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Basics of Horary Astrology

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Fri 16 Sep 2011 3:59:47 PM

horary astrology, horary astrologers

By S N Rao

Horary is the branch of astrology which deals with answering questions. The astrologer can make predictions from these questions by judging a horoscope for the moment the question is asked. The horoscope is set up in exactly the same manner as any other form of astrology. One of the differences between horary and other branches is its reliance on a simple set of rules. These rules are important in the judgment of the horoscope. No other branch of astrology relies on rules to the same extent as horary. It is the rules that usually decide the outcome to questions. Most questions can be answered with a simple yes or no. Applying major aspects, or their absence, between the ruler of the ascendant and the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house asked about or, the Moon and the planet ruling the sign on the cusp of the house asked about, can decide the answer to the question. The art of horary is in knowing the rules by which these major aspects will give a positive or negative result, and how to apply them.

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Receiving the Question
The Querent - The person asking the question is referred to as the querent.
The Quesited - The person or thing asked about is referred to as the quesited.
The Significators - The significators are the planets ruling the querent and the quesited.

Usually the outer planets are not used as main significators, only the traditional rulers. So, Mars
ruling Scorpio, Saturn ruling Aquarius and Jupiter ruling Pisces. Sometimes a third person will ask a question in which they have no direct role to play. For instance when someone asks about a friend who is about to have a baby. In such cases the querent would be ruled by the planet ruling the ascendant. The astrologer nevertheless should ignore their ruling planet and concentrate only on the significators for the friend and her expected baby.

Use the latitude and longitude of the person asking the question since the question was born in their mind at their location and not at that of the astrologer's. It is their question and only they fully understand it. Example 1: If the querent is in Mumbai and the astrologer is in Delhi, use the latitude and longitude of Mumbai for constructing the horoscope

The moment the question is asked either face to face or by telephone is the time to use for drawing the horoscope, whether it is fully understood or not. If the question is included in a letter, fax or on electronic mail, it should be timed for the moment the astrologer reads the question. If the question is not fully understood by the astrologer at that moment, it can be clarified later in discussion with the querent. The instant the astrologer first asks their own question is the correct time to use for drawing the horoscope. If, because of their knowledge of the planetary movements or for any other reason such as waiting for the emotional impact to be strong enough after they have already thought of the question, the astrologer decides to postpone the moment and ask again at a later time, they will only succeed in deceiving themselves. There should be no reason whatsoever for delaying or postponing the time of their own question or that of their client's and they should not expect a successful outcome to the question.

It is pointless asking the same question twice as it will only produce an invalid horoscope on the second occasion. It is the horoscope that was drawn for the moment when the question was first asked that is the valid one. It is essential to keep a record of questions in order to avoid asking the same question or one very similar to it, twice, perhaps in a diary especially kept for horary.

Using the houses in horary astrology:

  1. The First House - Represents the person asking the question.
  2. The Second House - This house deals with the querent's movable possessions and anything they own. It concerns their money and whether they will become rich or not.
  3. The Third House - All forms of communication, whether by letter, by postal delivery, telephone or fax, or the Internet. It was believed to be the house that dealt with rumours and gossip. It has rulership over brothers and sisters and all siblings.
  4. The Fourth House - Property, buildings, houses and homes and the land. It governs the father and family background.
  5. The Fifth House - Creativity and the talents of the querent, children, lovers, casual affairs, sports and competition.
  6. The Sixth House - Sickness and ill health, medicines, employees, people who render a service or do work for you. The police and army. It is believed to describe working condition and part time work.
  7. The Seventh House - Marriage and committed relationships, business partnerships, contracts with another, open enemies, the other.
  8. The Eighth House - Debts, other peoples' money, sex, death.
  9. The Ninth House - Foreign travel and foreigners, visas and legal documents dealing with foreign countries. Higher education, studying at university or some other kind of college. Exams. Astrology. Religion and philosophy.
  10. The Tenth House - Profession or career, one's public standing or reputation. The Judge in a court, Kings queens and monarchs. Success and winning a game of court battle.
  11. The Eleventh House - Friends and acquaintances, large groups of people, associations.
  12. The Twelfth House - All secret hidden matters, secret enemies, prisons, hospitals and institutions.

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