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Importance of Dasamamsa chart in Astrology

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Fri 2 Dec 2011 3:41:20 PM

Importance of Dasamamsa chart in Astrology

By S N Rao

Dasamamsa ( 10 Parts of 3° each) is the 10th part in a horoscope. This is also called D10 chart sometimes in divisional chart scheme. This chart is studied to analyze profession, fame, power and position. This chart is also known as career analysis chart.

Divide a sign into 10 equal sub-divisions and we get a Dasamamsa equal to 3°. The counting of Dasamamsa is to be made from the same sign for odd signs and from the 9th sign for even signs

Presiding Deitiesfor odd signs are,Indra, Agni, Yama, Rakshasa, Varuna, Marutha, Kubera, Ousana, Pathmaja, Anantharespectively. For even signs, the order is reversed.

Table showing Lordships of Dasamamsa (3° Sub-divisions)

Dasamamsa chart can pinpoint factors causing delays and temporary disappointments in profession.

Dasamamsa Lagna shows fame related to work, Lagnesh shows attitude and motives in work (Dasamamsa).

Second house shows investments and group whilst second lord shows source of it and group which you belong to.

Third house is related to agreements and communications, whilst third lord shows short journeys.

Forth house is seen for analysing property, office, business located and the lord shows personal secretary - someone you trust, very close and crucial.

Fifth house shows employees in business. When it is strong brings higher promotions.Fifth lord shows immediate subordinates.

Sixth house shows staff functions, whilst its lord brings enemies causing damage.

Lord of seventh house shows our public relations; if Mercury is the lord then the person has a pleasing personality - saumya, Jupiter brings good advice and Mars can be a challenging to everybody in office. Shani criticizes everyone, so if malefic lord has relation with the seventh lord then public relation may be bad. House is related to type of business, if malefic is there people can become very jealous.

Eighth house shows loans and debts which is good for business, if there is malefic then its inauspicious to be engaged in business activities, eight lord brings troubles.

Ninth house shows government, law and ninth lord stands for guide and advisors.

Tenth house shows company career. It is auspicious to pray to the Deity of that planet and put it in office for achieving success.

Eleventh house shows friends in group and the lord shows training development.

Twelfth house bring secret enemies and even one benefic therein is a huge blessing for the native.

If houses and lords are strong and well-placed then one meets with fortune related to that part of work. The native gets the opposite effects for weak and afflicted grahas.Job/buisness connected to strong graha (avastha) will be a source of success and money. Neecha graha can bring skill and finances but also lot of stress.

Principles of Interpretation of Dasamamsa Chart are given below:

  1. In Dasamamsa Lagna / lord of the lagna assumes a tremendous significance. If Lagna is aspected by benefics, it becomes strong then it may be presumed that career of the native stands on a good foundation provided, of course, Lagna chart does not tell altogether different results.
  2. If powerful Sun is posited in upachaya houses aspected by Jupiter, native is likely to get recognition and eminence in career.
  3. If Dasa lord is strong in lagna chart and poised to give good results but lacks adequate strength in Dasamamsa, such Dasa lord may create uncertainties, under critical sub – periods. A sub dasa lord unfavourably placed in Dasamamsa from Dasa lord and afflicted with malefic may even temporarily hold up anticipated results.
  4. Planets in tenth house in Dasamamsa during their ruling periods will better the prospects of one’s career.
  5. If there is no planet in tenth house in Dasamamsa, then its lord during its ruling period will confer honour to the native.
  6. Planets aspecting lord of tenth house in Dasamamsa should also be considered powerful with respect to one’s profession.
  7. The period of planets in kendra of Dasamamsa will be a mile stone in one’s career.

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