S N Rao
Yoga in Vedic Astrology is a term for a combination of planets. Adhi yoga is a powerful combination which if found in a birth chart simply cannot be ignored. The result of this combination gives its result in the dasha, antardasha of the planets which form the yoga. I will try to give a complete picture of this yoga as briefly as possible. This yoga is said to be formed if any planet occupies the 6th, 7th, 8th house. There are two reference points which need to be seen for this yoga. This yoga is to be seen from the Lagna and the Moon in a birth chart.
eg. Aries Lagna or Moon in Aries, Mercury in the 6th in Virgo, Venus in the 7th in Libra and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 8th. This combination is a powerful Adhi yoga. This is because Mercury is exalted in the 6th house. Venus is in his own house in the 7th house and Jupiter is in a friend’s sign in the 8th house. The results of the yoga will be felt in the Dasha, Antardasha of Mars – as lagna lord or Moon whichever causes the yoga, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter.
Another powerful combination of this yoga is Lagna or Moon in Sagittarius, Venus in the 6th in Taurus, Mercury in the 7th in Gemini, Jupiter in the 8th in Cancer. Here Venus in in own sign in Taurus, Mercury is in own sign in Gemini and Jupiter is exalted in the 8th in Cancer.
Another powerful combination of this yoga is Lagna or Moon in Pisces, Jupiter in the 6th house in Leo, Mercury in the 7th in Virgo and Venus in the 8th house in Libra.
If the strength of the planets is weak then also this yoga will be termed as Adhi yoga but the results will be negligible and will be feebly felt by the native. Eg. Asc or moon in Leo, Jupiter in the 6th house in Capricorn is debilitated, Venus in 7th house in Aquarius, Mercury in 8th house in Pisces is also debilitated.
In all there can be Seven forms of Adhi Yoga.
All planets in the 6th house.
All planets in the 7th house.
All planets in the 8th house.
All planets in the 6th and the 7th house.
All planets in the 7th and the 8th house.
All planets in the 6th and the 8th house.
Planets in the 6th, 7th and the 8th house.
All the above combinations can qualify for a good Adhi yoga. The strength of the Adhi yoga will be weakened if there is association with Malefic planets in the 6th, 7th, 8th house. According to Jataka Parijata Lagnadhi yoga gets formed only when there are no malefic in the 4th house. 4th house is known as the Sukha sthana. If this is afflicted by malefic planets then there will be disturbance and troubles in the domestic life and hence there will be no happiness to the native.
But Varahamihira and a section of other astrologers do not seem to observe such a classification.
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