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Mystery of Astrological Remedies Revealed!

Author: Surbhi Bhadauria | Last Updated: Sat 15 Jun 2013 3:30:02 PM

Astrology Remedies, Astrology

By Surbhi Bhadauria

Astrological Remedies have been helping people since ages. Some astrologers say that astrology is incomplete without remedies and some say remedies are nothing. But, what is the use of knowing everything (including troubles) in advance when you cant solve them? Yes, for your satisfaction, you may say that good and bad times come and go. But, for how long will you waste the precious time of your life due to this super-positive thinking? One day or the other you will become tired of this game of waiting for the good times to come and bad times to end.

Of course, we are mortals. So, we can play this game as long as we are alive. But, dont you think life is too short to waste on waiting for the troubles to end? So, here comes the need of astrology remedies. Now, your next question would be what are these remedies?

Well, the answer to this question is really difficult because there are numerous remedies. Here comes the role of astrologer. A good astrologer can analyze which remedy is perfect for you. The astrologer not only looks at the problem, but also considers the time and resources a great factor while choosing one remedy for a native.

Sometimes, the astrologer is not aware of the natives efficiency to perform a remedy. In that condition, the native does not perform it and keeps suffering. Or, the native tries to perform it, but doesnt perform it well; hence suffers the adverse effects or nothing happens. Keeping this in mind, we decided to create an article on astrology remedies collecting the views of world class astrologers. In this article, you will find the views and suggestions of various astrologers on astrology remedies.

Lets start with Pt. Hanuman Mishra. Due to his immense knowledge in the field of astrology as well as numerology, he is associated with many big names. Till date, he has changed many lives. You never know what all his one suggestion can do. So, lets see what he says:

Astrology Remedies #1: Choose The Remedy As Per Your Convenience

In the absence of solution, astrology could be counted in the category of intimidating sciences According to some people, whatever is decided by fate cannot be changed. I agree with their belief to some extent, but as there are two types of diseases Curable & Incurable (Curable diseases are those that can be cured by medicines and incurable diseases cannot be cured by medicines or their chances of getting cured are negligible.). Similarly, many troubles can be prevented by these remedies In the middle of an ocean, when a ship malfunctions, nobody can stop it from drowning. In spite of knowing this fact, the first duty of the Captain is to decrease the loss. Similarly, no matter how difficult are the troubles, remedies give relief to some extent. Hence, I am in favor of remedies.

I would like to mention the series of the remedies determined by the scholars. Amongst all, the first method is considered the best; and with the decrement of the series, last one is considered as the least effective

Below mentioned 9 remedies compiles all those numerous remedies of astrology you have heard of.

  1. Performing Havan with Mantra
  2. Japa (Chanting) & Stuti (Commendation)
  3. Dana (Donation)
  4. Pujan (Worship)
  5. Greetings to the related planet or deity.
  6. Yantra, Ratna (Gemstone), Rudraksha and Dravya-Snana (Medicated Bath)
  7. Obeisance to Lord Vishnu & Shiva
  8. Serve the elderly people.
  9. Respect those people, living-beings and relatives who are signified by respective planet.

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~ Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Now, lets come to our next Astrologer Nitin Datta. His thirst for knowledge has made him a renowned name in this fast growing world. Using his effective communication skills, he has put his views forth on astrology remedies. Lets now see what he says:

Astrology Remedies #2: Easy To Follow Remedies For New Age People

Different Astrologers have unique genius of suggesting different remedies. Multiplicity of remedies for a single problem creates dilemma to the person performing it. He gets confused and does not understand whom to believe. A remedy that works for one person may not suit the other person at all. It may happen on account of difference in lordship, position & longitudes of planets in the Horoscope

The most popular among the easiest remedies originate from the Lal Kitab. Lal Kitab is itself a complex system of astrology but it suggests very simple yet powerful remedies. The problem in performing these remedies is that due to their simplicity they are normally ignored.

Gemstone therapy basically originated from the Vedic astrology. This is a very powerful system of remedy if attended properly. The problem with this system is that gemstones are prescribed to everyone i.e. one who needs it as well as to the one who does not need it. Gemstones can cause severe damage if the horoscope is not analyzed properly and a conflicting gemstone is prescribed to the person.

Mantra recitation is again not applicable for all. In this fast moving world, no one has the time to score rounds of rosary and recite Mantras. Yantra represents a higher form of worship that is not at all meant for all. Unlike an idol, a Yantra demands regular worship which is not possible for all. Hence, so forth, the different sets of remedies does not suit all. To conclude, gemstone therapy and Lal Kitab score over and above the other system of remedies prescribed in our classical literatures.

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~ Nitin Datta

Further, Acharya Raman explains his views on astrology remedies. He has been working in this domains since years. Lets what has he got for us from his collection of years of experiences:

Astrology Remedies #3: When & How to perform Astrology Remedies

In my day to day interaction with people I come across the discussion on problems and their remedies in astrology. I cannot say much but can only share my experiences with you. If you dont believe in the Hindu thought of rebirth and Karma-phal then this is of no meaning to you.

When we fall sick ,doctor starts with the least powerful antibiotic and gradually increases the spectrum to cure the disease. Similarly, when a virus or bacteria hits us, it does it with its least effort and it also gets its immunity increased against the antibiotic.The most live example is a mosquito and malaria.

In short, one should start with gemstones that are least powerful in changing one`s course of life and finally one has to surrender in front of Almighty and leave everything else. Pooja is the strongest cure since all the ages that have passed and will remain so. And, it does not require money, Pandits, process or anything else at all. Just true love and devotion to Him like that of Meera, Tulsidasji, Radhaji, Soordaasji etc.

It is my opinion that one should never do remedies for gain of wealth, name and fame. Remedies should be performed only when there is a matter of life and death or something critical.

~ Acharya Raman

In this discussion, Astrologer MS Kondal also came forth with his views on astrology remedies. He is amongst those who has experimented a lot with the principles of astrology to churn out the best of it. Lets now focus on his words:

Astrology Remedies #4: Lal Kitab Remedies, Most Logical To Perform

Astrology without remedies is like a body without soul The remedies include charity, Yantras, Mantras recitation, gemstones, use of roots & herbs and many other methods described by various schools of astrology.

All these remedies are effective but one must be highly proficient with the system used to eliminate the evil effects of the planets. So, I want to say that the astrologer should be perfect in his subject to give benefit to the sufferer. Mostly the Gemstones you get are not real and they don't work, which results in the defamation of the astrologer who suggested them.

The astrologer should know the other systems of astrology also because in one country there are different states and people use different remedial measures to deal with their day to day problems according to their ancestral beliefs and traditions.

Here, I would like to give examples of our country. There are main four zones in India: North, East, West and South. In North, people believe more in Lal Kitab remedies. In South, people go by KP and Nadi. West, they rely more on Gemstones and Tantra. Also, they believe in KP and Pooja for remedies. So, I meant to say that we have to see the persons environmental conditions - also, under which circumstances the person is living and believing. So, accordingly remedies are suggested.

All the remedies are effective, if performed accurately, with purity and whole heartedly. These remedies are mostly done with the natural things like pulses, plants, silver serving etc. So, chances of getting fake things like gemstones etc. have no room in this branch of astrological remedies.

According to me, the best remedial measure one should opt is of Lal Kitab. I am saying this because in my whole career in astrology I found this to be the most effective, less time consuming, economic, easily available and keeps one in tune with the nature. In Lal Kitab Remedies, the author has given very simple remedies by thinking of the whole society including laymen also

I would like to mention that one who serves the nature and donates for the welfare of society gets everything back in the form of material as well as spiritual gains. Also, the native get relief from troubles by the grace of blessings.

We all know that if 5 kgs of wheat is sown it results in 50 kgs of wheat after harvest. But, the logic is - we have to sow first and wait to reap it in the later days.

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~ Dr. Maneshwar Singh Kondal

Now, lets know what Astrologer Rajeev K Khattar says on astrology Remedies. Since years, he is helping people by suggesting the solutions of their troubles. His views on astrology remedies may help you. So, lets read them:

Astrology Remedies #5: Precautions For All Astrology Remedies

When we fall sick, we visit the doctor and take some medicines according to his prescription, follow precautions and take rest. Similarly, people visit their astrologer when they find themselves in problems that they are unable to understand and solve. For example - you are not getting good grades in spite of hard work; or not getting promotion in spite of sincerity & honesty at work place. Astro-solutions are akin to any other problem solving or disease curing technique i.e. diagnose the problem, find the appropriate solution and follow the precautions.

In my opinion, all the therapies like wearing specific Rudrakshas & gemstones, Lal Kitab remedies and Vedic remedies etc. have their own merits.

Questions like - which gemstone should I wear these days; or by wearing which gemstone my desires will be fulfilled - arise when the remedy is gemstone. Finding a suitable gemstone is very important job and can't be just found by knowing your sun sign or birth ascendant. Only an expert astrologer can guide by analyzing the time rectified birth chart. The merit of wearing lucky gem is that you have to wear only one or two and you can be benefited as long as they dont get scratched or damaged. Anybody can wear ones lucky gem irrespective of age, gender, caste or nationality.

Rudrakshas are very suitable for the students as well as elders. In my opinion, businessmen & married persons should avoid wearing Rudraksha unless it is very essential.

Vedic scriptures emphasise on chanting the Mantras and performing Homams (Havan). Mantra chanting should be practiced only after learning the correct pronunciation from a learned person. The correct number of chants should also be taken into consideration to get the desired results.

Lal Kitab remedies are simple to perform and gives almost instant positive results. The benefits of Lalkitab remedies lie in affordability and simplicity. By reading a few books on Lal Kitab, one shouldnt start following the remedies. Although it looks very easy and tempting to start doing the remedies, expert and experienced astrologers should be consulted for guidance. Wearing lucky gemstone has its limitations but Lalkitab has solution to almost all the genuine problems.

~ Rajeev K Khattar

Further, joining the discussion, Astrologer S N Rao Ji also gives his views on astrology remedies. Utilize his years of experience and immense knowledge, he has summarized his thoughts on astrology remedies in this way:

Astrology Remedies #6: Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Astrology offers help in the form of astral remedies Certain remedial measures to overcome mental, moral and physical sufferings by means of medicinal roots, Mantras, Yoga practices and Gemstones are prescribed by the ancient seers. Astrology deals with all the aspects of human life indicating materialistic success and failures; it is deeply rooted in our philosophy. When planets are indicating tragic happenings, people usually do not bother to perform astral remedies to protect themselves against the expected losses The preventive remedial measures provide relief from sufferings while remedial measures after some tragic incidence help in rehabilitation.

The strengthening astrological remedial measures are suggested for all the functional benefic planets even if they are not weak and afflicted in the natal chart. The strengthening measures provide a preventive cover to the planets against their transit weakness. Similarly, the propitiating remedial measures are advised for all the functional malefic planets even if they are not forming close afflictions in the natal chart. The propitiating remedial measures provide a preventive cover for transit and natal afflictions. The problems in life are caused by weak and/ or afflicted planets. To help people overcome their problems, it is advised that appropriate astral remedies, such as meditation and spiritual practices, color and gemstone therapy, wearing of a Kavach or amulet as a protective shield, participation in Pujas and Yagnas and many more should be followed. Therefore, a two-way application of astral remedies is administered after diagnosing the problematic planetary influences in a chart. Firstly, the strength is provided to the weak functional benefic planets. The strength can be provided by various methods, e.g. gemstones, color therapy, Kavach (the protective shield containing mystical numbers of the planets) in an auspicious time. Secondly, the malevolence of the functional malefic planets is reduced through the regular practice of meditation, spiritual practices and offering propitiatory charities concerning these planets. The two-way application helps in reducing the impact of malefic planetary influences to a large extent. The preventive use of astral remedies is much more useful than the curative astral remedies.

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~ S. N. Rao

Now, lets move to our next Astrologer Venkat G. Subramanian. He is amongst the senior-most astrologers of this time. Here, he is sharing his thoughts on astrology remedies with his years of experience. Lets see what he says about astrology remedies:

Astrology Remedies #7: Prayer & Worship, The Best Remedies

Remedy is required to ward off the evils created by the planets. It should be self defensive without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned. A person when in trouble or depressed condition should not be overburdened by way of spending additionally for the sake of any remedial measure wantonly.

Gemstones are rather expensive based on remedial actions. Its rules, regulations and exceptions on application are more besides selection criteria. Care to be taken while wearing, selecting correct gemstone and metal (like copper, silver or gold etc.) for embedding the stone, to get benefit otherwise it behaves in an erratic unpredictable manner. Rudraksha is one of the most revered and sacred object in Hinduism which can be worn by any person without the consideration of nation, religion, caste, sex, with full confidence to get desired benefits in one Mandalam (48 days). It is a powerful and beneficial remedy to suit everyone for spirituality, concentration, peace and welfare. No side effects, but commercially not viable to all.

Prayer is the most potent weapon through which a devotee can achieve everything as it cleanses the mind and purifies the system which is cost effective, dedicated and self oriented. Selection of correct Shloka/ Sthothram would be the best option during crisis period, as they are interchangeable depending upon ever changing Dasa/ Bhukthi periods with negligible remedial cost.

~ Venkat G. Subramanian

With the concept of Karma, Ram Hari Sharma is also here to share his views on astrology remedies. With a slight difference in the concept from other astrologers, he explains the importance of Karma. Lets know what he says:

Astrology Remedies #8: Karma & Spirituality, The 2 Factors To Decide Your Fate

Astrology is not complete without remedies. We know, our fate is written as per the previous births Karma (deeds). Thus, everything is fixed in our fate which can be known by astrology. Now, question arises - if everything is fixed then what will the remedies do. To understand this, we should read the Bhagavad Gita's third chapter Karma Yoga...

Remedies are very important in astrology. Remedies work in overcoming the problems indicated by prediction... If there is an accident in our fate and we know it in advance then we can take precautions and the impact of accident will be very less because of advance carefulness. In addition to this, there are certain diseases, some are curable and some incurable. Incurable diseases cannot be cured but by remedies a person can live with those easily whereas curable diseases can be cured completely by remedies. Remedies are carried out to enhance the good results and suppress the bad effects. There are many types of remedies like Mantra chanting, worship, prayer, meditation, medicine, gemstones, Rudraksh and many more.

As per my experience, the prayer and worship are the most effective remedies. There are certain particular remedies for a particular problem. For example, if a person is on the bed of death then the chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya is very effective. If a girl is not getting married then she should perform Gauri Pujan. This Pujan should be performed along with the reading of the Gauri Poojan chapter given in Ramcharitmanas for 40 days. It is very effective. Therefore, I can say that every remedy is important.

The Gemstones are effective in giving strength to the weak planets. But, the recommendation of Gems is to be done as per the advice of a qualified astrologer. Otherwise, it may have adverse effect if not chosen properly. As per my experience, the worship and prayer (if performed properly) are the best remedies.

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~ Acharya Ram Hari Sharma

Astrologer VGR Pavan shares his views on Astrology Remedies. He is also the one who favors the concept of Karma. Lets now know what he says in context of Karma & Astrological Remedies:

Astrology Remedies #9: Change The Effects of Karma by Astrology Remedies

"Astrology is a divine science which studies the combined nature of all the nine planets configured at the time of birth. Key is Karma and reincarnation theory. That means one will take birth to cherish various results, either good or bad, depending upon the deeds done by him in previous birth. Therefore, an ego will create an effect which the same ego has to enjoy at a different point of time. Planets are the executors of these Sanchita Karmas hence called as hands of destinys clock.

Ancient seers witnessed these phenomena and defined various remedies that can nullify the ego developed by the same ego in previous birth. There are different schools like Lal Kitab, Mantra, Shastra and Tantric deeds, to name a few; that are in vogue till now. I prefer worship of Deities or Adhi-Devtas of planets indicating negative results for an individual. My logic is that dilution of ego can happen only with worship of God. For instance, if the placement of Mars (also, Kuja or Mangal) is indicating negative results then worship of Hanumanji or Murugan can do well.

That means the result of negative Karma done in previous birth reflected by Mars in the horoscope can be lessened through such Karmic activities. We can also find relief by praying the deities representing the combination of planets. For example, the negative effects of Saturn-Rahu can be canceled through the worship of Chhinna Masta Devi, effects of Sun-Jupiter through Suryanarayana, Mars-Rahu through Kali Matha and many more...

We have to do the worships with the materials or locations denoted by the planets with peace of mind and concentration. One should approach a wise astrologer who can identify the exact nature of results one is going to enjoy and suggest propitiations to relevant malefic planets".

He also explains about the deities related to each planet.... click here to read more

~ VGR Pavan

With this article, we tried to find out the importance of remedies. Also, we sought the answers of questions like - if these remedies really work, what are the best remedial measures and how one should perform remedies and more. We hope it will help you understand the concept of astrological remedies better and would provide you insight into nuances of astrology remedies.

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