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Astrological Yoga for becoming a Doctor

Author: Acharya Ram Hari Sharma | Last Updated: Tue 30 Mar 2010 12:11:59 PM

Acharya Ram Hari Sharma

Now-a-days every student worries about his career from the very beginning. Many of the students are not able to decide what career would suit best to them. A lot of new and untraditional fields are coming up these days. In such fast changing society, parents should be aware of the weaknesses and strengths of their children. Parents spend a lot of money on children’s higher education, but sometimes they do not perform up to their expectations. Even though a lot of fields are available when it comes to career, but the occupation of doctors is very charming for youth for past several years.

After completing their basic education, students grapple with dilemma whether they should opt for medical field or not? They face a lot of uncertainties and questions like their ability to succeed in this field, if they would be able to clear the entrance exams, or would they finally be effective doctors? The ancient science of astrology can prove handy in answering such kind of questions. Here in this article, I will discuss about the astrological Yogas that depicts medical profession. These are essential Yogas for achieving success as a doctor.
1. If strong Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu make relation with 10th, 2nd, or 7th, the native becomes a successful doctor.

2. If Rahu and Ketu are strong and positioned in Shubh Bhava’s 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 or 10th houses, natives becomes a doctor.

3. If 5th and 6th houses relate with each other, it gives good intelligence for diagnosis of diseases.

4. If 6th house or 6th lord makes relation with 10th house, native becomes a doctor or a lawyer.

5. If Mars or Ketu aspects/joins 10th house or 10th lord, native will be a surgical specialist.

6. If Jupiter or Ketu have the relation (aspect/exchange/position) with 10th house or 10th lord, native becomes a homeopathy doctor.

7. If any sign out of Aries, Leo, Sagterious or Scorpio rises in 10th house, there are fair chances of becoming a doctor.

8. If Sun and Saturn are joined in 10th house, native becomes a dentist.

9. Position of Sun, Venus and Jupiter in 10th house makes the native a gynecologist.

10. Sun and Moon or Jupiter and Mars in Angles (Kendra) make native a doctor.

If one finds these Yogas present in ones horoscope, s/he should try in the field of medical science. There is a huge possibility of his/her success in this field.

To consult Acharya Ram Hari Sharma, Please click here.
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