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Ketu Transit In Pisces 2014: Know What Ketu Brings For You!

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Wed 9 Jul 2014 6:42:23 PM

Ketu Transit 2014 Horoscope, Ketu Transit In Pisces 2014, Ketu In Pisces 2014

Ketu transits into Pisces on July 12 - July 13, 2014. Ketu, the body of Rahu will give some benefic and malefic effects to one and all in Ketu transit. Know what it has in store for you by an aid of Ketu transit in Pisces 2014 horoscope predictions from astrologer ‘Acharya Raman’.

Ketu will transit in Pisces on July 12 – 13, 2014. It is said that Rahu is the head and Ketu is rest of the body. What can a body do without a head that thinks and what can a head do without a body except thinking only. They are very malefic for some, while they are so good for some that it cannot be described, but can be felt in personal lives.

People curse Rahu for being the worst and malefic, but in reality it is Ketu that destroys many things completely in a native’s life. When Rahu will be in Virgo in the stars of Sun, Moon, and Mars, it will transit. Whereas, Ketu will transit in stars of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury in Pisces, in reverse direction of course. Because they are ever retrograde they are taken as direct, just like a dog’s tail. We all know that it can never be straight but we simply ignore its curve. Similarly, is the case with Rahu and Ketu.

It is said that Ketu has a peculiar nature, hence, it borrows significations from other planets very quickly. This borrowing nature of Ketu makes interpretation of Ketu very difficult. It stays in a sign for around 18 months, that is next to Saturn. Thus, the transit of Ketu is very important in natal and mundane astrology. The transit is going to last till February 01, 2016 as per KP Ayanamsa.

Ketu is said to be good in only four houses that are 3, 6, 10, and 11. In rest of the houses, it is considered malefic.

Those who are running through the DBA of Ketu or their period (Dasa) Lord is connected with Ketu, they may get most affected by the transit, others will not get affected to that extent.

Even the classical texts have mentioned a lot about Rahu, but have not mentioned about Ketu up to that extent. I will not say that our saints didn’t knew about it, it seems it got destroyed in the span of time or they just kept it with themselves. It is the body which can act not the head, thus Ketu acts. Rahu gives mental agonies of many types, whereas Ketu actually gives devastating sorrows and physical damage to the native. Generally, people take many precautions for Rahu and ignores Ketu. When the time comes that the things start falling apart, the person comes to know that it was Ketu and not Rahu that was responsible for the problems. But, Ketu is not always bad, it gives many good things, as well. It is also one of the prime Karaka for Moksha, religion, spirituality that are the real wealth of a native and not the paper currency for which people are forgetting humanity. The possible effects of this transit on various ascendants could be:

  1. Aries: You may develop some problem in feet. There may be lesser sleep and you may not enjoy bed pleasures fully. Avoid north direction for business transactions and avoid water bodies of any kind like rivers or seas for leisure trips. You may develop a feeling of detachment from material world and may feel that you need to attain Moksha. You may get entangled in legal problems by secret enemies. Your kiths and kins may suffer through problems during this transit. There may be some illness or minor bruises to your children. Newborns may suffer a bit. You will do a lot of charity in this period. You will lose interest in your profession.

  1. Taurus: You may face losses in business, your friends may not be so helpful as earlier. Your relations with your elders may become sour. There could be danger to their health also. Your pets may fall sick frequently. There may be some trouble from spouse or partners. There are possibilities of separation from spouse or partner. You will enjoy good time, as you may go to a pilgrimage. One or two of your friends may turn against you and may harm your reputation or financial front. Your romantic life may bring sorrow and deceit.

  1. Gemini: There are likely chances of getting into danger in foreign land, so, be careful. You may develop severe differences with your elders and father. Your servants can backstab you, so be careful. There will be short term friendship relations coming up in this transit. Since, 10th house stands for “Karma” it will be affected for sure, the extent will depend upon your circle and status. You may get attracted toward a married women.

  1. Cancer: Ketu will be in your 9th house. Hence, you may spoil your relations with your Guru (mentor) or he may abandon you due to your stubborn attitude. You will perform many rituals and will establish idols of Lord Ganesha in your home or office. Some elder person in your family may face major issues related to life, in foreign land. Your family and elders may interfere in your personal and professional life. You may develop interest in some other Guru or his way of living and become his disciple.

  1. Leo: Ketu will be in 8th house during the transit. Someone in your family or friends may try to harm himself/herself. You may feel depressed and may think of taking extreme measures. Avoid it and leave all your problems in the feet of God. Your servants may leave the job without intimating you. Your spouse may become rude toward you. You may befriend some people. Avoid company of strangers and don’t take food offered by unknown people.

  1. Virgo: Ketu will be in your 7th house, you may get affected by a chronic disease. Your spouse may try to dominate you over petty things. You will win over enemies and competitions. Your spouse may fall sick many times. There could be some problems related to grand elders in family, during the transit. You may develop short term business relations with people around and leave them when your work would get accomplished.

  1. Libra: You may try to go against set norms of society. There may be loss from enemies, as 6th house shows things related to enemies or competitors. Your kiths and kins may face some problems in their married life. Your pets and servants may irritate you by their acts. You may see your kids rebelling against you.

  1. Scorpio: Ketu will be in 5th house; hence, you may think of getting settled down in foreign land. There are chances that you may have problems in progeny; hence you need to be extremely alert about the same, during this transit. Your spouse may get losses from friends. There could be losses in foreign lands. There might be losses from speculations and trusting others. Your predictions may fail, if you are into the field of making predictions. Your spiritual progress may get disturbed many times.

  1. Sagittarius: Ketu will change to 4th house, therefore, there could be a change in residence. Your family life may suddenly get disturbed. You may change your house to a place where “T” joint is formed. Your mother may fall sick and your mental peace may get disturbed. You may become a victim of treachery related to property. There will be development of interest toward reading about spirituality, astrology, philosophy etc. Safeguard your home from evil powers.

  1. Capricorn: Ketu will be in your 3rd house. Hence, you may have some sufferings during traveling. You may lose your gadgets of communication or there are possibilities of theft too. You may have to do lots of last minute travel, during this transit. Your attitude will become bold and rough. There is possibility of physical danger to your coborns. There may be losses through immovable assets. You may sell them too early or may get entangled in a family dispute related to ancestral property. You will spend a lot on your friends and may suffer from black magic or Buri Nazar (evil eye) effect occasionally. You may get harmed by a stray dog during this transit, so be careful.

  1. Aquarius: You will become a spiritual talker and motivator during this time. There may be some problems in the family. You may start using venomous words instead of using correct words from your mouth at several occasions. You may spend money on lavish products and may face financial losses due to this. There may be a break in education. There is a possibility that your enemies will become powerful.

  1. Pisces: There may be a problem of headache or you may suffer from migraine. You will remember what others have said or done for you, good or bad. You will try to act secretly and will hide things from your well-wishers. Avoid the company of bad people as you may get harmed from them. You will not speak your heart out to anyone. You may develop self-destructive tendencies in you. Your efforts may not yield fruitful results.

Let me now share some examples of Ketu transit and the effects it had:

When Ketu changed from Taurus to Aries in 2012 the native had a change of residence in December. The native experienced “spirits” wearing white clothes, in his place of residence and when he inquired it was found that spirits was seen by many people who lived in that particular house. His residence was on “T” joint.

The native`s elder brother died due to cancer when Ketu was transiting in 11th house. There was a separation from the spouse also, during the transit. The native went off to some unknown land for job, when Ketu was in 12th house and suffered a lot of humiliation there. There was a permanent breakup with the native’s best friend.

On December 28, 2013 there was a theft in native’s residence and his portable hard disk, memory cards, camera lens, wine bottles and cash was stolen. He was out on a short visit of just 25 minutes. When all that happened, Ketu was transiting in the third house of the native.

Native was blessed with the girl child on January 21, 2012. Ketu was transiting in 12th house which is 8th from 5th house. However, the child died after 12 days. Ketu was also transiting over his natal Rahu which is a very bad transit in both ways whether Rahu over natal Ketu or Ketu over natal Rahu.

So dear readers, there can be many examples cited for Ketu’s harmful acts. Ketu is the dead body because it has no head so it has no life. It is a Karaka for Moksha as it comes only after death. The meaning of being without head also means end of desires, wishes, lust, greed, any kind of thinking. A dead body also means that it will be used for feasting by vultures and other such birds - It actually is a trait of Ketu that he makes one so naive that everyone uses him for their purpose and then leave when nothing else is left.

Unfortunately, I have not found many examples of the goodness shown by this planet or maybe I am not able to remember them presently. In most of the cases natives were not running through DBA of Ketu when the incidents happened it emphasis the power this planet possess. So, I shared my opinion with you and wish to have feedback from you.

By: Acharya Raman

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