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Accidents : Prediction through Astrology

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Mon 7 Jun 2010 1:45:11 PM

S N Rao

Whenever any individual suffers from an accident and the mental trauma thereafter the first thing that he thinks on recuperating is that his time is bad and the planetary positions are not in his favor. He thinks of performing remedial measures to reduce the bad effects.

The following questions naturally arise thereafter.
Does the position of Planets have anything to do with accidents?
Is it possible to analyse the causes of accidents through astrology?
Is it possible to know the time period when accidents can take place?
Can anyone predict accidents through astrology?
The answer to all the above questions is – Yes.

The following factors play an important role in determining whether the native is susceptible for accidents.
The sign lord of Ascendant, Moon and the Sun in a birth chart.
The dispositor of the planet in the signs.
The strength of Asc, Moon and Sun.
The Divisional Charts D1, D9.
And finally the Transit Chart.

Every sign has its own quality. Hence every person born in a sign will have certain common and important traits. The Ascendant in Aries is the most prone for accidents whereas Virgo is least prone for accidents. This is because of the excess nervous energy the Aries lagna native and his inability to control it properly. Similarly Pisces lagna native is also prone to accidents. The two faced fish that Pisces represents cannot take decisions quickly due to their weak reflex action. The Virgo lagna native is more cautious and will always think twice before initiating action. Libra natives are well balanced and hence they are not generally prone to accidents. In a general manner the natives with Ascendants in the Fixed signs ( Taurus, Leo, Aquarius) are less prone to accidents. They do not like changes, experimentation and hence they follow a fixed routine which probably is the reason.

The sign occupied by the Sun plays an important part in determining the vitality of the native. The more the vitality the better the strength to recuperate and less the damage incurred. Sun is very hot and a fiery planet. It is comfortable when it occupies similar signs. But when it occupies Watery signs like Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio it will not be comfortable and hence cause accidents. Similarly when Sun occupies Sagittarius, Capricorn the fiery nature gets centred and concentrated to a particular location and this protects the individual. Similarly when the Sun occupies the fixed signs Taurus, Leo and Aquarius the fiery nature seems to be controlled by the individual and hence there is less chance of harm and accidents.

Vedic astrology gives more importance to Moon being in a friendly, own or exalted sign for the well being of the individual. Moon gives life to an individual and helps the native to survive from all casualties. Benefic aspects will improve the health and protection to the individual. Even malefic aspects are better than no aspects to the moon. The most dangerous situation is having the moon in the birth chart without any aspect. In fact all the balarishta yogas which are scripted are based on the moon’s position, its strength and the type of aspects it receives. Moon occupying Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces will be comfortable and hence it will give maximum protection to these natives. Moon in Sagittarius and Libra will also give beneficial results with regards to the health of the native. Moon in saturnine signs of Capricorn and Aquarius and Martial sign of Aries will be more prone to accidents, bruises, cuts, fevers than others. Similarly Moon occupying the Nakshatra of Saturn and Mars will be more prone to accidents than others. In a birth chart if there is a negative aspect from Saturn or Mars to the moon then the native is more prone to accidents.

The next important thing that is to be looked at is the dispositors. The sign in which the lagna, sun and the moon is placed needs to have a good relationship / aspect with the lord of its dispositor. This relationship will decide whether the native will be accident prone or not. Eg. Moon is in Taurus. This is a favorable position as moon is exalted and will give maximum protection, but if its dispositor Venus is placed in the 12th house from it (Aries) then it is considered unfortunate and the moon will lose its ablity to give protection. Another eg will be Aries Lagna and its dispositor Mars occupying the 12th house in Pisces. This position will give negative results and make the native accident prone.

The 12th house and the placement of its lord plays an important part in determining the events that happen over which we do not have any control. If the Fixed signs happen to be the 12th house then it is favorable as it acts protectively and also the effect is localized to a particular area. If the lord of the 12th house happens to occupy an upachaya sthana then it gives favorable result. This gives the native protection from accidents and any other undue negative results.

The 8th house and the placement of its lord gives us an idea of how and where the accidents are likely to take place and when. The placement of the 8th lord in the Asc gives bodily injury and makes the native injury prone. Its placement in the upachaya sthana gives protection to the native. Its placement in the 8th house increases longevity. The sign / house it occupies gives us an idea of the bodily injury that could be likely to take place. Eg. for an aries ascendant native, Venus happens to be the lord of the 8th house and its placement in pisces will give injury to the calves.

The 4th house signifies the end of all matters and it also signifies fatality in accidents. As per KP the 4th house lord, its star lord, 4th cuspal sub lord having any relationship with the 8th or the 12th house gives accidents. The native is likely to suffer from accidents during its maha dasha, antar dasha, pratiantar dasha or sookshma dasha. Accidents may also occur during the major and sub-periods of maraka and badhaka lords or planets placed therein.

The planets Mars and Saturn are associated with Accidents. The positioning of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is also said to be vital when it comes to accidents. Some possible combination for a native who is accident prone is - Rahu and Mars in ascendant or second house, Saturn in Ascendant, Mars in Ascendant, Mars or Saturn in the third house, Mars or Saturn in 5th house. The Dasha period needs to looked into upto sookshma dasha level. Any combination and involvement of the 12th, 8th, 4th house will give accidents or hospitalization during its period.

Lastly the transits play an important role. If the dasha period signifies any accidents and the transits do not support them then the native is unlikely to get any accidents. This fact needs to be studied in detail. Accidents may occur during the transit period of malefic planets who occupy or aspect the malefic houses or the birth positon of the moon, sun or lagna. Prediction made only on dasha periods without looking in to transits will not give correct results. The aspects of benefic planets in Transit on the lagna, moon, sun will always help the native to lead a healthy and an accident free life.

To consult astrologer S N Rao, Please click here
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