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Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal – Rahu Peyarchi in Thulam

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 is very important cosmic event. Rahu is considered as a shadowy planet in the Indian astrology. Rahu is known as a planet that has intense effects on a person. The propagator of dark forces and black practice, Rahu can make a person suffer severely. Like all the other planets even Rahu is said to have positive as well as negative effects. However, the negative effects of Rahu are so severe that it is also known for causing accidents and big losses. If the Rahu is favorable that it can prove to be very beneficial and can bestow many things to the person. Rahu Peyarchi is the time of Rahu travelling from one sign to another. It doesn’t matter that in which sign the Rahu is posited, it will have its influence on all the signs. Rahu is in Viruchigam (Scorpio) presently and it is going to shift its place to Thulam (Libra) on 23rd December 2013. Let’s now have a look at the effects of Rahu Peyarchi on all the zodiac signs.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Mesham

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Mesham

Rahu in the rasi Thulaam is not bringing favorable results for you. You might have to face bitterness in your relationship with family and friends. Don’t think of initiating any new work during this period as nothing positive seems to come your way. You might get stressed due to some serious health issue. There are chances that you might get involved in legal matter, try to avoid any emerging legal issue as much as possible. Professional journeys will not prove to be fruitful and if necessary then take care of your health and avoid junk food on journey.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Rishabam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Rishabam

The Peyarchi of Rahu seems to be fruitful for Taurians. The negative atmosphere at your workplace will turn to positive and you will start taking interest in your present job. Success of any project assigned to you will bring appreciation and fame in your favor. Your financial status will improve and you will also be able to save money for future purpose. You will achieve victory over your enemies and they will fail in their endeavors of letting you down. Some small arguments with family members might pop up in between, but apart from that you will enjoy your domestic life.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Midhunam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Midhunam

Rahu Peyarchi in 2013 is not promising for you. Failures or delayed success that to not up to the expectation is predicted in all aspects of life. There are strong chances that you are putting up your faith in undeserving people which can cost you a lot later. Your health might suffer due to the stress you will take in 2013. Don’t take your health for granted during this time in any case. Any little ignorance in all fields might cause a great harm to your respect and dignity. Stay away from legal matters and if necessary, keep a low profile.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Kadagam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Kadagam

The Peyarchi of Rahu for 2013 is clearly indicating toward some unexpected troubles. You will put all your efforts to please your seniors and people around but won’t get any success. The time is very unfavorable for you therefore, stop expecting and try to keep up the good work. The level of your anger might also boost up which will only create more problems in your life. A loss of money is foreseen, do not take up any task that involves risk regarding your money. Your beloved will be dissatisfied because of your lack of interest in your relationship.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Simmam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Simmam

Rahu in Thulaam is bestowing you immense enthusiasm, energy and praise from the people. All these gifts will energize you and you will be taking up your work more lovingly than ever. You might want to spend some time with your friends who are no more in regular touch with you. This get together will also motivate you to strengthen your bond with family and beloved. Your professional responsibilities will make you more mature and intelligent. Delighted seniors will not only praise you but also will award you with a promotion or salary hike. Indeed, it is going to be a great year from all aspects.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Kanni

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Kanni

The Rahu Peyarchi of 2013 is foretelling that the life’s ups and downs will keep you occupied the whole year. Nothing seems to turn into your favor easily. However, your health is showing signs of improvement. It is must for you to go through each and every detail before starting any new task or work. Your family members might find your attitude toward them a bit rude. Your professional tensions are overpowering you and thus you are able to enjoy your life even at home. Take some time out and spend that with family, friends and love.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Thulaam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Thulaam

Rahu Peyarchi has got a year of tremendous changes for you. There are always two sides of a coin; likewise every person is good and even bad at times. Your evil side of instinct is deriving energy from your negative thoughts; therefore, you are required to fill yourself up will optimism. Otherwise, you might do something very wrong that you will regret later. Your relationship with your beloved will suffer in 2013 which will dishearten you a lot. Rahu is not at all fruitful for you. if possible then you should organize a religious event at your home such as Rahu shanti pooja.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Viruchigam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Viruchigam

According to the Peyarchi of Rahu, you are going to take some vital decisions regarding your life in 2013. It seems that you are dissatisfied with your job and so, you can think of switching. Your new job will be better than the previous one as predicted. You are strictly advised to not to take up any job that involves travelling as it will only attract bad luck toward you. Your reputation is at stake and the only way to maintain your dignity is to not to trust anyone blindly in your circle. Avoid arguing with your family on useless issue as they are one who will support you genuinely.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Dhanusu

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Dhanusu

Rahu Peyarchi for 2013 is remarkably good for you. Everything related to your life seems to be in perfect order. Friends and family will love you for what you are and will show up whenever required. Your relationship with your beloved will get stronger and you people might take it to next level. You will not only achieve success professionally, but will also establish yourself as a source of inspiration for others. However, your enemies will think that you don’t deserve anything and will keep on trying to bring you down. With all these good measures, your health is also going to be perfectly fine.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Magaram

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Magaram

One great thing that Rahu Peyarchi has got for you is progress. You will climb up the stairs of success gradually, but constantly. If you are in business then a very big financial profit should come your way. And, if you are in service then your seniors will be happy with you. All the success in profession will give you self confidence and will motivate you to work hard even more. Some misunderstandings in your love relationship are predicted. Start taking care of that from now otherwise it might result into a break up. Start taking care of your health as well.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Kumbam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Kumbam

The Peyarchi of Rahu 2013 has decided to give positive as well as negative results. In clear words you will derive success in some fields of your life whereas, other fields will disappoint you heartily. There are chances that you might get promoted at workplace and your boss will be highly satisfied with your quality of work. This promotion will be accompanied by a huge hike in salary. But, being rude and self obsessed with harm your reputation among people. Your relationship with your beloved and family might also become weak. You are required to be calm and polite.

Rahu Peyarchi 2013 Palangal - Meenam

Rahu Peyarchi palan 2013 for Meenam

Rahu in Thulam sign is not indicating toward favorable conditions for you. You will only get 10 to 20 percent out of your 100% effort made to achieve success. There is a chance of an accident therefore, stay careful while driving any vehicle. You will not get any fruitful result if you don’t trust your abilities. Have faith in you over anyone else as any close friend might backstab you. Overall, your health will be fine but you are required to stay cautious for your eyes. Being ignorant toward your love relationship might be a cause of serious arguments between you two.

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