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Jupiter Transit In Leo In 2016: A Look Into Your Future

Author: Pt. Hanumman Mishra | Last Updated: Tue 5 Aug 2014 5:37:35 PM

Jupiter Transit 2016, Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016, Jupiter in Leo 2016

Jupiter will transit in zodiac sign, Leo, in 2016. Recognized as Guru or teacher, Jupiter enlightens the path of every native. But will it continue to guide us toward the path or will create hurdles in our lives? Unfold the mystery of Jupiter transit in Leo by scrolling below

Jupiter will transit in Leo on May 9, 2016. No matter which zodiac sign you come under in, Jupiter transit in 2016 will affect you for sure. So, what will be the results? Will it help you in reaching heights or it will drag you down?

Jupiter-in-Leo-in-2016 predictions will tell you events that are likely to affect you in 2016. Also, you will get to know the effective remedies that will definitely help you in overcoming the negative effects of Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016.

Note: These predictions for Jupiter transit 2016 are based on Moon sign, but are applicable on ascendant sign as well.

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Aries: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter will transit in your 5th house. According to Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions, position of Jupiter in this house will bless you with fruitful results. Jupiter transit 2016 foresees possibilities of any auspicious activity happening in your family. During this transit period, a kind of uniqueness will be seen in your thinking. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 will open gates of success for your business too. For the natives involved in jobs, favorable changes are assured and promotion is also on their cards. According to Jupiter transit 2016, friends and well wishers will support you as much as they can. You will involve in doing religious deeds, as seen by Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 will help in growing your social circle further.

Remedy: To fetch the best of Jupiter transit 2016, serve priests and saints.

Taurus: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter transit 2016 will come with a bang for you and you will enjoy luxuries and comforts of life, promises Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions. Possibilities of purchasing new vehicle or home is clearly seen on your cards. With Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, harmony and prosperity will chase your family. It won’t be wrong to say that time and luck both will favor you; thereby, helping you in making contacts with senior and powerful officials. Don’t drop your excitement level, as rise in name and fame is also predicted by Jupiter transit 2016. For the natives who are planning to switch their current jobs, this time is really excellent. You will turn religious says Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016.

Remedy: Donating gram lentils at a religious place, during Jupiter transit 2016 will help in strengthening your character.

Gemini: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter transit 2016 will take place in your 3rd house, which will develop a new self confidence inside you. According to Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions, this time will not only help in expanding your circle, but will also bless you with immense honor and reputation. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 will transform short journeys into a source of gaining huge profits. However, with so much good coming your way, don’t forget to keep a check on health. As per Jupiter transit 2016 predictions, you will feel like doing something important for your family. Moving onto your married life, you will cherish beautiful moments with your spouse. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 witnesses support from associates and partners.

Remedy: Fetch maximum benefits from Jupiter transit in 2016 by worshiping Goddess Durga and serving young girls with sweets and fruits.

Cancer: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter transit 2016 will give you ample opportunities to accumulate wealth. With this addition of immense wealth in your account, you will spend lavishly for the needs of family. Looking at the predictions for Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, it seems that any auspicious activity will be held in your family. Birth of a child in the family is also foreseen by Jupiter-in-Leo-2016 predictions. Jupiter transit 2016 predictions are witnessing rise in your popularity. With the perfect blend of luck and time, you will gain victory over opponents and competitors. For all you lovebirds out there, bloom in love life will give you some really sweet memories.

Remedy: Donating yellow colored clothes to priest will help you earn profits from Jupiter transit 2016.

Leo: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter is transiting in the 1st house of Lions. As per Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions, this positioning of Jupiter will make your mind alert and optimistic. As per Jupiter transit 2016 predictions, you will feel good and contented. As compared to earlier, a better level of harmony and happiness will be felt in the family. Looking at the cards of Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, an auspicious activity in the family will double up the good times. Get ready to live life to the fullest, as professional front also seems to be in your favor. Jupiter transit 2016 foresees strong possibilities of rise in income. Relations with higher officials will also improve. For all the natives who are into jobs, reaching new heights in professional life is assured. Philosophy may be seen in your behavior, as per Jupiter transit 2016 predictions.

Remedy: Reduce malefic planets of Jupiter transit 2016 by serving cows. Helping needy people will also help.

Virgo: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter is transiting in your 12th house, which is not considered good. As a result, you may feel insecure, says your Jupiter transit 2016 prediction. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 advises you not to involve in unnecessary deeds. Instead, choose the right path carefully. Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions suggests that in order to avoid troubles, try your best to figure out the conspiracy of your opponents. This way, you will get assured success. According to Jupiter transit 2016, keeping faith in God will definitely help you during this phase. Avoiding unnecessary trips will be an appreciable decision. Whether it’s financial, social, or personal matter, patience is the only way to deal with the things, as per Jupiter in Leo 2016 astrology.

Remedy: To reduce negativity of Jupiter transit 2016, serve saints and mentors.

Libra: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter is transiting in your 11th house, which will generate energy inside you; thereby, giving your career a new direction. Jupiter transit 2014 witnesses quite a good time for your friends and siblings too. As per Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions, luck is undoubtedly eager to shower success on you and will give you assured victory in every competition. According to Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, seeds of philosophy may inculcate inside you. As a result of Jupiter transit in 2016, you may practice something religious.

Remedy: Watering Peepal tree will help you to overcome malefic effects of Jupiter transit.

Scorpio: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

For the Scorpions, Jupiter transit is happening in their 10th house, says Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions. This will make you do good deeds (Karma). Jupiter transit 2016 predicts that you will do extremely well in your business. This transit of Jupiter is highly fruitful for those who are planning to expand their business. You will also get chances to visit new places, due to professional or business reasons. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 is coming with a bag full of success for the salaried class people too. People who are into jobs, will reach new heights on work front. As per Jupiter transit 2016 prediction, this time is good for your familial life too.

Remedy: Get the best of Jupiter transit 2016 by donating almonds at religious place.

Sagittarius: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter is transiting in the 9th house of Sagittarians. Looking at Jupiter transit 2014 predictions, it can be concluded that this transit will unlock your luck. As a result, you will feel more excited and full of confidence, predicts Jupiter in Leo 2016 astrology. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 will let your professional life blossom. Success and new heights will chase you, which will ultimately enhance your fame. Jupiter transit 2016 will bring favorable time for your familial life. You will welcome harmony and prosperity, says prediction for Jupiter transit 2016. Profits will approach through long distance journeys. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 will help you in associating with a leader or saint of any place. Jupiter transit 2016 will take you close to Yoga or meditation.

Remedy: Earn benefic aspects of Jupiter transit by staying away from non-vegetarian food anf alcohol. Also, float rice in running water.

Capricorn: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter transit is happening in your 8th house, as a result you will feel restless. Jupiter transit 2016 may give you health troubles. According to Jupiter transit 2016 predictions, you may develop interest for occult sciences. Looking at your cards of Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, possibilities of getting unexpected money is foreseen. However, this time is not good for making investment. Prediction for Jupiter transit in 2016 suggests you not to depend on anybody for any matter. According to Jupiter in Leo 2016 astrology, being self-dependent is the way to reach maximum from this transit.

Remedy: To get auspicious result from Jupiter transit, donate Ghee (purified butter), potato, and camphor (Kapur) at any religious place.

Aquarius: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

As per Jupiter in Leo 2016 predictions, Jupiter is transiting in the 7th house of Aquarians. As per Jupiter transit 2016 predictions, with the benefic effects of this transit, your desires and wishes will come true. Promotion and achievements of new heights is there on your cards for 2016. Jupiter transit in Leo in 215 will improve the environment of your family. A highly good time for you, as you will get relief from old troubles. With Jupiter transit in 2016, you will get into the company of scholars and your life will reach to the level of stability. Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 is strengthening the marriage possibilities for those who are at the edge of getting married. Happiness will blossom in the lives of married couple. Jupiter transit 2016 will enhance your name and fame for sure. Get ready to enjoy a exciting life Aquarians.

Remedy: Worshiping Lord Shiva will help you in getting the best of Jupiter transit in 2016.

Pisces: Jupiter Transit In Leo 2016 Predictions

Jupiter is transiting in the 6th house of the natives belonging to sign Pisces. As per Jupiter transit 2016 predictions, you will cherish success, provided you work hard for it. To fetch the best of luck, Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016 suggests you to stay away from disputes and analyze the strategies of opponents. Positive results are awaiting you in the matters related to law and justice. However, being self-dependent is the only way to get the best from this particular phase. Jupiter transit 2016 warns you not to trust anyone who was your opponent once and is now pretending to be your well wisher. Stay alert and conscious, as that’s the way to go toward a good life, suggests Jupiter in Leo in 2016 astrology.

Remedy: Remove all negativity associated with Jupiter transit 2016 by donating clothes and sandalwood to the priest.

So, these were the predictions for Jupiter in Leo in 2016. We are sure that these Jupiter Transit 2016 predictions will help you in the best way to plan a beautiful and successful 2016. When something happens unexpectedly, we get into stress and lose our control. With Jupiter transit in Leo 2016 astrology, such a situation can be avoided, as everything would be known to you in advance. Go through the reading for your zodiac sign given in Jupiter transit 2016 predictions and carve a better tomorrow. With the help of Jupiter transit in Leo in 2016, distance yourself from every problem, hurdle, and sufferings. Give Jupiter in Leo 2016 astrology a chance to serve you in the best possible way.

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