body of demon became "Rahu" and torso became "Ketu". The mystery planet Rahu is considered bodiless, hence he doesn't know how much he wants something. He always remains unsatisfied due to his bodiless head. He is always passionate and wants more. It creates obsession within the person's mind.
Rahu & Ketu does not have a physical body, which is why they are called the shadow planets. These planets are considered malefic as their origin is related to the demons and they swallow Sun causing Solar Eclipse. Rahu is also known as Shadow planet or North node of the Moon.
Rahu Kaal is considered inauspicious to commence any new business or task. However, the daily routine tasks already started during an auspicious time can always be continued during Rahu Kaal. Hence we can say that Rahu Kala is considered only for undertakings and tasks which one has already begun. If we look at the positive side of Rahu, any work related to Rahu provides good results if it is commenced during this time. Also, remedies for Rahu can be performed during this period.
There is a special method to calculate the "Rahu Kaal" in Vedic Astrology. According to that, the time between sunrise and sunset is divided into 8 equal segments. For example, generally, sunrise is considered at 6:00 AM and sunset is considered at 6:00 PM. As we all know that a day comprises of 12 hours, hence the 12 hours are divided into 8 equal segments. Therefore, every segment gets 1.5 hours each every day. There is a certain period also defined for Rahu Kaal for 1.5 hours in a day. We have given the chart below based on our manifestation.
Day | Rahu Kalam |
Sunday | 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM |
Monday | 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM |
Tuesday | 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM |
Wednesday | 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM |
Thursday | 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM |
Friday | 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM |
Saturday | 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM |
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