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Earthquake Prediction : Chances in India

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Tue 8 May 2012 6:01:15 PM

earthquake, india

By VGR Pavan

In India during this year, we had witnessed tremors or earthquakes on two occasions (luckily without much death toll). The first one occurred in Northern India and the other in South India within two months. I thought that Mars and Saturn are responsible for this havoc (which is a tentative opinion). Unfortunately there is not much information available on mundane astrology. I got the indications that there might be some serious calamity in India but how? where? etc. I thought that horary astrology can be trusted up on to find an answer. The question is “Is there any serious earth quake (which involves huge death toll) in India this year”?

Number 206 flashed in my mind and the following is the map and

Here I take Asc to be our country, danger or disaster to it is represented by the 8th house. Asc is in Capricorn in Mars star and Jupiter sub whereas the 8th house is in Virgo in Sun star and Jupiter sub!

Jupiter is in Aries in Venus star and own sub. Venus is lord of the 4-9 houses in 4th house. Further she is in the star of Moon lord of the 7th house in 11th house (Badaka sthana). Further Jupiter is Badaka lord and connected with Earthy Sign Taurus, and is in good square aspect to Asc another Earthy sign!

Asc lord Saturn is in 8th house in the star of Mars in 7th house, Rahu alone is in the star of Saturn and there are 5 planets in the subs of Rahu. All are dangerous among them planets connected with Asc as well as earthy signs are doubly dangerous. Here only Venus and Kethu are in Taurus hence planets connected with them as well as 8th house are dangerous. Jupiter, Kethu, Venus, Rahu and Mercury are such planets. Among them Rahu-Jupiter-Kethu-Mercury are the Ruling planets also!

The present DB of Kethu-Rahu will run till Jan-2013. Jupiter anthara will be over by April-22, Saturn anthara by June-23 from then till August-18 the anthara of Mercury will run. I think this period need attention because Mercury is not only strong RP but 8th lord in the star of Jupiter (Asc sub lord) and sub of Rahu connected with 7-8 houses. Further Mercury is afflicted by Mars (significator for earth as well as destruction from Leo). Therefore during the Bhukthi of Rahu connected with Mars, mercury will give this result.

If we observe the transit in the last week of June-2012, Mars is transiting over the 8th cusp. Kethu will be in Sun star and Venus sub in exact conjunction with Jupiter in Taurus! Rahu will be in Saturn star and Venus sub, Mercury is in Jupiter star and Rahu sub in exact trine to its radical position. Saturn will transit in Mars star and own sub. Sun will transit in Mercury sign and Rahu star. All planets are transiting in the stars or subs of Significators for 8th house as well as ruling planets. Further there was a new moon day just three/four days before.

As Mercury denotes north direction and transiting in the sign denoting north direction I think there may be an earth quake in Northern India. Interestingly Uranus is also transiting in the sub of Rahu, Neptune in the star of Rahu and Jupiter sub.

The above analysis is only my academic interest readers will appreciate that. Further out of curiosity I verified the time of “Solar Ingress into Aries” in New Delhi our capital city and following is the map:

If we observe closely, the Asc in Solar Ingress Chart is very close to the 8th cusp of the horary chart! Further if we look at this map, Asc is hemmed between Saturn and Mars; Asc lord is debilitated and aspected by the 8th lord, the dis-positer lord for Mercury is Jupiter in 8th house along with 12th lord Sun and aspected by Saturn.

Readers can throw light on this topic and can do further investigation.

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