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Horoscope for Sun Conjoining with Saturn in Libra

Author: Hanumaan Mishra | Last Updated: Fri 19 Oct 2012 12:53:16 PM

sun, saturn, libra, horoscope

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra

Sun has entered the zodiac sign Libra on 17th October 2012. Libra is considered as the debilitated sign of Sun. It is said that Sun becomes unable to give its ultimate effect while sitting in this sign. Over that, Sun’s enemy planet Saturn is already posited in this zodiac sign. Libra is considered as exalted sign of Saturn. Saturn becomes more powerful here. In this condition, king of the planets, that is Sun becomes negatively affected. Let’ know, what effect it will put on different zodiac signs.


Due to conjunction with Saturn, Sun will combust, which is not favorable for the natives of Aries sign. However, debilitation of Sun and this conjunction will give direct effects of Sun as well as Saturn over Aries people. This could bring troubles in between your works. Therefore, if you are planning to initiate any work then delay it as much as possible, or at least for a month. Try to give as much time as you can to your family as well as spouse.


Transit of Sun in sixth house is considered good. Therefore, this time is good for you. Planned works will be accomplished. Meetings with important people will be fruitful. Your financial conditions will improve. Still, you need to finish your family matters seriously. Take care of your mother’s health.


This conjunction will give mixed results to the Gemini people. However, you will be successful in accomplishing family matters, but disharmony might stress you. If you will try to find and cease the main source of stress, you will get success.


You will suffer through some problems due to the ‘Dhaiyya’ of Saturn, but if you will recite Surya mantra or worship Surya, good times will start cherishing your life. Financial troubles will be vanished. Legal issues will be solved with victory. Hard work will help you accomplishing your tasks.


Transit Sun will imbibe new energy in you. You will get support from friends as well as colleagues. Some big task might get accomplished. Income sources will increase. Possibilities of some big work are seen. Chances are there for a hike in income. You still need to take care of your health.


Sun is the twelfth house lord for Virgo people. Therefore, debilitated Sun is good for Virgo people. Your tasks will be completed in a positive way only after troubles. You will become free from troubles. Married life will also improve. However, you might become little insomniac.


Conjunction of Sun and Saturn in first house is not considered good for Libra people. If you are already surrounded with troubles, your troubles might increase, or new troubles might pop-up. However, you will get little success after hard work. Take care of your health and don’t take any risk.


The presence of Sun in Libra sign will bring good times at work for Scorpions. However, each task needed to be done with full spirit and hard work. This will strengthen the possibilities of getting benefits. Other aspects of life might give you a hard time. You should stay away from unnecessary arguments as well as legal issues.


Sun is posited in eleventh house, which will give profits to the people of Sagittarius sign. However, you should avoid benefits from some wrong mediums; otherwise this might bring dark clouds of troubles in your life. Possibilities of getting success and honor are also seen. But, don’t leave your work on anyone else. Rage meter might stay high. Take precautions in money matters.


You people will cherish happiness and wealth due to Sun. Name and fame will touch your feet from society. Peace and harmony will bless your family. You might get profits from some investment during this time. There are possibilities of getting success and profits via travel. Still, you need to take care of your health.


People in Aquarius sign will get good chances of travelling at religious places or attending some religious events. Things will become positive at workplace. You will get success in work. Financial situations will improve.


Due to Saturn’s ‘Dhaiyya’, this time is not much favorable for Pisces people. However, they might get relief from the transit of Sun with Saturn and combustion of Saturn. You will get mental relief. Family will be blessed with happiness. Siblings will support you and financial situations will improve.

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