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Weekly Numerology Horoscope (18 - 24 October)

Author: Vishw R Nigam | Last Updated: Mon 18 Oct 2010 2:19:37 PM

By Vishwa R Nigam

Lucky Number 1(1, 10, 19, 28)
Family: This week your family will need your help or you will have to serve their demands. So, try to bend to their wishes if you want to avoid conflicts in your family.
Love: This week you will be more inclined towards your professional goals. So, love life will be average.
Career: This week you will find your professional life much busy. This week will also provide you a chance to get success in your career. So, give more emphasis on your career this week.
Finance: Finance will improve in coming time.
Health: Take care of your stomach in second half of the week. otherwise a good week for health.
Lucky Colour- Orange.
Lucky Days- Tuesday, Friday.

Lucky Number 2(2, 11, 20, 29)
Family: You are moon ruled and moon gives you the quality to attract others towards you. So, this week you will enjoy good time with your near ones.
Love: Love life is not looking good. Be carefully while dealing with your loved ones.
Career: This week is showing some intellectual touch in your mood and work. So, those who are in writing field have good week.
Finance: Finance will remain good.
Health: This week is showing improvements in health. So, you will feel better this week.
Lucky Colour- Red.
Lucky Days- Tuesday, Wednesday.

Lucky Number 3(3, 12, 21, 30)
Family: You were feeling over burdened from last few weeks, but this week you will feel easier. So, you will share that time with your family. This week will provide you chances to enjoy with your family.
Love: Love life will also improve this week.
Career: Those who are well settled in their career will enjoy a relaxing time this week but new comers will have to work harder for success.
Finance: Financial conditions are looking good.
Health: Health is looking good.
Lucky Colour- Yellow.
Lucky Days- Thursday, Sunday.

Lucky Number 4(4, 13, 22, 31)
Family: For family life, the week is looking good and you will get support from your family. Try to avoid unnecessary anger. specially in first half of the week.
Love: There can be some misunderstandings in your relationships.
Career: In career this week will give you mixed results and for those who are in service sector this week is good but those who are in risk taking works as money risks will not be successful this week.
Finance: Financial condition will be good but risks should be avoided.
Health: your anger can create some small troubles for you.
Lucky Colour- White.
Lucky Days- Wednesday, Friday.

Lucky Number 5(5, 14, 23)
Family: This week you will feel a fresh energy in you and that will make your family life better.
Love: This week will offer you some great time to spend with your partner and new relationships are also on cards.
Career: Career life will remain as before no major change will happen.
Finance: Financial condition will be strong but you will spend your money in small trips, travels and shopping.
Health: Health is looking good. Some small issues can create some trouble but no big problem can let you down.
Lucky Colour- Golden Brown.
Lucky Days- Tuesday, Saturday.

Lucky Number 6(6, 15, 24)
Family: You are a Venus ruled person and Venus makes you a responsible and happy person and this week also, you will take some responsibilities on your shoulders but most of them will pass smoothly. So, no negative effect will come to your family and family life will remain good.
Love: In love life, don’t get too much emotional as this can create trouble in your relationship.
Career: career is looking stronger this week and you will make career moves that will bring you a much higher income.
Finance: Finances will be stronger.
Health: Due to over strain and work. So, fever and other small problems can create small health problems.
Lucky Colour- Dark Green.
Lucky Days- Thursday, Sunday.

Lucky Number 7(7, 16, 25)
Family: Family Life will remain good.
Love: Love life will not be very good as some unwanted and unnecessary issues will create problems in your relationship.
Career: Career life will be average, This week is mainly good for those who are related to public relation or marketing jobs.
Finance: Financial condition will remain same as before but some sudden losses can affect your financial condition.
Health: Health will good but drive carefully as some small injuries may create health troubles.
Lucky Colour- Brown.
Lucky Days- Tuesday, Wednesday.

Lucky Number 8(8, 17, 26)
Family: Family life will be good but some unwanted persons or guests can create troubles in your family.
Love: Love life is looking good.
Career: This week is showing some unwanted interference of some unwanted people and same thing will happen in your professional field.
Finance: Financial position will not be very good as your money will flow in some unnecessary areas.
Health: Health is average this week.
Lucky Colour- Brick Red.
Lucky Days- Thursday, Sunday.

Lucky Number 9(9, 18, 27)
Family: You are a mars ruled person and you work obediently in work time and enjoy fully in spare time and present week will provide you chances to enjoy with your family.
Love: In love life also, this week aggression can make troubles for you.
Career: This week you will feel a great amount of energy to handle many works in one moment and most of your works will be dedicated to a noble cause.
Finance: Financial condition will improve this week some gifts can make your mood better.
Health: Health will remain sound.
Lucky Colour- Green.
Lucky Days- Monday, Sunday.

To consult astrologer Vishw R Nigam, please click here.

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