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Marriage Muhurat 2019: Shubh Vivah Muhurat

Author: - | Last Updated: Thu 15 Nov 2018 2:59:48 PM

Marriages or vivah are one of the biggest days or events that happen in the life of any particular individual. And according to our Indian culture, there are a number of different ceremonies or religious events that need to take place before the official wedding of any particular individual can be even considered successful. However, one of the most important things while planning for the wedding is finding the auspicious marriage muhurat. Here are lined some auspicious muhurat for 2019 following which one can get married as per Hindu rituals.

Marriage Muhurat 2019

Auspicious Marriage Muhurat 2019

15 Jan Tuesday Navami In Ashwini Nakshatra 07:15 - 13:56
17 Jan Thursday Ekadashi In Rohini Nakshatra 22:34 - 31:15
18 Jan Friday Dwadashi In Rohini Nakshatra 07: 15 - 12:25
22 Jan Tuesday Dwitiya In Magha Nakshatra 24:20 - 31:14
23 Jan Wednesday Tritiya In Magha Nakshatra 07: 14 - 13:41
25 Jan Friday Panchami In Hasta Nakshatra 16: 25 - 31: 14
26 Jan Saturday Shashti In Hasta Nakshatra 07:13 - 16:19

In Chitra Nakshatra 27:35 - 31:12
27 Jan Sunday Saptami In Chitra Nakshatra 07:12 - 09:28, 11:28 - 14:24
29 Jan Tuesday Navami In Anuradha Nakshatra 15:14 - 27:02
30 Jan Wednesday Dashami In Anuradha Nakshatra 15:38 - 16:40
05 Feb Tuesday Pratipada In Dhanishta Nakshatra 29:15 - 31:07
06 Feb Wednesday Dwitiya In Dhanishta Nakshatra 07:07 - 09:08
08 Feb Friday Tritiya In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 14: 58 - 23:25
09 Feb Saturday Chaturthi In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 12:26 - 17:30

In Revati Nakshatra 17:30 - 31:04
10 Feb Sunday Panchami In Revati Nakshatra 07:04 - 18:49
14 Feb Thursday Navami In Rohini Nakshatra 07:01 - 08:33
19 Feb Tuesday Poornima In Magha Nakshatra 14:12 - 30:56
20 Feb Wednesday Pratipada In Magha Nakshatra 06:56 - 08:00

In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 29:04 - 30:55
21 Feb Thursday Dwitiya In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 06:55 - 23:21
22 Feb Friday Tritiya In Chitra Nakshatra 24:17 - 29:51
3 March Sunday Dwadashi In Shravana Nakshatra 08:59 - 12:29
7 March Thursday Pratipada In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 23:44 - 30:40
8 March Friday Dwitiya In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 06:40 - 23:16

In Revati Nakshatra 23:16 - 30:38
9 March Saturday Tritiya In Revati Nakshatra 06:38 - 21: 39

In Ashwini Nakshatra 26:35 - 30:37
10 March Sunday Chaturthi In Ashwini Nakshatra 06:37 - 15:38
12 March Tuesday Shashti In Rohini Nakshatra 28:53- 29 32
15 April Monday Dashami In Magha Nakshatra 07:23 - 14:39
16 April Tuesday Dwadashi In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 25:50 - 29:54
17 April Wednesday Trayodashi In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 05:54 - 18:31, 22:07 - 23:35

In Hasta Nakshatra 23:35 - 29:53
18 April Thursday Chaturdashi In Hasta Nakshatra 05:53 - 10:29, 15:57 - 19:26
19 April Friday Poornima In Chitra Nakshatra 06:02 - 11:32, 12:44 - 19:29

In Swati Nakshatra 19:29 - 29:51
20 April Saturday Ekadashi In Swati Nakshatra 05:51 - 17:58
22 April Monday Tritiya In Anuradha Nakshatra 11:25 - 16:45
26 April Friday Saptami In Shravana Nakshatra 23:14 - 29:45
27 April Saturday Ashtami In Shravana Nakshatra 05:45 - 26:12

In Dhanishta Nakshatra 26:12 - 29:44
28 April Sunday Navami In Dhanishta Nakshatra 05:44 - 25:42
6 May Monday Dwitiya In Rohini Nakshatra 16:36 - 25:13, 27:37 - 29:36
7 May Tuesday Tritiya In Rohini Nakshatra 05:36 -16:27
12 May Sunday Ashtami In Magha Nakshatra 12:43 - 29:32
13 May Monday Navami In Magha Nakshatra 05:32 - 08:16
16 May Thursday Dwadashi In Hasta Nakshatra 05:30-05:42

In Chitra Nakshatra 05:42-11:55
17 May Friday Trayodashi In Swati Nakshatra 17:36-27:07
18 May Saturday Poornima In Anuradha Nakshatra 26:22-26:41
19 May Sunday Pratipada In Anuradha Nakshatra 05:29-26:07
23 May Thursday Panchami In Uttarashada Nakshatra 05:27-23:48
24 May Friday Shashti In Shravana Nakshatra 11:56-17:19
25 May Saturday Shashti In Shravana Nakshatra 05:26-06:25

In Dhanishta Nakshatra 19:36-20:26
28 May Tuesday Navami In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 18:58-26:30
29 May Wednesday Dashami In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 15:21-21:18

In Revati Nakshatra 21:18 - 28:04
30 May Thursday Ekadashi In Revati Nakshatra 05:24 - 22:15

In Ashwini Nakshatra 23:51 - 29:02
31 May Friday Dwadashi In Ashwini Nakshatra 05:24 - 17:17
8 June Saturday Shashti In Magha Nakshatra 18:10 - 26:55
9 June Sunday Saptami In Magha Nakshatra 05:23 - 14:27, 15:39 - 15:49
10 June Monday Ashtami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 14:21 - 22:24
11 June Tuesday Navami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 05:23 - 08:46
12 June Wednesday Dashami In Hasta Nakshatra 06:06 - 11:51

In Chitra Nakshatra 11:51 - 27:37
16 June Sunday Chaturdashi In Anuradha Nakshatra 05:23 - 10:07
25 June Tuesday Ashtami In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 05:25 - 29:11
27 June Thursday Navami In Revati Nakshatra 06:21 - 06:55

In Ashwini Nakshatra 08:31 - 18:15
28 June Friday Dashami In Ashwini Nakshatra 06:36 - 09:11
6 July Saturday Chaturthi In Magha Nakshatra 16:49 - 21:50
7 July Sunday Panchami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 20:13 - 28:44
8 July Monday Shashti In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 05:30 - 15:26

In Hasta Nakshatra 26:02 - 29:31
9 July Tuesday Ashtami In Hasta Nakshatra 16:25 - 17:15

In Chitra Nakshatra 17:15 - 29:31
10 July Wednesday Navami In Chitra Nakshatra 05:31 - 16:22

In Swati Nakshatra 16:22- 29:31
11 July Thursday Dashami In Swati Nakshatra 05:31 - 15:55
9 Nov Saturday Dwadashi In Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra 06:39 - 10:14, 11:26 - 14:55

In Revati Nakshatra 14:55 - 30:40
10 Nov Sunday Trayodashi In Revati Nakshatra 06:40 - 16:30

In Ashwini Nakshatra 18:06 - 30:41
11 Nov Monday Chaturdashi In Ashwini Nakshatra 06:41 - 10:48
13 Nov Wednesday Pratipada In Rohini Nakshatra 22:00 - 30:43
14 Nov Thursday Dwitiya In Rohini Nakshatra 06:43 - 25:11
19 Nov Tuesday Saptami In Magha Nakshatra 22:10 - 30:48
20 Nov Wednesday Ashtami In Magha Nakshatra 06:48 - 19:17
21 Nov Thursday Navami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 18:29 - 22:17
22 Nov Friday Dashami In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 09:01 - 16:41

In Hasta Nakshatra 16:41 - 30:50
23 Nov Saturday Dwadashi In Hasta Nakshatra 06:50 - 14:44

In Chitra Nakshatra 14:44 - 27:43
28 Nov Thursday Dwitiya In Moola Nakshatra 08:22 - 16:18, 18:18 - 30:55
29 Nov Friday Tritiya In Moola Nakshatra 06:55 - 07:33
30 Nov Saturday Chaturthi In Uttarashada Nakshatra 18:05 - 23:14
1 Dec Sunday Panchami In Shravana Nakshatra 11:29 - 30:57
2 Dec Monday Shashti In Shravana Nakshatra 06: 57 - 11:43

In Dhanishta Nakshatra 11:43 - 13:37, 17:13 - 30:58
3 Dec Tuesday Saptami In Dhanishta Nakshatra 06:58 - 14:16
7 Dec Saturday Ekadashi In Revati Nakshatra 17:03 - 19:35
8 Dec Sunday Ekadashi In Ashwini Nakshatra 08:29 - 17:15
10 Dec Tuesday Trayodashi In Rohini Nakshatra 29:57 - 31:04
11 Dec Wednesday Chaturdashi In Rohini Nakshatra 07:04 - 10:59, 22:54 - 31:04
12 Dec Thursday Poornima In Mrigashira Nakshatra 07:04 - 30:18

Know more about different muhurats in 2019: Muhurat 2019

If you are planning on getting married in a while or picking some kind of date for your wedding then you can also choose to look at our table of the vivah muhurat 2019. This particular table that contains all the information that you need to know about the vivah muhurat for your own wedding or the wedding of some friend or family member is mentioned above.

Calculations of Marriage Muhurat

After going through that entire table, it is quite obvious that you might also want to know about how one can arrive at the various muhurat that can be available for vivah or marriage of any particular individual. And the simple answer to that question is that those dates are calculated after looking carefully at the Panchang. This Panchang contains a number of information like the information about the Yoga, Karana, Tithi, Vaar or the Din, Nakshatra, and many other specific pieces of other information. While calculating the marriage muhurat of any particular individual one should also take into account the exact timing of the birth of the individuals concerned. The birth chart is also another aspect that must be considered while calculating the marriage muhurat 2019 of any individuals concerned.

It is also recommended that if any individual wish to calculate the vivah muhurat, then you should also make it a point to not neglect any particular information on the subject of dosha. The information about all kinds of dosha is also present in the birth chart of any individual. Also as an individual who is determining the best muhurat for your wedding or an auspicious date for a wedding, it is further recommended that you should also try and consider all the various planetary forces. These planetary forces can have a significant amount of effect on the concept of dosha for any individual. And since everybody is aware of the fact that a vivah or a marriage is between two people and not just one individual, hence, it is important for everybody to consider not only the effects of dosha, birth timing, planetary forces, and many other factors for not just one but for both.

Hope you like the article on Marriage Muhurat 2019. All the best!

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