Yuvraj singh the iconic player in Indian cricket is at cross roads. No one can forget his six sixes in T20 match against England. Unfortunately he fall victim of Cancer at the peak of his career. In spite of such a trouble he came back to international cricket with full confidence. However his performance could not impress our selectors. They dropped him for the Kiwis tour which is going to start shortly. I read news about the future of Yuvraj singh and become curious to know the same. I immediately prepared a horary map for the moment of question with the authentic software in www.astrocamp.com as follows:
As per KP one should have strong 5th house for a career in sports or arts. The strength of 10th house is equally important. In this horoscope Leo rises over 5th house in sun star and Rahu sub. Sun is in 8th house and strong significator for 1, 6, 9, 10 and 11 houses. Rahu is strongly connected with 2, 6, 10 and 11 houses through Saturn and Jupiter. He is connected with 5, 8 and 9 houses through Venus too! Capricorn rises over tenth house in Mars star and Saturn sub. Mars is in 5th house in Moon star hence connected with 10th house but his sub lord Mercury is strongest significator for 8-9 houses! Saturn the sub lord is in Jupiter star Venus sub. Jupiter is in 2nd house but Venus is in the star of Sun in 8th house. Therefore the co-rulers of 10th house are connected with 8th house which stands for punishment.
Therefore the sub lords of 5 and 10cusps are not showing positive indications for a better career. Here Rahu plays dual role. He can bless grand success during the period of a powerful significator but can also ruin career during the period of a malefic connected with negating houses at sub level!
Mars main period rules till 22/10/2016. As discussed earlier he is weak through the sub division of Mercury. Incidentally Mercury sub period is ruling till 19/04/2014. Therefore chances are remote for him to play in international cricket till then. The following Kethu sub period is also not favorable as he is in 12th house in own sub and represents Mars to a great extent!
A careful look at the ruling planets reveals that Mars, Saturn, Venus are not pointing for a pleasant career. Hence the following periods may give negative results for his career:
In the first period Rahu is exactly transiting over the position of Mars. Saturn is in Venus sub. Mars is in Venus sub and Venus is in Rahu star and own sub. Mars is aspecting 5th house with full strength. Hence it seems to me that he may take a major decision in this period.
I need not disclose to the readers that this article is purely out of academic interest but in fact I am a big fan of Yuvi. Good Luck to this outstanding player!
By VGR Pavan
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