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Want wealth ? Check Dhana Yoga in your birth chart

Author: Ankush | Last Updated: Sat 20 Mar 2010 1:39:34 PM

Wealth is very important for everyone these days practically people follow different ways to become rich but one can be rich as it is written in its destiny an astrologer can easily judge that how much one can get by judging his/her horoscope. as in horoscope there are 12 houses out of which 2nd house governs or tells about one’s wealth and 11th house which is house of income and earnings in a horoscope so basic principle which states wealth in one’s life is combination between these 2 houses combination can be of different types

(1) conjunction between lord of 11th and 2nd house.
(2) aspect between lord of 11th and 2nd house
(3) mutual exchange between lord of 2nd and 11th house.

Wealth can be assumed by the strength of these two planets.

Well this is basic principle rest in horoscope trine houses 1, 5, 9 are known as lakshmi sthan means house of wealth and prosperity 1st  house is weak trine 5th house is stronger trine than 1st and 9th house is strongest out of the three. 9th house is also known as bhagya sthan. Relationship between these 3 houses also donate wealth. so in horoscope 5 houses are concerned with wealth in one’s life different types of combination can arise between these 5 houses to indicate wealth.

All possible combination between these houses which generate wealth are as follows:

(1) Lagna lord i.e. lord of 1st house in 2nd house nd 2nd lord in 1st house.
(2) Combination of lord of 1st  and 2nd house in any trine or kendra.or mutual aspect between them
(3) Lord of 1st house in 5th house and 5th lord in 1st house. And lagna lord in 5th and 5th lord in 2nd in turn 2nd lord in 9th or 11th this is a dhana yoga of outstanding wealth.
(4) Lord of 2nd house in 9th and 9th lord in 11th and 11th lord in turn in lagna combination giving rise to multi millionaire.
(5) 5th lord in 5th with lord of 2nd 9th and 11th even one born in normal family can generate wealth equal to a king.
(6) 9th lord in 9th with lord of lagna 2nd and 5th combination of immense wealth.
(7) 11th lord in lagna lagna lord in 2nd and 2nd lord in 5th or 9th equally important dhan yoga
Inspite of this jupiter planet is indicator of wealth and venus planet denotes luxury so combination of these 2 planets in trine(1,5,9) houses or dhan sthan give inherited wealth.

Even though 6th, 8th and 12th houses are known as trik or dusthana but some exceptions are there

(1) Being aries lagna and jupiter in 8th house makes one wealthy one get wealth from inheritance.
(2) Venus feels delighted when placed in 12th house it denotes wealth and luxuries  this will be many folds when venus is in 12th from allthe three lagna’s i.e. lagna, Chandra lagna and surya lagna
e.g. is the case with dhiru bhai ambani ‘s chart even born in a low class family he built his own empire(reliance group)
this placement of venus gives wealth like a kuber
it has also been seen that venus being in its mooltrikona i.e. libra in 5th house also gives lot of wealth if this venus conjoined with rahu it makes chances of striking lottery or wealth from share market.

As 2nd house is house of wealth so trine houses from 2nd i.e. 6th and 10th house becomes aarth trikona(dhan kon) so exchange between lord of these houses also gives wealth.

Like jupiter in 2nd house as it will aspect 6th and 10th house also gives wealth
Jupiter in 6th also aspects 6th and 10th house

And in 10th it also gives lot of wealth as it also makes amla yoga.

These are the combinations for wealth in one’s horoscope but how much wealth one can get in its life it depends on the strength of the planets concerned.
To consult astrologer Ankush Khungar, please click here.
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