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Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 - Marriage Muhurat 2020

Author: -- | Last Updated: Wed 25 Sep 2019 2:33:12 PM

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 – Are you planning your wedding in 2020, and looking for the best Marriage Muhurat? AstroCAMP/MyKundali is here with the answer to all your questions and more. Here is the detailed list of all Vivah Muhurat falling in 2020, following the Vedic Panchang. Select the Shubh Muhurat best suited to you from this list of Lagan Muhurat containing the day, date, month, nakshatras, and muhurat duration.
Marriage Muhurat 2020

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020

Date and Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra
Wednesday, 15 January Magha Krishna Paksha Panchami Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Thursday, 16 January Magha Krishna Paksha Shashti Hasta Nakshatra Chitra Nakshatra
Friday, 17 January Magha Krishna Paksha Saptami Chitra and Swati Nakshatra
Saturday, 18 January Magha Krishna Paksha Navami Swati Nakshatra
Sunday, 19 January Magha Krishna Paksha Dashmi Anuradha Nakshatra
Monday, 20 January Magha Krishna Paksha Ekadashi Anuradha Nakshatra
Sunday, 26 January Magha Shukla Paksha Dwitiya Dhanishta Nakshatra
Wednesday, 29 January Magha Shukla Paksha Chaturthi Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Thursday, 30 January Magha Shukla Paksha Panchami Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra
Friday, 31 January Magha Shukla Paksha Shashti Revati and Ashwini Nakshatra
Saturday, 1 February Magha Shukla Paksha Saptami Ashwini Nakshatra
Monday, 3 February Magha Shukla Paksha Navami Rohini Nakshatra
Tuesday, 4 February Magha Shukla Paksha. Dashmi Rohini Nakshatra
Sunday, 9 February Magha Purnima Magha Nakshatra
Monday, 10 February Phalguna Krishna Paksha Pratipada Magha Nakshatra
Tuesday, 11 February Phalguna Krishna Paksha Tritiya Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Friday, 14 February Phalguna Krishna Paksha Shashti Swati Nakshatra
Saturday, 15 February Phalguna Krishna Paksha Saptami Anuradha Nakshatra
Sunday, 16 February Phalguna Krishna Paksha Ashtami Anuradha Nakshatra
Tuesday, 25 February Phalguna Shukla Paksha Dwitiya Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Wednesday, 26 February Phalguna Shukla Paksha Tritiya Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra
Thursday, 27 February Phalguna Shukla Paksha Chaturthi Revati Nakshatra
Friday, 28 February Phalguna Shukla Paksha Panchami Ashwini Nakshatra
Tuesday, 10 March Chaitra Krishna Paksha Pratipada Hasta Nakshatra
Wednesday, 11 March Chaitra Krishna Paksha Dwitiya Hasta Nakshatra
Thursday, 16 April Vaisakha Krishna Paksha Navami Dhanishta Nakshatra
Friday, 17 April Vaisakha Krishna Paksha Dashmi Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Saturday, 25 April Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Dwitiya Rohini Nakshatra
Sunday, 26 April Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Tritiya Rohini Nakshatra
Friday, 1 May Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Ashtami Magha Nakshatra
Saturday, 2 May Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Navami Magha Nakshatra
Monday, 4 May Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Ekadashi Uttara Phalguni and Hasta Nakshatra
Tuesday, 5 May Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Trayodashi Hasta Nakshatra
Wednesday, 6 May Vaisakha Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi Chitra Nakshatra
Friday 15 May Jyeshtha Krishna Paksha Ashtami Dhanishta Nakshatra
Sunday, 17 May Jyeshtha Krishna Paksha Dashmi Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Monday, 18 May Jyeshtha Krishna Paksha Ekadashi Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati Nakshatra
Tuesday, 19 May Jyeshtha Krishna Paksha Dwadashi Revati Nakshatra
Saturday, 23 May Jyeshtha Shukla Paksha Pratipada Rohini Nakshatra
Thursday, 11 June Ashadha Krishna Paksha Shashti Dhanishta Nakshatra
Monday, 15 June Ashadha Krishna Paksha Dashmi Revati Nakshatra
Wednesday, 17 June Ashadha Krishna Paksha Ekadashi Ashwini Nakshatra
Saturday, 27 June Ashadha Shukla Paksha Saptami Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Monday, 29 June Ashadha Shukla Paksha Navami Chitra Nakshatra
Tuesday, 30 June Ashadha Shukla Paksha Dashmi Chitra Nakshatra
Friday, 27 November Karthik Shukla Paksha Dwadashi Ashwini Nakshatra
Sunday, 29 November Karthik Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi Rohini Nakshatra
Monday, 30 November Karthik Purnima Rohini Nakshatra
Tuesday, 1 December Margashirsha Krishna Paksha Pratipada Rohini Nakshatra
Monday, 7 December Margashirsha Krishna Paksha Saptami Magha Nakshatra
Wednesday, 9 December Margashirsha Krishna Paksha Navami Hasta Nakshatra
Thursday, 10 December Margashirsha Krishna Paksha Dashmi Chitra Nakshatra
Friday, 11 December Margashirsha Krishna Paksha Ekadashi Chitra Nakshatra

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020

According to Hindu religion, devotees believe in doing every propitious task in a Shubh Muhurat. A Muhurat is the Shubh time duration mentioned in the Vedic Panchang in which one can begin their important and auspicious tasks. As such, marriage being a holy joining of two souls, we look for the Shubh Hindu marriage dates in 2020. Hinduism considers that this togetherness, through the pious relationship of marriage, is for seven lives, not one. When the bride and groom take seven rounds around the fire, they make seven vows to each other, which they will fulfil through the seven lives they remain together. Thus, they must take these vows under a Shubh muhurat, which is the Marriage muhurat or the Vivah muhurat.

Marriage – An Unbreakable Bond Through Seven Lifetimes

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020: As we mentioned earlier, a wedding, according to the Hindu religion, is a bond that transcends time and even lives. This unbreakable bond of two souls is said to continue for seven lifetimes between the husband and wife. Vedic Sanskriti describes four ashrams for any human beings, namely brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, and sanyaas. Of these, the foundation of grihastha ashram is marriage. After the wedding, a new part of one’s life begins, and they gain new social responsibilities. Just as the seven colours of rainbows, the seven Rishis in the sky, there are seven Pheras or rounds in Vivah Sanskar. These seven rounds are a significant ritual in a marriage, as without them (Pheras) the wedding is not deemed complete, and each Phera (round) has a particular meaning attached to it.

How To Calculate Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020

Before finalizing things between a couple, kundali matching for marriage is done. An expert astrologer matches the bride and the groom’s kundlis – their gunas to be exact. There are 36 gunas for each person, and when at least 24 of the 36 Gunas match, then the marriage has higher chances of being a success. Simultaneously, they also see the seventh house of the bride and groom’s kundli as it is the significator of marriage.

Once Kundali matching for marriage is complete, astrologers select an auspicious date, day, nakshatra, and time according to the birth charts of the bride and groom. These details together form the Marriage Muhurat. They analyze the planetary positions and nakshatras in the following way and come up with the Hindu marriage dates in 2020:

  • The nakshatra of the Moon, under which the bride and groom are born, play a significant role in calculating the Marriage Muhurat. Astrologers take into account, the alphabets according to the Padam (parts) of the nakshatra.
  • Astrologers take the coinciding date in the birth charts of the bride and groom as the Marriage Muhurat.

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020: Importance of Lagna

While talking about marriage, the term lagna concerns the time of the Pheras (rounds) and the rituals before that. Once the marriage muhurat is confirmed, the next step is deciding the time of lagna. Any mistakes in ascertaining the Vivah Lagna is a primary dosha which one must avoid at all costs. For the Vivah Sanskar, each factor corresponds with something of the native. Thus, the date is body; the Moon corresponds to their heart; the yoga and nakshatras are for the body parts; while the lagna is the soul. Hence, the marriage is incomplete without the lagna.

Precautions For Vivah Lagna in Marriage Muhurat 2020

  • The lagna of the eighth sign from the bride and groom’s ascendant sign is inauspicious for the Marriage Lagna.
  • The Lord of their eighth house, in the bride and groom’s kundali, should not be posited in the Vivah Lagna.
  • Saturn should not be posited in the tenth or twelfth house from the Marriage Lagna.
  • Venus should not be in the third house, and any malefic planet should not be posited in the ascendant (first) house from the Vivah Lagna.
  • A weak/an afflicted Moon should not be posited in the Marriage Lagna.
  • Moon, Venus, and Mars should not be posited in the eighth house from the Vivah Lagna.
  • There should be no planet in the seventh house from the Marriage Lagna.
  • Vivah Lagna should not have the Kartari Dosha (no malefic planet should be present in the second or twelfth house from the Marriage Lagna)

Marriage Muhurat 2020 in Bhadra & Godhuli Kaal

As per the Astrology scriptures, one should not conduct auspicious tasks like marriage in the Bhadra Kaal, but it also has a remedy for the time of need. To calculate the Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 in this Kaal, one can avoid the Bhadra of Earth (Bhulok/Prithvi Lok) and Bhadra Mukh (face of Bhadra). Instead, you can calculate the Vivah Muhurat 2020 in the Bhadra Puchh (tail of Bhadra). On the flip side, one can always compute the Marriage Muhurat 2020 in the Godhuli Kaal. The time when the Sun is about to set, and the herds of cows are causing the dust to rise under their hooves while returning home; it is known as the Godhuli Kaal. However, this is a rare occurrence.

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020: Prohibitions in Chaturmas

The duration of the four months from July to October is called Chaturmas in Hindu Panchang. The term begins from the Chaturmas Devshayani Ekadashi (Ekadashi or eleventh day of Shukla Paksha of Ashada month) and ends on the Devuthani Ekadashi (Ekadashi or eleventh day of Shukla Paksha of Karthik month). Scriptures suggest that one should forget all auspicious tasks in this duration, and immerse oneself in chanting, meditation, and paying homage to the Gods and Goddesses. As per Mythology, during the Chaturmas, Lord Vishnu goes to sleep (Nidra Asana) in the Ksheer Sagar. Only after the end of this period of four months, when the Lord wakes up again, can the auspicious functions restart. That's all we have in Marriage Muhurat 2020 update.

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