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Jain Calendar 2021: Jain Festival Calendar 2021

Author: -- | Last Updated: Wed 23 Dec 2020 11:25:15 AM

Jain Calendar 2021, jain festivals 2021, jain holidays 2021, 2021 Jain Calendar for India

Jain Calendar 2021 - This AstroCAMP special article will give away all the list of Jain festivals 2021, to be followed thoroughly by the people of Jain religion and culture. Also, in the upcoming sections of this blog, we will be discussing some of the important trivia and facts associated with Jain religion and of course the Jain Calendar 2021 and its constituents.

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Jain Calendar 2021 : An Introduction

In this section on the Jain calendar 2021, we will be discussing the Jain religion and culture in detail and explore some significant trivia about them.

If we trace the roots of Jainism, then it can be said that it came into existence when Buddhism did and this would be somewhere roughly in between the 4th and 6th Century BC. Today, we can talk about the existence of some 5 million Jains. However, it should also be kept in mind that some Jains are also included in the official list of Hindus. Having all said and done, it should also not be forgotten that such Jains are also equally the followers of Jain festivals and observances.

The basic idea behind Jainism is welfare and concern for each and every existence to have been found in this world. All the events and occasions, including the festivals, which are counted as a part of the Hindu religion and culture are commemorated with the intention of purifying one’s soul. They also seem to have some associations with the Tirthankaras or religious Gurus/mentors, to have existed for the Jain community and religion.

Needless to say, there will be a lot of Jain festivals 2021 and events which will always be a part of the Jain religion and culture. On this note, let us straight away head to the Jain Calendar 2021 and find out which occasions and festivals are they.

First and foremost, we will be giving away the Jain calendar 2021and in the upcoming sections of this write up, we will discuss all of these events in detail.

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Jain Calendar: List and Dates of Jain Holidays 2021

Below is the table containing the list of Jain festivals 2021 dates.

Date Day Festival
January 24 Sunday Rohini Vrat
February 9 Tuesday Meru Trayodashi
February 20 Saturday Rohini Vrat
March 20 Saturday Phalguna Ashtanika Begins
March 27 Saturday Phalguna Chaumasi Chaudas
March 28 Sunday Phalguna Ashtahnika Ends
April 4 Sunday Varshitapa Arambha
April 16 Friday Rohini Vrat
April 19 Monday Chitra Navapada Oli Begins
April 25 Sunday Mahavir Swami Jayanti
April 27 Tuesday Chitra Navapada Oli Ends
May 13 Thursday Rohini Vrat
May 14 Friday Varshitapa Parana
May 22 Saturday Mahavir Swami Kevalgyan
June 10 Thursday Rohini Vrat
July 7 Wednesday Rohini Vrat
July 16 Friday Ashada Ashtanika Begins
July 23 Friday Ashada Chaumasi Chaudas
July 24 Saturday Ashada Ashtahnika Ends
August 3 Tuesday Rohini Vrat
August 31 Tuesday Rohini Vrat
September 4 Saturday Paryushan Parvarambha
September 11 Saturday Samvatsari Parva
September 27 Monday Rohini Vrat
October 12 Tuesday Ashwina Navapada Oli Begins
October 20 Wednesday Ashwina Navapada Oli Ends
October 24 Sunday Rohini Vrat
November 4 Thursday Lakshmi Puja
November 5 Friday Gujarat New year
November 9 Tuesday Labh Panchami
November 11 Thursday Kartika Ashtanika Begins
November 18 Thursday Kartika Chaumasi Chaudas
November 19 Friday Kartika Ashtahnika Ends
November 19 Friday Kartika Rath Yatra
November 20 Saturday Rohini Vrat
December 18 Saturday Rohini Vrat

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Jain Calendar 2021 : Facts you Need to Know!

While deciding on the Jain Calendar 2021 and its constituents, there are some definite things which are kept in mind. Let us take a look at what they are:-

  • The Jain Calendar happens to be a lunisolar one and all of the events and festivals in it are decided in accordance with the position of the Moon.

  • A year is primarily said to have two parts/seasons in the Jain calendar and they are the rainy season and the other part of the year.

  • The traditional lunar calendar is taken into account for the list of Jain festivals and holidays.

  • The same has been taken into account to come up with the list of Jain holidays 2021 as well as festivals mentioned above in the Jain calendar 2021.

Jain Calendar 2021 : 2021 Jain Festivals

Moving on, let us now give away all the details of 2021 Jain festivals which we have mentioned above in Jain Calendar 2021.

  • Rohini Vrat - Rohini Vrat is one of the most significant ones in the list of Jain festivals 2021. It is hailed as one of the most popular fasts for the followers of Jain religion and culture. It arrives every 27 days, when the Rohini Nakshatra comes into being.

  • Meru Trayodashi - The 2021 Jain Calendar for India states that Meru Trayodashi would be the second festival, which will be celebrated after the Rohini Vrat. It is observed in memoriam of the famous Jain saint, Rishav Dev, the one who acquired salvation/Nirvana on this day. This is the reason why Meru Trayodashi is also known as ‘Nirvana Kalyanaka of Rushabha Dev’.

  • Phalguna Ashtahnika Begins - Ashtahnika is one of the most important Jain festivals to get registered under the 2021 Jain Calendar. Talking about its roots, it is also one of the oldest festivals to get ever mentioned in Jain religion and culture. The word Ashta means eight and Aanika stands for ‘every day’. Those who are not aware, this festival is celebrated during the months of Aashad, Phalgun, and Karthika. It lasts for eight days till the Purnima or the full moon day. When the festival falls in the months of Aashad and Phalguna, then the ritual is known as Nandishwar Ashtahnika.

  • Phalguna Chaumasi Chaudas - In the list of Jain calendar 2021, this festival also occupies a significant position. Considered to have great significance for the followers of Jainism, this festival is dedicated to celebrate the manifestation of Ahimsa or nonviolence which happens to be the primary teaching of Jainism. The Chaturmas period usually refers to a four month long time frame which begins during Ashadi Purnima and ends during the Kartik Purnima. It is usually in between these months that the Chaumasi chaudas festival is celebrated.

  • Phalguna Ashtahnika Ends - Just like the beginning of Phalguna Ashtahnika happens to be an important festival for the Jains, in the same manner, the ending of Phalguna Ashtahnika is also celebrated with equal joy and fervour.

  • Varshitapa Arambha - It is a yearly ritual of the Jain community. Varshitaap Arambha is celebrated annually after a period of about 13 months and 13 days. Varshitaap Arambha begins on the eighth day of the darker fortnight (Krishna Paksha) during the month of Chaitra. It is concluded on the Akshaya Tritiya of the next year.

  • Chaitra Navapada Oli Begins - This festival arrives twice a year and lasts for nine Days altogether. Out of the two Navapada Olis, this one arrives in the month of Ashwin while the other during the month of Chaitra. Extreme penance and austerity is performed during these particular nine days.

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  • Mahavir Swami Jayanti - The festival of Mahavir Jayanti does not need any special introduction. It is the birth anniversary of the 24th and the last Tirthankara for the followers of Jain religion and culture, Lord Mahavir. Given the special pedestal he is kept on by the followers of this particular religion, it is not difficult to imagine how grand the celebrations of Mahavir Jayanti takes place.

  • Varshitap Parana - Another observance in the list of 2021 Jain Calendar, is the Varshitaap Parana which begins during the month of Chaitra and gets duly concluded with the Parana of Akshaya Tritiya, the holy festival.

  • Mahavira Swami Kevalagyan - The Mahavir Swami kevalgyan is another important occurrence in the list of Jain calendar 2021. It is believed that Lord Mahavir acquired the supreme knowledge of kevala Gyan on this very day. And it is considered to be quite sacred and significant by the followers of Jain religion and culture.

  • Ashada Ashtahnika Begins - Ashtahnika, is mentioned as one of the few specials of Jain Holidays 2021. The observance takes place during these three months of Aashad, Phalgun, and Karthika. It gets concluded on the Purnima or the full moon day of that particular month. Just like the Ashada Ashtahnika, the Chaumasi Chaudas and the Ashada Ashtahnika ending ceremony are also special mentions in the list of Jain Calendar 2021.

  • Paryushan Parvarambha - In the list of Jain Holidays 2021, Paryushan Parva Ramba is regarded as a special occasion because this is the day when all the followers of Jain religion and culture decide to dedicate their lives for the purification of their respective souls. The ultimate goal then becomes salvation. This festival lasts for eight days for the followers of the Svetambara Sect and 10 days for the followers of the Digambara sect.

  • Samvatsari Parva - The last day of Paryushsan happens to be Samvatsari Parva. It is celebrated quite joyously to bid adieu to the Paryushan Parva.

  • Navapada Oli - The Navapada Oli also begins during the month Ashwin, which is why it's beginning and ending is considered to be quite important entries in the 2021 Jain Calendar.

  • Lakshmi Puja- Lakshmi Puja needs no special introduction. Dedicated auspiciously to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, this day is celebrated with great joy and fervour.

  • Gujarati New Year - The Gujrati New year is also a joyous entry in the list of Jain festivals 2021. This year, it will be celebrated on November 5, 2021.

  • Labh Panchami - Jain Festivals 2021 also includes Labh Panchami 2021, which is celebrated to bid adieu to Diwali. Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi are extensively worshipped on this day.

  • Kartika Rath Yatra - Last one to be included in the list of Jain Holidays 2021 is Kartik Rath Yatra, which is celebrated during the month of Kartik.

We hope that this Jain Calendar 2021 turns out to be useful for you. Thank You so much for connecting with us!!

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