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India Vs Sri Lanka Final : Who will Win ICC Cricket World Cup 2011?

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 1 Apr 2011 5:47:16 PM

icc cricket world cup 2011 final

Will India get the ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Trophy?

By VG Ramachandra Pavan

On Saturday the 2nd of April, the final combat between India and Srilanka is going to take place at Mumbai. This is the prestigious battle between the talented Asian Teams. No doubt both the teams strive hard to “Gift” the CWC-2011 to their nations. Whether the dream of the “Blue men” will come to reality and the ambition of the “Batting Tsunami” Sachin will reach its finishing post is the question of the millions. One such youngster mentioned number 169 in favor of India.

The horary map was taken up for judgment on 31-03-2011 at 2223 hrs near the 16th Degree North Latitude.

Horary Ascendant will be Sagittarius 16D40M, whose sub lord is Sun. We have to look into the 6th cusp to know whether one will over the opponent or not. The 11th sub lord will also have a strong say on it. Conversely we have to check the 6-11 cusps from the 7th house also which tells about the gains to opponent. But later will be the confirmation about the former.

Here, the 6th sublord is Venus; she is lord of 6-11 houses in 3. There are no planets tenanted in her constellations, hence the only significator for 6-11 houses. She is in the star of Rahu and Sub of Saturn. Rahu is in 1 and Saturn in 10 in the star of Moon in 3. Here Moon is lord of the 8th house also. But 3rd is a supporting house, further Moon is with Venus. Hence connected with 6-11 houses also.

11th sub lord is Saturn lord of 2-3 in 10 in the star of Moon and sub of Kethu. Moon is in 3 and Kethu in 7th in the star of Mars lord of 5-12 in 3. Further Mars aspects Kethu from the star of Saturn. Hence the connection of Mars to Kethu turns Saturn into a malefic planet for India. But here we have to be very cautious because Mars and Saturn are aspecting Kethu, Kethu is in the sub of Venus lord of 6-11 in 3. Mars no doubt is strong for 5-12 houses but he is the only planet occupying the star of Saturn. Further Mars-Saturn are the Ascendant Sign and Star lords ruling at the time of Judgment. (Ruling planets)

Interestingly the Day lord and the Moon Star lord on the day of Finals is Saturn and especially the last part of the Match the Sub lords in that star will be Kethu and Venus. Both are strong favorable for India.

Conversely if we check 5-12 cusps we find that 5th sub lord is Saturn as said above is in a slight favor position for India. The 12th sub lord is Kethu, as said above in the sub Venus lord of 6-11 houses. Planets in the subs of those planets whose stars are unoccupied are termed as strongest Significators for the houses owned by the latter. (This is called as Golden Rule in KP).

As per the tenets of KP, my interpretation is that India has a strong chance to win the CWC-2011 after an interesting battle with the Lankans.

This article is only an academic interest without any bias on my part.
With best wishes for both the teams.

To consult astrologer VG Ramachandra Pavan, please click here - Horoscope Reading by VGR Pavan

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