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Match Making - Horoscope Matching

Author: Kavita Srivastava | Last Updated: Mon 21 Nov 2011 12:41:48 PM

match making, horoscope matching, kundli milan, kundali milan

Importance of Match Making

In simplest terms Kundali is a graphical representation of planets at the time of ones’ birth in a specific method developed by ancient yogis. There is a particular manner in which the said representation is to be read. There are 9 Planets namely Sun (su), Moon (Moo), Mars (Ma), Mercury (Me), Jupiter (Ju), Venus (Ve), Saturn (Sa), Rahu (Ra), and Kethu (ke). In the context of a lay man, Kundali Milan mostly is referred to in cases of match making for marriage in India. As a matter of practice, at the time of marriage parents match the horoscopes of bride and groom.

At the thresh hold one must understand as to what is the rationale behind the exercise of match making or "Kundali Milan". The very purpose is to ascertain the traits of the person, his likings and disliking, his aptitude, attitude and future according to the time and place at which the person was born. After studying the horoscope matching report, the experts are able to advise the said individual and offer a set of options regarding what to do, when to do and how to do.

For free Guna Milan and comprehensive horoscope matching report with Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosham analysis, please visit now - Free Match Making.

Different Views on Horoscope Matching

One must note that there are varied opinions on the issue of match making or horoscope matching. A set of people consider this practice as being old and superstitious. They believe that every individuals has its own guna, luck, fate and therefore matching Kundali or going ahead without matching the same hardly makes any difference. It is also said that in mundane life if issues have to arise they certainly will and simply because your horoscopes matched will not ensure that you will have a smooth life without any difficulties and problems. It is just a psychological relief that one gets by indulging in this practice.

There is another set which believe that matrimony is a very important aspect of human life. It is one of the major risks a person will ever take in his or her own individual life. It is for this reason that it is considered sensible to get to know in every possible way about the compatibility of the two people who are about to get married. It is always advisable to know first whether the two persons are compatible or not rather than later wasting your time and energy in getting separated or trying to adjust somehow.

Basics of Match Making (Kundli Milan)

In view of the above, one must note that it is here that horoscope matching comes into play. It is a kind of ritual and practice which is religiously followed in Hindu culture before a marriage is performed. As mentioned above, Kundali refers to the horoscope of an individual. It is believed that Kundali has all the fundamental information of a person and therefore matching horoscopes is the best way to ascertain the issue of personal compatibility.

One must remember that for match making, one needs to know about the date, time and places of birth of both the parties along with its geographic coordinates and time zones which are quite significant in the horoscope matching process. A Kundali is made on these factors. One can verify the values for Kundali matching on the basis of diverse factors.

It is pertinent to mention that Guna Milan is a very significant aspect of match making. As a matter of fact there are a total of thirty six Gunas and out of which if more than 18 tally, the match is considered as a good match. But if the score is below 18 then the marriage is not advisable.

Mangal Dosha - Kuja Dosham

Another crucial aspect in horoscope matching is to know whether a particular person has Manglik Dosha or not. If any of the two has Mangal Dosha or Kuja dosha, the marriage is not advisable since the person with Manglik Dosha has certain attributes which are incompatible with non-Manglik person and it can prove fatal for the married life in the long run. It is said that either both of them should have it or neither of them. If a mismatch occurs then it may lead to a number of misfortunes like diseases, problems in house and even death. Thus, it is imperative to know about Manglik Dosha at the time of Kundali Matching. Though there are various ways to nullify or subside the bad effects of Manglik Dosha but they have their own procedures and issues and therefore it is advisable to consult a good astrologer before match making.

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