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Mukesh Ambani Horoscope Reading

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Fri 12 Apr 2024 12:44:37 PM

By Suchitra Das

When we speak of Mr. Mukesh Ambani, it does not require any introductory note because he is an iconic of the industrial as well as business world. Everybody knows him for his magnanimous stature. His flagship company Reliance Industries is famous world over for its reputation. People from across the world feel it a proud privilege to associate them with Reliance Group of Industries because of its long lasting reputation. The Reliance Industries is a darling for investors and nobody give even a second thought when getting an appropriate opportunity to invest in the company’s equities. The company has benefited almost cent percent of its long-term investors by taking their investments to a multi-layered increase.

Mr. Mukesh Ambani born on 19th April 1957 at 07-13 PM at Aden, Yemen with Ketu Dasa at birth. Here is his Natal Chart along with Navamsa chart.

The table below shows the strength as well as Nakshtra and Sub lords of the planets.



Nakshtra Lord

Sub Lord

Comments (if any)















Friendly sign





Old age










Old age










Enemy Sign





Friendly Sign





Friendly Sign


Ascendant being of 21.10 degrees, the most effective points (MEPs) of each house of the natal chart span between 16.10 degrees and 26.10 degrees. The only planet Mercury and to some extent Rahu and Ketu (near to the orbs of the MEPs) are capable of influencing the MEPs of the houses through their occupation and aspects. The native born in the 4th quarter of Moola Nakshtra ruled by Ketu and in Shasthi Tithi of Krishna Paksha. The Shasthi Tithi has been defined as Nanda Tithi in Muhurtham Astrology, which is most auspicious, and stands for joyous and happiness. He has born in Adi (Vata) Nadi, which gives susceptibility for bilious prominence. The functional malefics for Libra Ascendant are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu and in this natal chart they are conveniently influencing the MEPs of the vital houses like that of Ascendant and 7th besides 5th & 9th by Rahu as well as 11th and 3rd by Ketu. But, their malefiancé has been modified to a large extent here due to the following reasons.
  • Mercury - In the Nakshtra of Ascendant lord Venus as well as in his own sub, placement in a Kendra (7th house) along with functional benefics Venus and Sun as well as receiving aspect of functional benefic Jupiter. Counting from Moon, the Mercury is in a trikone (5th house) and from his own Mooltrikona sign Virgo, he is in 8th house, which is the best house for Mercury to occupy.
  • Rahu - In the Nakshtra of functional benefic and first rated wealth giving planet Jupiter, in the sub of functional benefic and another wealth giving planet Venus, placement in a best Kendra as well as trikone house (Ascendant) and receiving aspects of functional benefics Venus and Sun.
  • Ketu - In the Nakshtra of functional benefic and Ascendant lord Venus, in the sub of functional benefic Moon, placement in a Kendra in association with functional benefics Venus and Sun, receiving close trine aspect of functional benefic and wealth giving planet Jupiter. There is also exchange of constellation between Ascendant lord Venus and Ketu. Ketu is in association with two trine lords Venus (lord of 1st house trine) and Mercury (lord of 9th house trine) in Kendra (7th house) has assumed the status of Yoga Karaka.
  • 7TH HOUSE - The lord of the Ascendant (Trine and Quadrant lord) in a quadrant in the 7th house (the house for business) along with 9th lord Mercury (the lord of luck and fortune) and exalted 11th lord Sun (the lord of income and gain) being aspected by wealth giving planet Jupiter from 11th house (the house of income and gain) and Rahu (the planet of opulence). Another occupant of the 7th house is Ketu who is giving Yoga Karaka result for being in Kendra associated with trine lords Venus and Mercury. An exceptionally strong planetary combination for success in business. Besides, the Sun (a royal planet) as well as dignified planets likes that of Venus and Mercury conferred the corporate culture in his business.
  • 11TH HOUSE - The lord of the house of income and gain is kingly planet Sun who is exalted in the house of business. Jupiter, the wealth giving planet and natural significator of 11th house is retrograde and posited in the 11th house being aspected by friendly Mars (the lord of the 7th house) and Yoga Karaka Saturn from 2nd house (house of wealth) and Ketu, who has assumed Yoga Kara stature for the position already explained above. However, the occupant of the 11th house Jupiter is weak for being in the state of old age. But, this weakness has been overcome to a large extent due to the extremely high strength of his sign dispositor, receiving aspects from two Yoga Karakas (Saturn and Ketu) as well as he being in the constellation of Sun (exalted) and in the sub of Rahu (a fortified planet in the N/C) coupled with his retrograde motion and occupying powerful sub divisions in all the auspicious divisional charts.
  • 2ND HOUSE - The house of wealth is occupied by Yoga Kara Saturn (retrograde) and is aspected by Mars (7th as well as 2nd lord) and is flanked by his friend Rahu (the planet of opulence in 12th) and Moon (the lord of the 10th house in the Nakshtra of Ketu and in the sub of Saturn) turning her to behave like a friend of Saturn. Rahu is in the constellation of Jupiter moulding him to behave to a large extent as friend of Mars). Thus, the occupant of 2nd house (Saturn) and the lord of the 2nd house (Mars) are flanked in between friendly planets enhancing the significance of the 2nd house (the house of accumulation of wealth and savings) to a sky rocketing level.
  • YOGA KARAKAS - In this natal chart two planets are acting as Yoga Karakas and both are natural malefics viz. Saturn and Ketu. When malefics turn benefics the success is obstacles free. Rahu another natural malefic planet has also turned here to be a benefic. As such, there is no malefic planet in this chart and the path for excelling highs are obstacle free. However, still there is a Rahu – Ketu axis which is running through Ascendant and 7th house (the house for business and partnership) astrologically having the potential to damage the significations of both the vital houses and the planets posited in it in a sudden spurt during the running of unfavourable period and transit. Such a situation calls for guarding from deceptive elements, which may even emerged from close coterie.
  • Rahu and Ketu are occupying their respective houses of exaltations thus shading their malefiancé to a large extent.
  • The planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in the navamsas of natural benefic planets and are thus auspicious and capable of giving benefic result.
  • Moon is in her own Mooltrikona sign in Cancer in a quadrant and is thus extra beneficial conferring the native name, fame, prestige and high position. It is advisable that the native should take the advice of her mother in a squabbling situation.
  • Mars, Mercury and Ketu are in Pushkar Navamsas making the native fortunate, wealthy and splendorous. Moreover, there are exchange of houses between Mars and Mercury taking the Mercury to his sign of exaltation in Virgo and Mars to his own sign Scorpio significantly increasing the strength of Navamsa chart.

The huge and extremely good outstanding deeds of our past life(s) confer the rare opportunity given by the Almighty God to take birth in a royal and wealthy family. Moreover, taking the legacy to higher highs successfully is a most difficult task, which is also only possible due to the Blessings of Almighty God on the basis of extremely good and hugely performed outstanding deeds by the nativity in the past life(s). Hierarchy and legacies are studied from the 8th house of the natal chart and the planetary promises in the D-12 chart. 7th house of a natal chart signify business and 8th house ancestral hierarchy to the descendants. There is an exchange of house between the 8th lord Venus (wealth giving planet and lord of the hierarchy) and 7th lord Mars (aggressive planet and the lord of business in the natal chart). That was what exactly happened with the magnanimous Mukesh Ambani who inherited the businesses and estates of his late father. The 9th house (the house of luck) from 8th house (the house of inheritance) is Capricorn in this Natal Chart, which is the house of immovable property (being the 4th house from the natal ascendant Libra in the instant case) aspected by its significator Saturn with 33 SAV points at the credit of the house contributed by the different planets. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that Mr. Mukesh Ambani has born with the luck and fate to inherit properties from his ancestors and to take the glory to new heights through his own God gifted abilities.
His Dwadasamsha chart, the divisional chart for parents, is also equally fortified with Sun (the natural significator of father) in D-12 Ascendant with Venus, the lord of the hereditary of N/C. The Moon, the natural significator of mother is also strong being in 11th house of the D-12 in the friendly sub division of 7th and 2nd lord Mars of the N/C. Moreover, the Ascendant lord of D-12 is Mercury who is in 8th house (the house of hierarchy and the best house for the placement of business planet Mercury in a chart). The 8th house and planet posited in it denote the nature of inheritance, and in the instant case it is facing Argala (interference) from Ketu and Moon, respectively with Moon facing Virodha Argala (counter interference) from Mars. The 11th house of D-12, which denotes the ways parents help the native, is occupied by Moon having Argala of Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu with Virodha Argala of Mars on Jupiter and Saturn as well as of Rahu on Ketu, respectively. D-12 Ascendant is Gemini, a dual sign and it has Badhakasthan on 7th house falling under sign Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. The Badhakasthan shows the ways relatives try to obstruct the native from gains. Badhakasthan has Argala of Mercury and Mars. Other important features of the D-12 chart are (i) both the Ascendant lords of Natal Chart (Venus) as well as that of D-12 chart (Mercury) are occupying the same house in Natal Chart and thus mutually related, (ii) the 10th lord of the Dwadasamsha is Jupiter who is placed in the 2nd house of D-12. In summing up the result of (i) & (ii) shows that the native is fortunate to have support of parents and heredities the social status and wealth of father. The planetary distribution in D-12 chart in respect of the nativity is as under:
  • Ascendant, Sun, Venus and Ketu are in Ganesh divisions. Lord Ganesh is the beloved son of Lord Shiva and mother Parvati. Ganesh is the lord of wisdom, prosperity and remover of obstacles. He is very learned, intelligent, brave, noble, pious, faithful to parents and lord of common people.
  • Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in Ashwani Kumars divisions. The male twins of Sun God are physicians to the deities. They are wise, young, intelligent, skilled and expert in the science of healing and restoration of health.
  • Rahu and Moon are in Yama divisions. It signifies restraint, self-control, moral values, impartiality, justice, equality, endurance, duty and responsibility.
  • Mercury is in Vasuki division, which denotes love for solitude, cleanliness, power of endurance and satisfaction.

(To be continued)

To consult astrologer Suchitra Das, please click here.

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