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Jupiter Transit In Cancer (June 19, 2014): Effects On Us Revealed

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Sat 31 May 2014 3:38:00 PM

Jupiter is transiting in Cancer on June 19, 2014. Like every transit, this transit will also produce some positive and negative effects on each zodiac sign. Read out what astrologer Acharya Raman has to say about the effects of this movement of Jupiter in Cancer.

The most benefic planet Jupiter will transit to zodiac sign Cancer (its sign of exaltation) on June 19, 2014 at 10:36:37 a.m. (in Delhi). It debilitates in Capricorn. Every planet debilitates in the seventh sign counted from its sign of exaltation and vice versa. Jupiter creates one of the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas called “Hamsa” Yoga, when it is in the sign of exaltation, own, or Mooltrikona sign, in an angle from the ascendant. Jupiter takes around 365 days to complete its transit in a zodiac sign. This is the reason that when astrologers foresee an incident happening in an year, they take the transit of Jupiter as its basis for calculating the timing of the event, many times.

Jupiter rules over expansion; thus, it makes a small tumour turn into Cancer (incurable disease). It controls lawyers, teachers, priests, rebirth, north direction, philosophy, spiritual gurus, new ideas, new constructions, and gods. In the body parts, it has control over liver, fat, thighs, and toes. In nature, it controls calmness, peace, and serenity. In business, it controls temples, trusts, schools, courts, foreign agencies, contracts, jail, navy, and hospitals. In manufacturing, it has control over oily foods, fatty foods, buttery items, cheese, sweets, rubber, and gold. In places, it has control over schools, colleges, courts, temples, big halls, churches, mosques, worship place in our homes, pictures of saints, and gods. It also has control over elephants, horses, oxen, peacocks, religious trees, cashew nuts, groundnuts, almonds, etc. in nutshell.

In Hindu astrology, Jupiter is considered as a natural benefic, the most beneficial of all. It is considered to be prime Karaka (significator) for marriage. For a successful marriage, its position should always be good in the horoscope, it is my own experience. A bad Jupiter will never give a good marital life. It is the lord of the 9 th house in Kaal Purusha horoscope, which is the house of destiny; and 12 th house, which is the house of emancipation. So, the two most important houses are allotted to Jupiter. It is my observation that when a person has bad 9 th, 5 th, and 12 th house, or bad Jupiter, there are hurdles in his quest for supreme knowledge and attainment of Moksha, the only goal of human life. Bad Jupiter may also arise problems related to wealth and progeny, as it is the Karaka planet for these also. India has elected a new and vibrant looking government recently. The current Dasha in the chart of India is as follows:

  • Maha Dasha Sun: till 22.7.2015
  • Venus Antara : till 22.7.2015
  • Ketu Antara : till 21.7.2014

In June 2014, Jupiter will transit over Sun, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, and Venus of natal Indian horoscope. It will aspect on 11 th house of gains, 9 th house of luck, and 7 th house of partners. The newly elected Prime Minister has given many hopes to the people of this nation and I am sure that at least in one year, many of them are going to be fulfilled to a good extent. There will be an inherent communal wave for good. People will respect all religions. There will be more inclination toward rituals and such things in the general public. India will beget many new friends, and relationship with Pakistan will also improve after some setbacks. Our neighbors will interfere less in our internal matters, and there will be many helping hands to sort out various issues through proper counseling. The candidates of other parties may get defect from BJP that will weaken the opposition further. Jupiter will also come in an angle from natal Jupiter, which will also be a good asset for the country. It is most likely possible that India’s most wanted criminal Dawood Ibrahim may get arrested or eliminated in the year to come. I don’t know how it will happen, but it seems that the chances of occurrence are very strong. We can also expect very good rainfall this year, if other factors are not very negative.

Our relations with developed countries will improve further. We may provide some assistance to them, instead of they assisting us. The faith and belief of people in Hindu religion will increase, we will see that some prominent western figures will adopt Hinduism. Indian players will shine in various sports events. People will indulge more in practice of occult and psychism. If all the other factors will not be very negative, we can expect a good rainfall.

Summing up, I feel the coming year is going to be a boon for India from all the aspects. We should also try to contribute our best to make this great nation run on the path of progress and development.

Let’s now talk about the effects of this transit of ‘Jupiter in Cancer’ on different zodiac signs:

Cancer is a watery movable sign, consisting of constellations Punarvasu, Pushya, and Ashlesha ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. Moon is friendly to Jupiter and vice versa, but the rest two are not friendly to Moon or Jupiter. The general effects on the natives would be:

  1. Aries: There are chances of gains of property and vehicles. Some religious activities are possible at home. There will be long and wasteful travels. Old diseases may get cured, to an extent. Work front will be good and progressive. There could be gains by sale of any immovable asset. Try to avoid any legal trouble.

  2. Taurus: There will be marital peace and prosperity. Many of your tasks will get accomplished this year. There are strong chances of sudden good news. Luck will favor you in many ways. You may fall in some platonic relationship and may think to move ahead with tying a knot. Businessmen will have good gains this year. You will need to control your eating habits, particularly sweets and fats, otherwise cardiac help may be required. Your interest in extracurricular activities will increase, liking for music and films will also be there.

  3. Gemini: The coming time will be equally good for natives in Job or business. Good progress will be there. You will attain name, fame, and popularity in your circles. Promotions are also promised. There are chances of increase in family members. Some hidden benefits are waiting for you. Overall it is a good year for the matters related to family, profession, and health.

  4. Cancer: Jupiter is considered a very powerful planet in ascendant because, it aspects 5 th, 7 th, and 9 th houses from there. It is also rules your houses of debts and luck. At a quick glance, it seems very positive but there may be some marital problems to you. You will get promotion and reward. You may head some team or organization, depending upon your social circle. Expenses will increase that might pinch you. Abroad travels are also possible. You will feel that a divine blessing is bestowed upon you, which is guiding you properly, throughout the year. All you need to do is, just listen to your inner self.

  5. Leo: You might face problems of some kind, but they all will be sorted out easily, so they won't disturb you much. The major issues of concern will be related to the legal matters and family matters which might disturb you, this year, from this particular transit angle. You will feel dejected many times, but since you are a fiery fixed ascendant, you will move on and win in the end. This year you will have new friends, job change, new enterprises to begin, and purchase of property & land etc.

  6. Virgo: You may purchase a new immovable asset this year. There will be gains from partners and spouse. You will enjoy marital peace and happiness. You may get into a new affair this year, but this will not last for long. There is a very high probability of being cheated by your own relatives or known people. Some wrong decisions may make you repent later. Later, there will be good gains, progress, and overall happiness. Jupiter will fulfil many of your wishes before transiting to Leo.

  7. Libra: Your communication skills will bring fame for you. You might not get good news regarding court case. Try to avoid any conflicts with your life partner. You will have material gains this year. New romantic relationships will develop that last for long. You may change your profession this year, abroad travels are also indicated for you. You may get affected with some chronic disease this year so, take care of your health.

  8. Scorpio: Many of you will be celebrating love marriages this year. Family life will be very good for couples. You will perform well in performing arts, entertainment, and music etc. The natives of this ascendant will make a name for them, worldwide. There will be more liking for ice creams, chocolates, and sweets in you. You will be blessed by daughters. Your vocal chords will be working hard this year and you will impress many by your oratory capabilities. Luck will be very much by your side. This is a good year for making major career or education changes as they will prove correct, in the long run.

  9. Sagittarius: This will be a year of obstacles initially, but later things will improve suddenly. So, just have patience till Jupiter crosses its own star in transit. There could be legal troubles due to joint properties or old properties. You may get delayed compensation of policies, mutual funds etc. You may face some serious defamation charges against you. You might feel getting choked, because of things not reaching their desired ends. Slowly, things will start to fall into place and you will be a happier person. People may try using black magic against you or other such dirty tricks. It will be wiser not to entertain strangers, more than required. In the final phase, you may quit job because there will be more lucrative offers waiting for you.

  10. Capricorn: This is going to be a useless year, initially.You may face some losses, disturbances in marital life, foreign travels with no strict purpose etc. You will enjoy great time later with gain of wealth, self confidence, and increase in family size. You will gain popularity and your efforts will yield good results. Luck will remain in your favor but, stomach might give you some problems, all the year round. There is no sign of any chronic illness except melancholia. You should remain in your circles, less retrospect and it is a good idea to trust others as long as your privacy is not breached in.

  11. Aquarius: There are gains from legal matters. Your stomach might feel burdened with fats and oils; in order to stop it, you need to control your dietary habits. Some elder person’s demise can upset you, mentally. Backbone might give minor aches, for which you don’t require medication, but try to inculcate the habit of regular exercise. There will be progress in work field and you may find a new life partner this year. Stop trying to make people think your way, as it will not happen. No one understands you because of your own introvert nature and less belief in others, so if you want to make things easier, then open up yourself to the people and let them know your inner self. Overall, this will be a good year for you from all aspects. There will be plenty of gains this year from some hidden or unexpected sources.

  12. Pisces: You will get many favors from higher officials and your network will grow a lot. If you are doing insurances or running some NGO, then this year could be very helpful. Job will be changed and you may start something more, apart from your main course. There will be lot of self confidence, positive thinking, religious inclination and there may be initiation of some Mantra practice by you. Tooth and gum problems might take you to the dentist. You may be appointed as an assistant to a higher authority. What you need to do is to control your ocean of thoughts and streamline it into hard actions.

By Acharya Raman

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