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Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Author: Rajeev K. Khattar | Last Updated: Mon 9 Dec 2013 3:00:37 PM

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, 2014 Lal Kitab Astrology

By Rajeev K. Khattar

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions are now available with us! Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope Predictions will help schedule your year well in advance. With 2014 Lal Kitab Horoscope Predictions, you may know your good as well as bad times before they come. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 is created keeping all the aspects in mind. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 will help you sail smoothly in love life. With the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 you will not have to face any downfall in the career. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 will help you balance your finances. With the help of Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, you will keep yourself healthy. Apart from this, you may also know how the year is for traveling, with our Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014. So overall, Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 is a treat for all. Now coming to the best part of our Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, we have Lal Kitab remedies too, for each zodiac sign. Therefore, you may now have an awesome time ahead in the year 2014 with the help of our detailed Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014!

Note: The Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Predictions are based on your Ascendant sign.

Aries Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Aries

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, the year begins with Venus in Capricorn sign and at a distance of 8th house from Jupiter. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 predicts that this is enough to create misunderstandings between the couples and lovers. But, nothing to worry as things will get sorted out soon with the help of a common friend.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

After July, there will be better changes in your career, as per Lal Kitab horoscope of 2014. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab foretells promotions and incentives are on the cards. According to the Lal Kitab Astrology 2014, indulging in any kind of illicit relationship will only spoil your bright prospects. Lal Kitab horoscope for 2014 suggests you to avoid any such costly temptation. Also, as per Lal Kitab horoscope for 2014, you should avoid unnecessary arguments with family, friends and business associates. Prefer losing an argument than losing a well wisher. As per Lal Kitab horoscope 2014, you will remain insecure for your bread and butter, but you will get enough opportunities also to make money. Analyse wisely before investing big money in business.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab horoscope of 2014 suggests you to deposit your extra money in bank fixed deposit scheme for short durations. As per 2014 Astrology of Lal Kitab, you might require more money than usual after June. According to the Lal Kitab horoscope 2014, you need to be prudent in your expenditures.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab horoscope of 2014 foretells that you need to be careful about your health. Be alert while driving, suggests Lal Kitab horoscope for 2014.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 says that travels will prove to be beneficial.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Be a pure vegetarian.
  2. No illicit relationships/ friendships.
  3. Wear bathroom slippers while taking bath.
  4. Don’t wear black clothes.

Taurus Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Taurus

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, old friends will come again in the life of the bachelors. Lal Kitab Astrology of 2014 suggests that married Taureans should maintain harmony in their matrimonial life as Venus in the 9th house is capable of disturbing the peace in family.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 suggests you to take your own decisions, don’t let anybody interfere in your life. If you deal in luxury items, perfumes, dresses, catering, tent house or decoration; 2014 will be a profitable year. As per 2014 Astrology of Lal Kitab, the year will prove to be challenging if you deal in gold, turmeric, banking or educational activities. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, January will be a challenging month for the self employed ones.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, Saturn in the 6th house can make you feel financially tight. According to the Lal Kitab Astrology for 2014, gains and benefits from the family of spouse are indicated. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 says that the position will improve after July.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, your lever has chances to get infected, due to Jupiter in second house. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 suggests you to drink lots of water and avoid hard drinks. Make sure to drink only filtered water.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, travels will bring good luck. Lal Kitab Astrology 2014 suggests you not to compromise on the quality of travel comforts. As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, getting visa for genuine reasons will not be a problem.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Pour water onto the roots of Neem tree daily.
  2. Tie a red thread around the wrist of right hand.
  3. Don’t buy new leather and iron goods.
  4. Feed a cow with spinach every Wednesday.

Gemini Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Gemini

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Ego is the worst enemy in any relationship. Therefore, Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 suggests you not to let ego spoil your love life. It is always better to lose an argument than to lose a lover. From August onwards, there are bright chances to meet your soul partner. Be patient with the erratic behaviour of your spouse in the initial months of the year.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, the seniors will appreciate you at the workplace. Businessmen should understand each & every term written in the fine prints before signing on the dotted line. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, businessmen should not behave rude with the clients.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 indicates losses from the stock market. Take care of your valuables as Rahu from fifth house can create illusion and you may lose gold and cash. Lal Kitab Astrology 2014 suggests you not to stand as guarantor for anybody.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, taking meat and other non-vegetarian products can affect your children’s health.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

2014 Astrology of Lal Kitab foretells that travel plans will get cancelled on many occasions. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, professional travels or transfers will bring good luck.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Be a pure vegetarian.
  2. Avoid wearing blue and black clothes.
  3. Whenever possible, feed the elephants.
  4. Help and respect the widows.

Cancer Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Cancer

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

With Venus in the seventh, you will have a gala time. As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, unmarried Cancerians have a fair chance to get married in January and February.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 foretells that reputation will increase and business will expand. According to the Lal Kitab Astrology of 2014, promotion is also on the cards. Lal Kitab Astrology for 2014 says that seniors as well as the colleagues will try to exploit you at the workplace. Be assertive!

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Financially, this will not be a bad year. According to the 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, you will get enough money whenever needed.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, your mother’s health is needed to be monitored regularly. For your health, taking homeopathic and Ayurvedic liquid medicines will prove to be beneficial. Of course, you need to consult the concerned qualified medical practitioner before taking such preparations.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 suggests you to avoid travelling unnecessarily. Travel, only if it is very important.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Pour water onto the roots of Peepal tree every Thursday.
  2. Don’t wear green clothes.
  3. Appreciate and love your spouse.
  4. Feed any stray dog daily.

Leo Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Leo

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, love life may take a back seat this year as other priorities will crop up in life. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 suggests you not to lose heart as February and March will be good months to have good time with your lover. Thanks to Jupiter’s position, chances to get married and settled are very high this year.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

In 2014, be careful and deal tactfully with the seniors and the colleagues. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, work conditions and your position will improve in the second half of 2014. Apply for change of job in September and October.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Astrology 2014 suggests you to invest after taking consultation from father or an experienced elderly person only, as there are chances for you to get in the trap of the professional cheaters. As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, you need to be prudent in your expenditures and spend wisely.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, no major issues are seen. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 suggests you to avoid sweets, fatty and creamy food.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Long distance travels mainly pilgrimages are on the cards, according to the Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014. In 2014, professional travelling will yield good results.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Feed three stray dogs daily.
  2. Donate for the last rites of an unclaimed dead body.
  3. Beware of your friends as they might deceive you at the last moment.
  4. Don’t argue with father and the seniors

Virgo Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Virgo

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Virgos by nature are not die hard romantic types in personal life. They prefer to have life partner rather than wasting time chasing the love partner for short span of time. As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, the year starts with a romantic note with bright chances to get married.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Due to Rahu in second house, there will be ups and downs in the career. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab advises you not to take any hasty decision. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, you need to be assertive and professional at work place.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

‘Money saved is money earned’ should be the mantra for this year. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you not to spend on what you can't afford.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

In 2014, problems related to speech, throat, UTI, piles and other related diseases may crop up. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to drink hot water after the meals. You can add cinnamon powder also to boost up your immunity. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, son’s health needs to be monitored.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, travels should be avoided as you may experience troubles during or due to travels.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Go to any temple daily.
  2. Feed a stray dog daily.
  3. Maintain good relations with your blood relatives and friends.
  4. Donate medicines in charitable dispensaries.

Libra Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Libra

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, the year begins with Venus in 4th house. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 says that this placement can ignite romantic passions in you. In 2014, make sure to have good control over your feelings and do not fall into the trap of extra marital or illicit affairs.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, change of job is possible after June. Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 says that this change may not result in more financial gains, but definitely you will like the more reputed company and better designation.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Jupiter in the 9th house ensures that as long as you remain pure vegetarian and devoted to religion, you will be happy with your financial position.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Normally, good health is indicated in 2014. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to take plenty of sunshine in winter to let your body have enough Vitamin D. Also, practice meditation after July for mental peace.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, travels in the first half of the year will be fruitful. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 suggests you to avoid travelling after June.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Don’t promise what you can't deliver.
  2. Donate wheat in any temple.
  3. Avoid wearing blue clothes.
  4. Wear a silver chain around the neck.

Scorpio Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Scorpio

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

In 2014, persons of opposite gender will get attracted toward you. Be careful as this may disturb harmony in your family. According to the 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, you may get bad name also.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, consultants may face rough weather, but builders and people dealing in petroleum, oil, leather and automobiles will be financially benefitted this year.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab says that there are a lot many chances that your money may get blocked in unproductive investments. Lal Kitab Astrology of 2014 suggests you to give loan to friends after due consideration. Let your spouse/trusted partner handle the finance portfolio. As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, unexpected expenditures can spoil your budget.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, stress can take a toll on your health. Practice Yoga and meditation for better mental, physical and emotional health.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, those going abroad to gain knowledge (higher studies) will make the best use of the time, money and efforts invested.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Wear a pure silver bracelet in the wrist of right hand.
  2. Don’t curse or abuse anybody.
  3. Forgive your enemies.
  4. Pray for the welfare of everyone.

Sagittarius Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Sagittarius

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

In 2014, married life may seem to be dull for first three months, but later on you will feel romance back in your life. As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, year end has potential to give good news to many of the eligible bachelors.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 suggests you not to let attraction at workplace spoil your professional attitude. Don’t hesitate to seek help from the colleagues to complete the projects in hand. As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, you can expect growth in your career this year.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Spend, but don’t expect God to send. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to have a close look on your expenditure pattern. May be you need to control some of wasteful expenditures this year.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 advises you to take plenty of fresh vegetables like broccoli and beetroot to have required dose of anti-oxidants. You must drink 4 liters of water everyday to maintain fluids level in the body. Need we say avoid junk food?

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to take care of your travel documents else the plans to travel may be jeopardized. If trying to migrate then the time is on your side after June.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Keep honey in a square shape silver box in the house.
  2. Feed a dog daily.
  3. Read Durga Chalisa after taking bath.
  4. Help and respect your mother and mother like figures.

Capricorn Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Capricorn

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Let the September come and see the bright side of your lover. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 suggests you to have patience and you will thank your stars for the wise decision of giving time to your relationship.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Last year may not be that good, but this year has lots of hopes for you. As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, your career can go to new heights provided you don’t trust any person or any proposal blindly. Remember your past successful projects and be optimistic.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Saturn’s transit will either take you to new financial heights or can disturb your future planning. 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to invest wisely and carefully in new ventures.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, Jupiter’s aspect on the ascendant will help you recover from previous illness, if any. Ascendant Lord aspecting the ascendant from 11th house is another positive sign for good health this year.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, there will be temptation to undertake a very long distance journey; but astrologically speaking, this should be curbed as there would be less gains and more troubles. Your financial, mental and physical health can be affected.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Stay away from alcohol and be pure vegetarian to enjoy good financial and physical health.
  2. Don’t be a mentor to anybody.
  3. Donate bananas in any temple every Thursday.
  4. Don’t keep any photo/toy/statue of tombs, camels and elephants in your house.

Aquarius Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Aquarius

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Love is in the air, love will blossom and love conquers all! This will be your Mantra for the year. Singles as well as the married ones, the Aquarians will have a gala time in 2014. Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 suggests you not to let your passions overtake soft and tender feelings. Be sensitive with your partner.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, Saturn’s transit will be beneficial if your job involves desk job. In 2014, travelling professionals may not get expected results. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 says that the hard work will pay dividends after August.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Astrology 2014, you will experience a balanced sort of year. In 2014, your expenses will not exceed your income. Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014 says that you will buy long cherished household articles and artifacts. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014, gains from investments through blue chip companies of stock market is possible.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab suggests you to take care of your skin. Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 advises you not to let harmful UV rays and stress spoil your beautiful skin. As per Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 suggestions, take care of your digestion in May and June. Don’t let anger spoil your relations. Monitor your BP regularly.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, going with family will be fun this year. In 2014, professional travels should be avoided as far as possible after July.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Apply turmeric paste as Tilakam (mark on forehead) daily.
  2. Maintain harmonious relations with your mother’s and wife’s family.
  3. Students should face East direction while studying.
  4. Don’t wear blue clothes.

Pisces Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 Astrology Predictions

Lal Kitab 2014 Horoscope for Pisces

Love as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, chances of getting estranged relationships resolved are very high this year. In 2014, keep your fingers crossed. 2014 Astrology of Lal Kitab suggests you to use a maroon color pillow cover and see the positive changes in your love life. August and September will see your love life blossom.

Career as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, change of job is on the cards. Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 suggests you to avoid joining companies that deal in electrical/electronics, stock market and telecommunication sector. Joining travels and tours company will be like a dream job.

Finance as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per Lal Kitab Horoscope of 2014, Rahu’s transit may try to indulge you in speculative activities; but for heaven’s sake, curb this temptation to avoid financial losses. Lal Kitab Horoscope for 2014 predicts that the shortage of sufficient finances will pinch you this year.

Health as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014 says that you need to take care of your stress and blood pressure.

Travels as per Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014

As per 2014 Horoscope of Lal Kitab, you must travel this year else you will start feeling low. Travels will cheer you up in 2014. According to the Lal Kitab Horoscope 2014, transfer/migration is also possible.

Lal Kitab Remedies for 2014

  1. Buy some pure silver and keep in your locker.
  2. Don’t take electrical appliances as gift from anybody.
  3. Occasionally donate sweets to laborers.
  4. Go for pilgrimage.

These are general predictions based on the ascendant and Moon sign. We suggest you to take your personal Lal Kitab Varshphal to know the remedies and astro-suggestions that suit you. It helps in avoiding pitfalls and attracting good luck.

If you wish to take a personalized Lal Kitab Horoscope for the year, click here - Personalized Lal Kitab Yearly Horoscope Service

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