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Scorpio Horoscope 2020

Author: -- | Last Updated: Thu 24 Jan 2019 9:43:56 AM

Image of Scorpio zodiac sign etc Year 2020 will be overall good for natives of Scorpio sign as per Scorpio Horoscope 2020. You may receive better results in the field of career, money and business. Saturn would enter in Capricorn sign in 3rd house of your horoscope on January 24. At the commencement of the year, Rahu would be in the 8th house in Gemini sign and later on, it would enter in Taurus sign in 7th house on September 23.

Planet Jupiter enters in Capricorn sign in 3rd house on March 29. It would transit back in Sagittarius on June 30 after becoming retrograde and again would enter in Capricorn in the 3rd house after becoming direct. The period from May 29 to June 09 marks the combustion of planet Venus. The predictions for Scorpio for the year 2020 are as follows:

Also Read: Planets & Their Natural Significations

Economic Condition for Scorpio Horoscope 2020

The start of the year will be good for you. You will accumulate wealth since Saturn and Jupiter both are influencing your second house. You may also get sudden gains as well during this period. Most of the time, Jupiter will remain in your second house. You will be benefited by this placement of Jupiter. It will bless you with the inflow of money due to the transit of Jupiter in a favourable sign (own sign) and good bhava.

During March-May, you need to put your heart and soul in your endeavours so as to accumulate wealth. Your expenditure is also likely to increase due to an aspect of Saturn over your 12th house. Planet Mars entering your second house, gives an indication of an increase in your expenses, especially, in the year-mid. Lending money to any of your friend, colleague or neighbour does not seem to be a good idea. The probability of this money returning to you is negligible. You will be able to make your economic condition stronger by having sufficient savings. This year does not appear to be auspicious from your economic perspective.

Health according to Scorpio Horoscope 2020

Everybody wants to be fit and fine. However, there are some permutations and combinations of planets, which occur in a certain period of time for a specific period. These combinations may lead you towards bad health. Astrology is here to protect you and guide you from those bad combinations of planets occurring in the universe.

Throughout the year 2020, you need to be very cautious about your health. This year may not be good from the perspective of your health. There might be impromptu diseases affecting your life. You may also suffer from stress due to the transit of Rahu in your seventh house after the month of September ends. You are recommended to take rest and avoid getting excessively stressed. You may suffer from stomach related diseases as well. Avoid eating things that make your stomach unhappy. Since the year is not good for health issues, avoid things that can deteriorate your condition. Practice Yoga, meditation and also improve your daily routine. The year won't be that bad if you adhere to the precautions.

Career Horoscope for Scorpio 2020

This year is auspicious for your career. You will surely achieve your goals. In order to achieve success, you will also work hard tirelessly. Saturn would remain in your 3rd house during most of the time this year. It will bless you with good results. There are chances of your switching your job in the initial months. You may also get the desired hike on your current salary. During March-May, your potential and capabilities will be very high. To achieve something you will do everything in your power. This passion for accomplishments makes the year wonderful for you.

You may go for several short distance official or business trips. If you wish to start your own business, time is good for you, go ahead and establish your new venture. You may get the support of your superiors and subordinates at your workplace. Since Jupiter will be in your 2nd house most of the time this year, it will allow money inflow throughout the year. The year, thus, looks auspicious for you as per the career perspective.

Also Read: Effects of Combust Venus

Education Horoscope for Scorpio 2020

According to Scorpio Horoscope 2020, students of this sign are supposed to get their desired result. Saturn will transit in your 3rd house i.e. in Capricorn sign which would reward your efforts. After the month of January, you will have to do hard work in order to achieve what you aim for. During March-May, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in your 3rd house will make the situation favourable for you. During the second half of this year, Mars will remain in your 6th house, at least for a fine share of time, which makes it a good time for appearing in and getting the results of your competitive exams. There are high chances of getting success in the months of August, September and October. Time is also good for those who are preparing for professional courses. There would be an increase in your interest in your studies.

Those who have been making attempts to go abroad for higher studies or taking admission in a good institution will receive favourable results in the initial months. Students preparing for competitive exams must know that time is appropriate to give your best shot. Your hard work and fortune will go hand-in-hand. Overall, this year is excellent for you as far as your education is concerned owing to the benefic placement of planets Saturn and Mars throughout the year.

Family life as per Scorpio Horoscope 2020

This year, your family life is going to be excellent. Jupiter will remain in your second house which will give you best results. There is a chance of addition of any new member in your family. It could be due to marriage or any birth of a baby. You will be happy being at home most of the time. You may also purchase items for your family in the initial months since Saturn and Jupiter would be influencing your fourth house.

Fifth and Sixth month of the year i.e. May and June, are the months which may make you consider buying property. The transit of Mars in your second house in the second and third month of the year, may make you a spendthrift. You may also buy or sell your property during this period. The possibility of your spending your money for a Puja is high. The transit of Jupiter in your second house will make you organize and take part in religious functions. Your inclination towards spirituality and religion will substantially increase. Jupiter is your second house Lord and it is Karak planet for this house. It shall provide good results most of the time. An inheritance or a sudden gain maybe on its way in the middle of the year. Overall, this year is auspicious as far as your family life is concerned.

Marriage and relations as per Scorpio Horoscope 2020

According to Scorpio Horoscope 2020, this year is good for married life. Your seventh lord is Venus, which will not be so good during January, however, as the year proceeds, you will get enough time to spend with your spouse. The first half of this year is going to be very good for your married life due to the transit of the lord of your seventh house in favourable houses.

After the month of September, possibility of multiple affairs arises with Rahu changing its position from Gemini to Taurus. It will transit in your seventh house which would bring disturbance in your married life. If you are seeking your soul mate, your search might be over in the first half of the year. There also are chances of your getting married in the mid of the year. Newly married couples may also expect the birth of a child in initial months of the year, though they need to take precautions during this period since the affliction of your second house, may give rise to complications. However, most of the year is favourable for childbirth.

During February and March, and middle of the year, you need to remain alert of your spouse’s weak health. Your love will be intensified during the first half. By the end of September, you will feel attracted towards your spouse. Be careful if you are not loyal towards your soul mate, arguments because of your extramarital affairs are likely. The year, as a whole, seems to be fine for your marriage and relationships.

Also Read: What Lal Kitab says about ancestral curse and debts?

Love Affairs as per Scorpio Horoscope 2020

According to Scorpio Horoscope 2020, if you love someone then this year is good for love and romance. First-half particularly is fun-filled. Post-September, there is a possibility of break-up and a new relationship replacing the previous one. This is the tendency of Rahu to create confusions and misunderstandings, pay heed. You need to be careful after September. You and your partner will get lots of opportunities to enjoy the year to its fullest.

If you are looking to propose someone, go ahead as positive response is waiting for you. You will enjoy the company of opposite sex since Venus is posited that way. Overall, this year is good for your love matters.

Remedies for people of Scorpio sign for the year 2020:

To get rid of problems this year and move forward on the path of progress, perform the following remedy:

  • Worship Lord Vishnu by lighting up Diya of Desi Ghee on regular basis. Feed hungry people and Brahmins. Wear Yellow sapphire fixed in gold metal in index finger on any Thursday. You may wear a pearl as well. Offer Arghya to Lord Sun and offer bread (Roti) to Dogs.
  • Additionally, wearing a gold ring with the gemstone Citrine/Sunela in your forefinger (index finger) will help you attain wealth and numerous other comforts.
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