The hectic and harsh lifestyle of people has taken away the peace of mind. What one really wants? Money? Ritzy lifestyle? Luxury? Or real happiness and state of contentment? Whatever your answer is, you cannot deny that your life is lacking somewhere if you have everything, but no peace of mind. Achieving the materialistic pursuits has driven the mankind out of spirituality or spiritual awakening. No one has time to explore what one really wants in life and what one finally wants to be. The worldly desires have covered the mind of human beings. In the way of achieving all the materialistic aspects of life, people have forgotten the real meaning of life.
Your life is not about mere living, achieving good marks, an excellent career, supportive family and earning a lot of money. When all these desires are fulfilled, what is the next thing that one can wish for? The happiness achieved from acquiring all the materialistic pursuits is perishable. It will diminish with time and once you get accustomed to it you might want to get away from all such things. And if you do so, then what’s next?
The sea of life is vast. There are many things to do. Take the path of spirituality. Think what you have done today for your soul. Meeting and exploring your inner self will lead you to an ultimate life, the life that you have never dreamt of. The life that has a higher meaning.You will understand what real happiness is and where it lies. By gaining peace of mind and living peacefully in your everyday life will lead to an ultimate state of self and spiritual awakening.
Peace of mind is a state of inner calmness and tranquility, combined with the sense of freedom. It is a state where worries cease and there is no stress, fear or strain. Who does not want to experience this state of mind? Do you wish for the same?
If your answer is ‘Yes’, you are at the right place. Here, you will come to know how to open the path of spirituality and achieve the ultimate state of contentment, inner satisfaction and happiness. Getting over the worldly desires will awaken your soul and you will experience joy and satisfaction that is ineffable.
The shadowy planet Ketu has a direct effect over spirituality. Ketu has always been termed as a planet that has malefic effects, though some people are aware about its benefic effects as well. Ketu can bless the native with immense spiritual progress. Ketu can lead the person towards finding the higher self or spiritual awakening. A person becomes aware that there is more in life than material world. It stands for one’s liberation from materialism and imparts to a person a strong power of concentration, perception and a sense of independence in order to pursue spiritual depths.
Ketu is a “Moksha Karaka”. It is an indicator of liberation and has the power to give enlightenment and bliss.
Succeeding to please Ketu will bring freedom and spirituality. Here are the few remedial tips that you can adhere to reap out the maximum benefits and open the path of spiritual awakening.
Deity Ganesha is very closely associated with Ketu and is the Lord of Ketu. When a person worships lord Ganesha, he receives Moksha and blessings through Ketu. Worshipping lord Ganesha can increase the benefic effects of Ketu and therefore, one can move towards spirituality.
Recite the Ketu Stotra. This will lower the effects of Ketu Mahadasha and increase its benefic effects. The Stotra is-
'Palasha pushpa sankaasham taraka graha mastakam
Roudram roudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham’.
You can also chant the Beej Mantra for Ketu. The mantra is- ‘Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah’. Chant this mantra for 7000 times in the span of 40 days. This will augment the benefic effects of Ketu and one will be blessed with spiritual awakening.
Donate a black cow (Shyaam Gaay) to a poor person. You can also donate mustard seeds on Thursdays. This will please Ketu and add to its benefic effects.
Observes fasts on Thursdays. This is the day of Ketu. Fasting on Thursdays will prove to be very beneficial and you experience a state of inner peace and contentment.
Wearing a 9 Mukhi Rudraksha will decrease the malefic effects of Ketu. The special powers of this Rudraksha ease the bad effects of Ketu and removes fear and tensions. The wearer feels a sense of confidence in him and enhances the good effects of Ketu.
The gemstone that represents Ketu is Cat’s eye or ‘Lehsunia’. Wearing this gemstone removes the hurdles and evil effects that may happen to any person. Wearing the cat’s eye stone can make the wearer to enjoy wisdom and enlightenment. It is also known to reduce the malefic effects of Ketu.
However, it is advisable to consult an astrologer before wearing the cat’s eye stone.
The above stated remedies are very powerful. When you will continuously perform these remedies with utmost devotion and pure heart the malefic effects will decrease and you will start experiencing the benefic effects of Ketu. You will rise above all the worldly and materialistic pursuits and desires and opt for a simpler living. The level of happiness and satisfaction that you will experience will be out of this world. The wisdom and insight you will gain will lead you to a way of spiritual awakening and finally you will come to know- what you really wants and what real happiness is?
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