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Astrological factors for a career in Film Industry

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Wed 19 May 2010 1:18:15 PM

VGR Pavan

The most familiar medium of entertainment in 20th century is Cinema. Thousands of people are depending on this “Film Industry’. To seek a career as an actor or actress is not an easy issue in this competitive world. One’s horoscope should have strong yogas for his/her bright future in this field, otherwise one will waste his time-effort-money for success.

What are the Astrological factors for a Career in Film Industry?

Vedic astrology says that strong Venus, Jupiter, Sun and the 5th house will give a successful career in this Industry. Venus shows drama, art etc, Jupiter for luck and prosperity, Sun for fame and popularity and strong 5th house shows  success through the affairs of 5th house i.e. Entertainment, Drama, Action etc..

KP clearly states that if 5th cusp sublord is deposited in the constellation of a planet signyfing 2, 6, 10, 11 houses then one will have prosperity in this field. Connection of Karaka Venus will accentuate the yoga and gives sure results.

Second house: for earnings through 5th house. Everyone works for earnings only.

Sixth house: effort for the fifth house matters. They work hard to give a quality output.

Tenth house: fame and reputation/following is the end result for their efforts.

Eleventh house: whether results are to their satisfaction or not.

In experience it was found that connection of all other houses to fifth and remaining houses is a stronger sign for a career in Industry. For instance if 5th sub lord is strongly connected with 2, 6, 10, 11 houses and indicates career in Film Industry, then if tenth sub lord is also connected with 5th house and 2,6,11 houses then it is confirmed. Cross-Connection s very important otherwise we have some thousands of heroes and heroines now.

All these results will flow only in the conjoined periods of Signyficators(as per KP scheme) of 2,5,6,10,11 houses.

The above rules will hold good for the “Horary Astrology” also.

We can also classify the nature of work depending up on planets:

Sun: Producer.Head of all, without him no film will be on the sets.

Moon: for expression, sentiments, emotions etc.Children movies, tragedy Movies          

(Moon-Saturn), Message oriented movies (because Moon denotes Masses).

Mars:  Hero, as it is said that mars knows no fear and one will not have stage fear at all.

Heroism and action are the main roles mars prompts to.           

Comedian, and short films.

Jupiter: Mostly director. In combination with others he makes films. Sun-

Jupiter=Patriotic movies, Moon-Jupiter=children movies/ Message oriented 

Movies, Mars-Jupiter=Action Movies, Mercury-Jupiter=comedy movies, Venus-

Jupiter=Love stories/Music oriented, Saturn-Jupiter=Tragedy movies, Historical 

or Mythological movies. Rahu-Jupiter=horror movies/suspense thrillers, Kethu-

Jupiter=Philosophical movies

Venus: For glamour. Now-a-days this is the main feature of movies. Not only heroines

but heroes are also striving hard to maintain a “Look”. Generaly Venus prefers

quality. So movie will be made with high quality equipment for better “Show”.

Saturn: All those people working behind the scene comes under his influence. Do we

know all the people working for a movie other than some main people!

Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn-Jupiter: Choreographer

Mars-Saturn-Jupiter: Stunt Master.

Mercury-Moon-Venus-Saturn-Jupiter: Music Director.

Mercury-Moon-Saturn-Venus-3rd house: Lyricist.

Mercury-Mars-Moon-Saturn-3rd house: Dialogue writer/Script writer.

Mercury-Mars-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Rahu: Technician/ graphics.

Mercury-Jupiter-Venus and 5, 3 houses: Distributor.

Mercury-Jupiter: Advertisement.

We can add so on..

All these results will come to fore depending up on Dasa and Bhukthies running for the naïve. We often see people entering a villains and becoming heroes and heroes into comedians etc. Co-rulers are responsible for this type of changes or shifts.       

Experience is the main asset, so we have to assess each and every factor in detail to predict precisely the nature of event. That needs a strong intuition and fertile imagination and synthesis. That’s why many studies astrology but only a few become astrologers. Hails to Sri KSK.

To consult astrologer VGR Pavan, please click here 






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