FIFA World Cup 2014 has reached the level of peak competition. Now, it’s turn for Group of 16. We at AstroCAMP are giving you the prediction that who is going to win the match between Costa Rica Vs Greece. Know the winner in advance and taste Brazilian Samba, while sitting in India.
Matches Played: 0
Costa Rica: 0 Wins Greece: 0 Wins
Favorite team: Greece
Number: 80
The following is the horary map for the seed number mentioned above. The rules are obvious that the sub Lord of 6 th house strongly signifying developing houses like 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 houses.
Here, the sub-lord of 6 th house is Mercury . It is placed in 11 th house in the star of Mars and own subdivision. Mars is in 3 rd house. Therefore, Mercury is strongly connected with the 3 and 11 houses. It is favorable for Greece.
Hence, after careful analysis it can be concluded that stars are in favor of Greece.
Greece will win.
By VGR Pavan
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