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Mercury Transit In Sagittarius (December 14, 2014)

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Tue 23 Dec 2014 4:18:40 PM

Mercury has transited into Sagittarius on December 14, 2014. It will remain there till December 31, 2014. Let’s see what Acharya Raman says about the effects of this transit over us.

Aries : You will be having thoughts to change the job. There will be long travels. There will be some celebrations in the family.

Taurus : Love affairs will suffer setback for some time. There could be some sudden obstacles coming up to disturb you. But, it is all temporary so no need to worry.

Gemini : Personal life will be good in these times, you may befriend natives from opposite sex. Love will be in your mind.

Cancer : There will be sudden expenses. You may fall ill for some time. There could be some investment related expenses also.

Leo : Gains from shares is seen. You will take right decisions. There will be new friends coming to help you. Your consultation will be sought from many.

Virgo : There will be professional gains. You will enjoy the comfort of home and family. You will rise in your workplace.

Libra : Your communication skills will get you some recognition. You will spend on articles of luxury. You will make personal efforts to beat the competition. Travels are also indicated.

Scorpio : Financial gains will be there. You may gain from old policies, shares, etc. There will be professional success.

Sagittarius : Personal life will be good. There will be thoughts of love, music, romance, etc. in your mind in this period. There will be professional success.

Capricorn : Abroad travels are seen. Increase in expenses is also indicated. Your decisions may backfire, so better avoid them for the time.

Aquarius : You will be lethargic, will tend to delay things. You will have good gains from speculation. Your lifestyle will be lavish. You will make more spending than usual.

Pisces : There will be good relations with spouse. His/her work sphere will be good. She/he will get recognition. You may take some wrong decisions also. It is better to avoid major decisions in this time.

Acharya Raman

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