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Varahamihira is the only Vedic astrology software for astrologers.
It emphasizes more on assisting astrologer rather than becoming astrologer.
Varahamihira contains all calculations needed by an astrologer like
Parashara, Jaimini, KP, Horary, Varshaphala, Lal Kitab etc.
Varahamihira” is the most comprehensive Vedic and Krishnamurthy Astrology Software for Desktop Computers. It contains calculations of all popular astrological systems like Parashara, Jaimini, K.P.System, Lal Kitab, Matchmaking and Varshaphal etc. The software has specially been developed keeping expert astrologers and Jyotish research scholars in mind.  It can be called the best solution for any Astrologer or an astrology enthusiast. “Varahamihira” has very user-friendly design that saves astrologer in wasting time understanding the software. The software can calculate horoscopes of huge span of time - from BC to AD*. It provides lots of viewing and printing options. Software has been designed taking advantage of best technology available like COM, ActiveX, MDAC 2.5 and ADO 2.5. It works well with all popular operating systems like Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, and Vista (32 bit & 64 bit).
An astrologer can find exhaustive details and calculations of Match-Making (Kundli Milan), Lal Kitab, Varshaphal, Shodashvarga, Ashtakvarga, Hora and Rahu Kaal, ShadBala, Vimshottri Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Jaimini Chara Dasha, Jaimini Karakatwa, Upgrahas, K.P. Horary (1-249), K.P. Panchang, Ephemeris, Panchang, etc. Some of the supplementary features that our software provides are K.P. System, K.P. Panchang, K.P. Horary (1-249) and Lalkitab. It also eliminates references to astrological books.

You rarely need to refer to an Atlas or Panchang - K.P, Tables of Houses, Tables of Ascendants, Tables of Horary Numbers, etc with you. “Varahamihira ” has a huge database of latitude and longitude of thousand cities and supports North and South Indian style horoscopes "Varahamihira" contains many useful features including, K.P. System, Saptavarga, Ashtakvarga, Vimsottri Dasa, Aspects, Horary, K.P. Horary (1-249), K.P. Panchang, Ephemeis, Panchang etc. having a much user friendly screen, the full horoscope can be read on the desktop screen and analyzed without noting anything on paper. In addition thousands of horoscopes and cities can be stored and retrieved instantly. Horoscopes can be printed on any printer and used for further references and research work.

  Unique Features

Varahamihira” has got the most unique features as compared to any other jyotish software which is a piece of art of its own and one would not find anywhere in any other astrology software. Lets go through our unique features to find out more:

  K.P. Horary

Using references and time consuming calculations is cut down. The software is especially designed keeping user-friendly features and instant calculations in mind. For example you can immediately know the Ruling Planet of any time. Cast Horary horoscope while on the click of a button. There is no need to refer to Ephemeris, K.P. Panchang, Tables of Houses, Tables of Ascendants, Tables of Horary Numbers etc any more.

  Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab needs no formal introduction. It is popular amongst neophytes and masters of astrology equally. The enamored of the remedial measures of Lal Kitab and the astrologers who suggest them take pride in them. The measures are too simple to be explained in detail and too typical to be understood by an intelligent human being. Whatever be the facts they are quite effective and cannot be just given up for their simplicity. Rather they bring credit to him who suggests them. Varahamihira supports all calculations of Lal Kitab including Lal Kitab Varshaphala.

  Maintenance and Upgradation

The software comes with first yearwarranty against any bugs or defects. All the updates/new versions are provided free of cost for one year. There after 20% (minimum Rs.1000/-) will be charged for update.

  Payment Options and Information

1. For all orders, shipping is India Rs. 250 and $10 for overseas orders.
2. Orders can be phone in, faxed in, mailed in, or e-mailed in.
3. We accept credit cards, money orders, and international bank drafts in U S dollars. Cash is fine too believe it or not.


From U.S and other long distance places, please get a demand draft. If you need an invoice from us ahead of time, just request it and we'll send it to you.


As far as possible we do not have distributors. We deal direct mostly. As for a distributor in India, we do not currently have one. Customers wishing to buy from India have to get a check as described above. However distributorship enquiries are solicited.


Pentiums, at least 16 MB of RAM, and at least 40MB on disk to install. Pentium 166's are very good for example. 486 will be a little slow, but workable. For best results, this version requires a "fast" computer by current standards. Varahamihira works well with all popular operating systems like Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, and Vista (32 bit & 64 bit). Shipped ONLY on CD.

  Why to Purchase VARAHAMIHIRA
  • Lifetime warranty against bugs and defects
  • No need to upgrade every time
  • No complexity, user-friendly design
  • Accurate and fast
  • Best value for money
  • Highly customizable to suit your requirements
  • Thoroughly Tested
  • Wide range of hardware and software support
  • Power and grace
  • Wonderful interface
  • Professional, beautiful printouts
  • All the features you want
  • Couple arc second accuracy
  • Highly accurate dashas
  • North and South style charts
  • Complete support for Lal Kitab
  • All features of KP and KP Horary
  • Four popular built in or user Ayanamsa
  • Ashtaka Varga
  • Vargas (Harmonic/Divisional Charts)
  • All Balas- Shad, Graha, Bhava
  • Prasna Features
  • Chara Dasha
  • Yogini Dasha
  • Manageable database of clients
  • Outer planets option throughout
  • Complete Krishnamurti System
  • Online Help
  • Very beautiful printouts- nice graphics
  • and much much more.
  Features at a Glance

Following categories of features are mainly available -

  • Astrology
  • Varshphal
  • Matching
  • Horary
  • Panchang & Ephemeris
  • Lal Kitab
  • KP
  • KP Horary
  • Predictions
  • Basic Details: Birth time in Ghati, Sunrise, Sunset, Day-Duration, Bhayat, Bhabhog, Balance of Dasha, Avakhada Chakra, Ghat Chakra, Lucky Day, Stone, Color Etc, Lunar Paksha, Lunar tithi Etc.
  • Planetary Position with their descriptions and Birth Chart (Lagna Kundli).
  • Deatils of Karaka, Avastha
  • Bhava Chalit, Nirayan Cusp & Sayan Cusps.
  • Shodashvarga - 16 Charts (Hora, Dwadasamsa, Navamsa, Moon Chart Etc).
  • Sudershan Chakra.
  • Friendship table (Maitri Chakra).
  • Shadbal and Bhavbal.
  • Prastarashtakvarga Table.
  • Ashtakvarga Table / Charts.
  • Compatible Table.
  • Vimsottri Dasha : Mahadasha, Pratyanter and Sooksham.
  • Yogini Dasha, Char Dasa.
  • K.P. System: Lord and Sub Lords of Planets, Planetary Position according to Lagna or according to 1-249 Nos, Prime Significators, Aspects, General Significatiors with Star Lord etc.
  • Jaimini System - Char Dasha & Karakatwa
  • Daily Panchag
  • Daily Planet Ephemeries.
  • Sunrise and Sunset.
  • Rahu Kaal, Hora, Choghadia etc.
  • KP Panchang, Moon Table (When Change Sub Lord & When Change Sub-Sub Lord).
  • Jamini System.
  • Yearly Lal Kitab Chart
  • Aynamsa- Chitrapaksh (Lahri), K.P., K.P.(New), Raman, Zero or Customizable.
  • Chart Style - North, South Style.
  • Facility to include or exclude Outer Planets in charts.
  • Fonts Selections- User can select any Font available in the windows.
  • Facility to change Astrologer's name to be printed at the bottom of the horoscope.
  • User can change the Colors of the Planets in the charts.
  • Facility to save Horoscopes in asp format, which can be sent through E-Mail.
  • Facility to save different events occurred in life and view their calculations to compare the similarity between them.
  • Facility to Enter the Personal Details of a Customer (Address, Phone No. Etc) and Save them to be viewed for the next time.
  • Worksheets - Two special worksheets in which user can select any chart to view and a special worksheet in which user can view any chart, that can be placed anywhere on windows in any size and can be moved any where on the screen with the help of mouse or available tools.
  • Time Tool - A useful tool, which helps determine the exact Birth Time of a person. The Birth Chart changes on the screen as and when the Time-Tool is put into use.
  • Personal Atlas Manager - You can Add/Delete the Data of your own City or Country.
  • Facility to save a file/Horoscope in different categories. User can also search/sort the files as per required.
  • User can create own modules for Printing.
  • Latitude, Longitude and Time Zone of more than 15 thousand cities are available.
  • User defined model - choose pages to print based on your preferences.
  Match Making
  • Provides accurate information of the Points obtained after matching a Couple. It also shows the Details of Manglik Dosh.
  • Basic Details - Comparision of Lagan, Rashi, Nakshatra, Nadi, Varan, Vaishya, Yuja, Hansak Etc of both Male & Female
  Lal Kitab
  • Prolvides detailed calculations like Lal Kitab Kundli, Lal Kitab Chandra Kundli, Nek/ Manda Graha, Soya Graha and Ghar, Andha teva, Ratandh Teva etc.
  • Lal Kitab Varshphal calculation.
  K.P. System
  • Planetary and House positions in Rashi, Nakshatra, Sub and Sub-Sub
  • Niryana Bhava Chalit (Cuspal Chart)
  • Planet Signification
  • Bhava Signification
  • All seven ruling planets
  • 1-249 number based KP Horary
  • Customizable Ayanamsa
  • KP and KP (new) Ayanamsa to choose from
  • Aspects according to Krishnamurti
  Important Features
  • Extensive Support for Krishnamurthy Paddhati (KP)
  • Support for Lal Kitab
  • Support for Lal Kitab Varshaphala
  • Best value for money
  • Chogadia, Rahu Kaal & Hora
  • K P Panchang & Traditional Panchang
  • Monthly Ephemeris
  • Designed for Astrologers & Astrology Students
  • Analytical tools like -
  • Worksheets
  • Date/Time Tool
  • Location Tool
  • Yogini and Chara Dasha system
  • Time input in ghati-pala
  • User Defined Models
Sample charts output in PDF format - HINDI LANGUAGE | ENGLISH LANGUAGE
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