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Mangal Dosha & You

Author: Pt. Hanumman Mishra | Last Updated: Tue 1 Oct 2013 3:45:14 PM

Mangal Dosha, Kuja Dosha, Manglik Dosha

Is Mangal Dosha really that harmful for marriage? How can Kuja Dosha be canceled? Who is called a Manglik? Pt. Hanumman Mishra, renowned expert in the field of marriage astrology, answers your questions in this article.

In marriage and match-making discussions, Mangal Dosha seems to be an indispensable part. Even in the ancient astrological texts, the negative effects of Mars in married life is discussed. But some people talk about it in more horrifying manner than it actually is. Let's see under which situations the presence of Mangal Dosha is believed to be prevailing in someone's Kundli.

To know if you have Kuja Dosha / Manglik Dosha in your Kundli, please visit - Mangalik Dosha Calculator.

In the Kundli, presence of Mangal Dosha is believed if the Mars is present in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from the ascendant. Some astrologers consider Mangal Dosha due to presence of Mars in the 2nd house. Astrologers believe that ascendant represents body, Moon represents mind and Venus is the agent of lust and passion. Hence, from ascendant, Moon and Venus, Mangal Dosha is created when Mars is posited in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. Apart from this, before Ascendant, Moon and Venus; indication of Mangal Dosha are visible if Mars is aspecting 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses.

It is true that Mangal Dosha is harmful, troublesome and unlucky. But it is not that dreadful as some of the astrologers say. According to most astrological scriptures, none of the planet is harmful forever. Instead it may give good results if it’s exalted, in Mool Trikon, in its own sign or in any friendly sign, Vargottam, Shadbali under the influence of auspicious planets. Under such conditions, negativity of Mangalik Dosha fades and, some believe, it even vanishes. Therefore, calling Mars dreadful in every condition won't be the right thing. Many rules for the cancellation are known to be prevailing but many of them have failed to prove themselves. There are some arguments about cancellation of Mangal Dosha that do not hold true in every situation, some of these are explained in various astrological texts and some astrologers insist the same too, e.g. Manglik Dosha gets cancelled if Mars is debilitated, retrograde or combust. However, it applies in very limited cases.

To check Kuja Dosha and to know the precise remedies that can be performed in your case to ward it off, you may also like to visit our paid service - Mangalik Dosha Check.

According to the second case, if Mars in 4th or 7th house, is either of Aries or of Cancer sign then Mangal Dosha is cancelled. In my view, presence of Mars in Aries sign is normal but its presence in Cancer sign may cause some serious negative results. Third case says that positioning of Mars with any malefic planet cancels the Mangal Dosha which again according to my experience is not right. As as example, if Mars is present in any Kundli's ascendant or seventh house and also Rahu is there then it can create some serious complications in life.

So in my view, Mars under benefic influence has no negative effects and it helps in reducing the negative traits of Mangal Dosha. Another rule says - to balance the negativity of Mars, malefic planets like Mangal (Mars), Saturn and Rahu should be positioned on the same place in the Kundli of the other person. This rule signifies that relation between two people of similar qualities has no adverse effects on other people.

Denying the existence of Mangal Dosha is not correct, but scaring people by blowing it out of proportion is definitely wrong. The best thing possible is the marriage of one Manglik with the other Manglik. Also, the remedies for Mangal Dosha should be considered.

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